Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Big Competition Coming Up - Fire Yourself Up With This Secret Self Help Technique

Do you play sports, engage in competitive debate, or have an extremely competitive job which requires you to win? Where losing is not an option? Well, for some 10-years I competed at the top tier levels of track and field and five-years worth of motorcycle racing and then for some 27-years after that in business, a company I started and franchised in 23-states, 450 cities, 4-nations with over 185 franchisees. Yes, I am a competitive gentleman, I became that way due to survival in sports, competition, politics and business.

If you are as competitive as I and if you really want to win I have a great self-help technique for you. Now you are not going to find this technique in any book, I call it my little secret. It may not work for you, but it works for me. If you ever try to compete with me, you will lose and I will win. Is it because of this technique that I blew your doors off; "Could be!"

However, after a while you get tired of winning all the time, it's the weirdest thing really. So, why not level the playing field and tell folks my secret? Okay, so here it is. Take a dictionary and a piece of lined paper. Draw five vertical lines down the page each one equal distance apart, about one-inch each. Now take out your dictionary and scan the A,B, C and D's.

Write down every high impact word in alphabetical order that you come to, such as:

  • Abate
  • Accelerate
  • Advance
  • Adventure
  • Agility

Go on through the dictionary and then add words often as you hear them, if they are not on your list. Each time re-writing the entire list and placing the new word in the same alphabetical order. Read this list while shaving, brushing your teeth and on your big competition day, read it out loud looking in the mirror into your eyes and then shake your fist in your mirror; "I will not be defeated, I will win!"

Don't laugh, until you've competed at my level, you won't understand. Do it and win, it works. If I can do it, anyone can!

"Lance Winslow" - Lance Winslow's Bio. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; http://www.WorldThinkTank.net/.

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