Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Your Most Valuable Asset

The most valuable asset anyone has is time. Most people believe their most valuable asset is money, but this is not true. If you run out of money there are ways to get more of it, but if you run out of time you cannot get more time. We have very little time and once its gone, it is gone forever.

Your ability to achieve health, happiness, and success all depends on how you spend your time. To manage your time well you must learn to use your minutes and hours more effectively. In other words you must be able to get the maximum quantity and quality from all the things you do in exchange for the time you invest.

Time management includes planning, scheduling, using a calendar, a to do list, a day planner or organizer, controlling interruptions, the phone, email, other people intrusions, being able to say no, staying focused, setting goals and making plans to reach them.

Managing your time begins with you making a list of your goals in order of priority. For your goals to be effective they must always be writ10F0ten down and on a list. You then organize each day around your list of goals. Your list should be organized by listing the things that are of high priority at the top and going down to those of less priority.

Your time is a constant trade off. If you do something new, you will have to stop doing something old. In order to get into another project you will have to get out of a current project. In order to pick something up, you will have to put something down. This is why it is very important that before you make a new commitment of your time, you must clearly decide what activities you are going to discontinue. For example, if you want to spend more time with your family, you must decide what current activities are preventing you from doing so now and discontinue them.

One of the key principles of time management is that work time pushes out personal time. This means that the time you spend working will push out the time you spend with your family. So if you want to spend more time with your family you need to concentrate on working when you are at work so that you can concentrate on your family when you are at home.

Managing your work time better begins with having everything at hand before you begin. Make sure your desk or workspace is clear so that you only have one task in front of you. If you have to, put everything on the floor or on the table behind you. Gather all the information, reports, details, papers, and work materials that you need to complete the job. Be sure that you have all your writing materials, computer disks, access codes, email addresses, and everything else you need to start and continue working until the job is done.

You should always set up your work area so that it is comfortable, attractive, and conducive to working for long periods. Especially make sure that you have a comfortable chair that supports your back and allows your feet to sit flat on the floor. The cleaner and neater your work area is before you begin, the easier it will be for you to get started and keep going.

When you sit down, with everything in front of you ready to go, assume the body language of high performance. Sit up straight, sit forward and away from the chair. Then, pick up the first item and say to yourself, Lets get to work! and plunge in. If you want to manage your work time better you must have the mindset that once youve started, you dont stop until the job is finished.

Everything you do that requires your time represents a choice. The choice is yours. Do you use your time wisely or not? However you choose to use your time always remember, the time once used is gone forever. Your choices as to how you use your time will determine in large part your quality of life today and in the future.

When your desk or office is clean and organized you will feel effective and ready to get going every time you sit down to work. When you manage your work time effectively then you can make quality time for your family and personal life. Once you learn to manage you work and personal time well it will open up a whole new world of happiness, success and prosperity.

Copyright2006 by Joe Love and JLM and Associates, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide.

Joe Love draws on his 25 years of experience helping both individuals and companies build their businesses, increase profits, and achieve total success. He is the founder and CEO of JLM & Associates, a consulting and training organization, specializing in personal and business development. Through his seminars and lectures, Joe Love addresses thousands of men and women each year, including the executives and staffs of many businesses around the world, on the subjects of leadership, achievement, goals, strategic business planning, and marketing. Joe is the author of three books, Starting Your Own Business, Finding Your Purpose In Life, and The Guerrilla Marketing Workbook.

Reach Joe at:

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Tuesday, April 29, 2008

What's Your Ideal Story?

Several years ago, I belonged to a photography club. New members joined frequently, which allowed members the chance to gain fresh, creative ideas. As you might expect, one of the questions I often heard in first conversations was: "What kind of work do you do?"

One evening, I began chatting with a new attendee at one of our meetings. I was surprised when instead of the usual, "What do you do?", the person pleasantly said, "So, tell me your story!"

If someone said to you, "Tell me your story!", would your story brim with enthusiasma story written to your liking? Or would it sound like an uneventful routine written by someone elsea tiresome treadmill that leaves you hungry to experience the real you?

If we don't write our own life stories, someone else will write them for us. If we don't live from our own values, we might end up living from someone else's values. If we aren't busy fulfilling our own goals and dreams, we might be fulfilling someone else's goals and dreams.

Perhaps you already have an exciting story to tell. If not...

Ask yourself these questions:

What stops me from living my own meaningful story?

If I were to live my ideal story, what would it sound like if I told it?

What emotions would my story ignite?

