Sunday, March 22, 2009

Opportunity Knocks

Does opportunity knock or are we receptive to the opportunities which have been there, but we did not consciously connect with them before.

Staying connected to opportunities is the practice of combining habit creation (a consistent and persistent set of actions towards a goal or desire) and the Law of Attraction (giving your attention, energy, and focus to your desire) to manifest anything you want. When you create a focus of seeing opportunities and allowing the principles of the Law of Attraction to guide your way, it makes it nearly impossible to not get exactly what you want.

Sometimes we focus our thoughts on what we dont like in our life or what we dont want; this simply creates more of the same results. If you understand how important it is to consciously choose the thoughts you hold each day; to keep your thoughts and actions focused on what you really want to attract into your life; you will. It is all up to you. For a long time people have weighed evidence, analyzed and taken measurements to answer the question, What do I want? It is now clear that this was the wrong question. The right question is, What thoughts will create what I want?" Take charge of your thoughts, and youll take charge of your life. Opportunity is present at all timesit is contained in The Law of Abundance and the Law of Attraction.

When we feel successful we are more likely to take calculated risks, which promise abundant rewardsalbeit they also carry the potential for failure. Your goals are part of your ongoing journey of self-discovery rather than an endpoint. Thus, when you feel successful you are more likely to see the possibilities versus focusing on the impossibilities.

When you are comfortable extending yourself beyond the borders of your limited comfort zones in order to explore new regions of accomplishment, the resultant endeavors may not be successful, but the open-mindedness you cultivate within yourself will ensure you stay focused on what you desire to achieve. Staying focused ensures you will take advantage of the opportunities when you recognize them. Furthermore, by staying focused you invite opportunity into your life when you recognize that the scope of your potential is limited only by your level of self-belief.

Opportunity is knocking every minuteWhat are you doing with yours?

Dorothy M. Neddermeyer, PhD, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist, Author, "101 Great Ways To Improve Your Life." Dr. Dorothy has the unique gift of connecting people with a broad range of profound principles that resonate in the deepest part of their being. She brings awareness to concepts not typically obvious to one's daily thoughts and feelings.

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