What would it take for me to start creating that story?

What will be the opening sentence?

Many people begin writing their ideal life story, but then they live in the introduction all their lives. Our life stories need to be enticing page-turners that are hard to put down. We have to get past the introduction and into the exhilarating part where the plot thickens and the suspense builds. Then we can enjoy the mysteries, victories, and adventure.


So what's your ideal story? The plot will begin in your own imaginationa compelling tale of faith in action that will guide you to a most extraordinary conclusion!

Copyright 2006 by Steve Brunkhorst. Steve is a professional life success coach, motivational author, and the editor of Achieve! 60-Second Nuggets of Inspiration, a popular mini-zine bringing great stories, motivational nuggets, and inspiring thoughts to help you achieve more in your career and personal life. Get the next issue by visiting

lWhat Do You Believe In Today
Ideas For Your Life

What's So Simple That It's Nearly Impossible?

Self improvement in and of itself is a fairly easy to understand concept. You have one or more areas of your life that you are not happy with, so you decide to take steps to improve those areas.

For some people it is as simple as something like just taking more time for themselves each day, but for most people it is something more extreme such as long-term weight loss, financial freedom, relationship success, etc.

However, as simple as it is to say that you want to improve some area of your life, when it comes to actually implementing the necessary changes, things tend to get more complicated, especially with regard to something like financial or relationship success.

A goal such as losing weight is easy at least on paper. Eat right and exercise. How do you fix financial burdens, though? How do you bring your dream mate into your life?

The answer to the riddle about the self improvement ta15CCsk that is so simple that its nearly impossible is whatever task it is that you want the most!

If you have a burning desire for something in your life, whether it be money, health, fulfilling relationships, or anything else, that burning desire is there because you dont already have that thing.

Did you ever stop to ask yourself why it is that the things that you want most in the world are the things that you have the most trouble actually getting your hands on?

Whether it be via the actions that you take or the actions that you dont take there is a serious disconnect between your desires and what you actually have in your life.

The good news, which is also the simple part of this equation, is that YOU are the disconnect. You are your own worst enemy when it comes to manifesting the things that you want into your life.

It may not seem that way from your point of view, because you are probably working very hard towards getting the things that you want. You may have a job that you are excelling at in order to move up, you might put everything that you have into your relationships, and you may save every dime that you can in order to get ahead financially.

However, when it comes down to it, although taking action is a critical component to success, it is your mental state of mind, not just your actions, that sets the stage for your success.

There are any number of belief systems that can affect whether or not you attain your goals. Whether you believe in the Law of Attraction, positive thinking, a high work ethic, strong morals, or even if you just have a high level of self-confidence, your success always and only depends on you.

Thus, you yourself become the very solution to attaining the impossible success that has been escaping you up to this point in your life.

Your own attitude and belief system is what powers your success or lack thereof. The trick to the whole process, however, is that most people think they are on the right track mentally, when in all actuality they are headed in the wrong direction because of their focus.

People who have consistently wanted yet failed to attain their health and weight loss goals continue to get the same results because they are focusing on something negative bad health or excess weight.

What you focus on grows, so if you think about the fact that you are overweight or have poor health, then you will continue to be overweight and have poor health. To make matters worse, since a lot of that process is done behind the scenes in your subconscious mind, you probably dont even realize that you continue to reinforce the very self-limiting beliefs that are keeping you from success.

That same concept applies to financial gains, relationship success, career growth, and any other area of your life that you feel needs improvement. By continuing to focus on what you dont want, all you are doing is continuing to attract the things that you dont want into your life.

The solution to this issue is very simple, however. All you need to do is focus on the opposite of what you dont want. Whenever you think about the things that you want, just think about having them, instead of NOT having them.

Dont think about losing weight, but rather think about how great you already look since you are at your goal weight. Always think in the NOW, as if it has already happened.

Dont think about how broke you are, but rather think about all of the things that you are spending money on. Go window shopping in your mind, and out in the real world, but again, in the NOW.

Dont think about how lonely or upset you are because of your relationship status. Think about how happy and content you are with your family and your dream mate. And it is all happening NOW.

Its crucial to remember to focus on the things that you want as if you already have them. If you think about your success as being in the future, then it will always stay in the future!

Simplify the impossible. Start thinking and acting like you have already succeeded, and before long, it wont be an act anymore.

Aaron Potts is the founder of the Today is that Day Success Community, and the author of Energy Harmonics, which teaches about self improvement, vibratory alignment, and the Law of Attraction. Visit his site to learn about Energy Harmonics and to get his free newsletter, or visit his blog at

More Than Just Garbage Here
Home Improvement Guide and Information

The Law of Attraction - Using The Law of Attraction

You too can learn how to use the Law of Attraction to create whatever you want in life - be it money, love or happiness - and generate abundance. It does not matter how young or old you are. This law works for those you daily apply it in all areas of their life. Here are the basic principles behind the law.

    1. Like Attracts Like: Think about this who do you want to associate with, a happy person or a whiner? Who do you think has more friends, money, fun, luck and is happier?

    2. The Universe is Unlimited: There is no limit to the resources/riches of the universe.

    3. All things begin with a thought- an idea. From the first wheel to the internet. It all startedwith a thought.

    4. Thoughts are powerful things: As a person thinks so he becomes.

    5. There is a force an intelligent invisible energy: A thou16A2ght impressed upon this force willproduces the thing that is imagined.

    6. The Universe/Creator is ready to respond to our thoughts.

The above is a short summary of the key components behind the Law of Attraction. Over the years many books have been written about the law and how to use it. Probably the best is "The Science of Getting Rich" by Wallace Wattles. Written in 1910 this little book concisely in clear easy to understand language explains how a person can apply the above principles and change their life. If you make only one resolution this year promise yourself to read this book and master The secret behind the Law of Attraction.

For a Free copy of The Science of Getting Rich go to To learn more about Coach Pete and receive a free newsletter go to

Creative Memory Tricks
Can You See Your Dream

Monday, April 28, 2008

Everything Starts With a Thought

We create in a variety of ways but the basic process of creation is a three-step formula. We create by thought, word, and deed.

The Creation Equation: Thought

Thought. Everything starts with a thought. Let's examine this powerful phenomenon that is pervasive in our lives and sets the table for the smorgasbord of things we can pick from to create the life of our intentions.

Everything starts with a thought:

We have thoughts running through our heads all the time. Most of the time we do not think about them too much because we are used to them, and they are like background noise in the day-to-day world that we live in.

We are bombarded with noise constantly as we move throughout our day. Our heads are filled with the sounds of music from the radio, or the incessant dialogue on the television. We receive constant messages about everything from how many people were killed senselessly in the world today, to which team is better at football, to canned laughter about some tired sitcom joke, to which potato chip to eat with the next newest diet, low-cal, low-fat, low-sodium, decaffeinated, high-calcium, sugB15arless soda pop we are supposed to drink.

We talk to a variety of people throughout the day and receive a huge volume of incoming messages that we process and filter to glean out the information that we need. As we take the information from outside stimuli, we also process information internally to use in our decision-making process, and then develop and systematize our thoughts into speech patterns to verbalize them. We listen, we process, and we talk, all through this concept of thought.

We understand that we have thoughts all the time. This concept becomes apparent when we sit calmly and try to quiet our thoughts, as we do when we meditate. Sometimes it takes a long time for your thoughts to quiet down and not pop into your head in random-fire order. You actually have to train your mind to quiet your thoughts in order to reach a truly quiet and tranquil place where you do not have this constant barrage of thought.

Thoughts come to us because that is the nature of the universe and the creative process and thank God for that. We need our thoughts to tell us about our environment so that we can be aware of the things that influence our lives and allow us to decide which thoughts we wish to pursue.

Every thought we have is creative but we don't create every thought we have into our reality. However every thing that shows up in our reality started out as a thought. Not just your personal reality but also the collective reality of the universe. You had a hand in how life on planet earth is being played out with the very thoughts you are thinking.

Yes, that is how powerful you really are. Your thoughts not only are the catalyst for every experience in your life but when you feel strongly about social issues those thoughts form with other similar thoughts and society as a whole is created with your input.

You are the center of the universe and everything in your universe started with a thought. Your thought.

Richard Blackstone is an award winning author and international speaker on Love, Oneness & Creation. Journey into discovery of Self by reading this FREE report; "The 3 Simple Immutable Laws of the Universe" at:


Sunday, April 27, 2008

Collaboration Is The Secret To Making It Happen

Writers and illustrators can find themselves isolated, especially when they get engrossed in a project that wont go away until they've seen it through. Sometimes however, no matter how brilliant the idea is, both writers and artists lose focus and give up, because it all becomes too hard. That's the time to find like minded people to offer encouragement and perspective AND, if you're up for it, a spot of collaboration.

Find the right person to put words to your illustrations, or illustrations to your words, and the whole idea springs to life once again. Phrases stick in your mind sometimes. I read this one 16 years ago when I started a Backpackers Hostel in Albany, and I stuck it on the wall in reception where, the last time I looked, it still is, although I'm long gone.

It could be the definition of many things. Character, success, life, relationships. Apply it to whatever feels right. I am applying it in this instance to creating brilliant children's books, and making them available to all children, wherever they are in the world: 'THE ABILITY TO SEE THROUGH AN IDEA LONG AFTER THE ENTHUSIASM IN WHICH IT WAS CONCEIVED HAS PASSED.'

If you have an idea for a story or book that has been going back and forth through your head for years, but haven't done anything with it, go back to it. Don't let it go. Share it with someone you trust and enroll them into the possibility of seeing it through.

Life is not a rehearsal for something else. This is it.

Robert Daniel is a children's author, who tours schools around the world doing the work he loves as a creative writing, memory and self-esteem presenter. He lives in Albany, Western Australia with his wife Paula and two teenage children Gareth and Sian.

Visit Robert, or Danny as he's known, at: for details on how to book his show, to download free children's books or buy A Tale's Tale by Robert Daniel and English illustrator Elizabeth Stringer.

Danny works with Dave McCleery and John Arnott, two superb artists, cartoonists and illustrators. Visit them in their online studi10C1os at: and

Our minds shape our surroundings

Seduce The Woman Of Your Dreams Online!

It is now possible for you to seduce women online because you can meet and attract women through the internet by means of online dating. A popular women's magazine conducted a survey and it was found that more than 4/5th of the American women have tried dating online. You can now meet your dream woman though the internet. At present, an increasing number of women are going online to meet men.

Women who are hot are bound to get a lot of attention from men not only offline but also online. Likewise, they receive plenty of emails from men everyday. So if you want to attract the attention of a woman, you will have to outshine all the other men.

You can follow two very easy steps of seducing women. The first step is to make the woman reply to you. The second step is to move from emails to a real date.

How to make the women respond to you online?

It is natural for a woman to ask you for your photo when they two of you are emailing one another. If you want to get a response from her then you have to get a photo with a remarkable backdrop or photos that were taken while you were engaged in an exciting activity. For instance, you can send pictures where you were jumping off a place, roller blading or skiing.

What is important here is to make the woman believe that you live an active and healthy life! The reason for this is that she would believe that she would also have the same fun and excitement when she is with you.

Moving from emailing to actual dating

This is what is most important of all. It is a common practice to ask a woman out on a date if you have emailed her three to five times. If you ask her out on a date before that then it would make you look desperate and things would not go as you have planned.

While you are asking the woman on a date, do not simple ask her out for a coffee. You can, instead, tell her that you would be going on your weekly rock climbing and then you can ask her if she would be interested to join you. It would be even better if your first date is related to the activity that you were engaged in when you took the picture that you sent her. This would increase her excitement and she would be dying to go on a date with you.

To conclude, I would like to add that all the women whom you meet on the internet are present there because they want to meet men. So, there is no need for you to think or guess what her intentions are. I would definitely say that the ball is in your court and you should take the necessary actions to get the kind of outcome that you want. If you follow these two steps then you are on your way to taking your love life or dating life in to a new level.

Rich J Carter is an Expert Pickup Artist who show Men on how to Approach, Attract, Seduce and Date Any Women that you want and skyrocket your Sex Life. Download your FREE Exclusive Copy Of "The Art Of PickUp Any Women You Want And Have Them Beg You to Date And Sleep With" Report by visiting


Law of Attraction - Biggest Mistake Number 3

Most people have no clue that there is a specific state in which their mind needs to be in order to attract the things they want. It is not enough to repeat mindless affirmations. The attraction process requires that you enter into a specific state of mind.

Have you ever wondered why all the tools and techniques have failed you so miserably? If your desire is to attract the sort of money that you need to do the things that you want, they you must know the calm to become still to change your thoughts in order for them to be effective.

Every single one of us has a set specific amount of energy. That energy is being used to run the various, automatic function in our body. That supply of energy is also taken up by our constant thoughts so it's no wonder we have very lit5B4tle energy left over to center the mind in order to give more energy to what we want.

That is by far one of the most vital. There are 3 very effective results when the mind is at the right frequency.

1) The first benefit is that at the right mental frequency you can have a greater over all influence of what you want to attract.

2) The second benefit is that you can gain faster results with what you want to bring into your life. Imagine there are people who can time and time again attract large amounts of money into their lives without having to spend year and years working hard. They are able to do this because they know specific techniques that work but they also know the power of getting into that correct state of mental frequency.

3) The third benefit to having the right mental frequency is that you can gain quick confidence that you are in control of your reality and you can mold and shape things anyway you like.

What would you like to attract into your life if you had all the right techniques? How would you feel right now if you could attract what you want and actually have it now?

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Joan Borysenko

The Power Behind The Law Of Attraction

Dare to think unthinkable thoughts. Develop an infinite capacity to ignore what others think can't be done. Life is too short to think small. You only becomes a winner if you are willing to walk over the edge. Take the lids off Go out on a limb.... that's where the fruit is! The law of attraction is important in everyday life, when you think big you attract big things when you think small you attract small things.

Our business in life is not to get ahead of othe53Crs, but to get ahead of ourselves to break our own records to outstrip our yesterday by today, to do our work with more force than ever before. If you want to know who is responsible for most of your troubles, take a look at the mirror .If you could kick the person responsible for most of your problems, you wouldn't be able to sit down for three weeks, It's time to stay out of our own way. Our best friends and our worst enemies are the thoughts we have about ourselves. As a man thinks, so he is. Do not build up obstacles in your imagination.

Your future depends on many things, but mostly on you. You may succeed if nobody else believes in you, but you will never succeed if you don't believe in yourself. What you picture in your mind, your mind will go to work to accomplish. When you change your pictures you will automatically change your performance.

Most people could do more than they think they can, but they usually do less than they think they can. You never know what you cannot do until you try. Moderation is a fatal thing. Nothing succeeds like excess. If you want to see if you can really swim, don't frustrate yourself with shallow water. Never tell a young person that something cannot be done. God may have been waiting for centuries for somebody ignorant enough of the impossible to do that thing. 531You will find that great leaders are rarely realistic by other people standards. There is no thrills in easy sailing when skies are clear and blue, There is no joy in merely doing things which any man can do. But there is some satisfaction that is mighty sweet to take, When you reach a destination that you thought you would never make.

To subscribe to a 5days e-course on the power behind the law of attraction

Send an email to

Learn from a 5day $47 valued e-course, that shows you how to use your thought to attract anything you want in your life. To subscribe, email to

Ted Andrews
Michael Berg

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Attraction Marketing - Get Your Customers To Come To You

Those who are into any type of MLM program know just how important marketing is for any type of success. The trouble is that most people don't know how to market successfully.

After spending thousands of dollars, not to mention hours, they give up because they are putting out more than what they are getting back. It's time to stop doing what doesn't work and start looking into what does work -- attraction marketing works.

Forget spending all your time and extra money trying to find new clients. With attraction marketing you attract qualified leads to you business.

That's right; they come to you instead of you going to them. Doesn't that seem like an easier way to build your own network? The days are gone when you have to try to persuade your friends and family to join your network.

Attraction marketing can help you build your own network with people that want to succeed as much as you do. Why? Because with attraction marketing there is no pressure put on them to join or buy.

You simply supply them with valuable, relevant information. This lays the foundation and identifies you as leader. There is no pouncing on prospects with marketing like in the past.


By changing the way you market, you will see the change in your network. A few years ago you may have only had two successful joins out of 10 prospects. Attraction marketing has changed all that. Now talk to 10 people and you will have 8 join.

These are much better numbers. The reason for this change is because attraction marketing doesn't waste your time talking to uninterested prospects; you will only be talking to those who have an interest in joining. Remember, your prospects come to you now. Building your network just got easier.

Implement a system so that your prospects can get to know and trust you. Give them the ability to contact you when they are ready. If you do this, you will have eliminated all the man hours you previously wasted trying to deal with people without the desire or interest to join your network. Attraction marketing gives you the tools to deal with those who are now well informed about your business and ready to move forward with the next step, and that is joining your network.

Some network marketers look at the Internet with skepticism. They are "old school" and still believe in one-on-one, eye-to-eye marketing. However, the Internet is fast becoming the most popular medium for network marketing, whether the old school marketers like it or not.

The Internet allows users to research almost every detail of any company world wide: this also means that network marketers have the ability to5B4 reach prospects world wide.

In order to be successful at attraction marketing you need to familiarize yourself with a few attraction marketing techniques.

The first thing is to learn about the marketing tools that are available to you on the Internet. This will help you learn how to successfully promote your business. There are many marketing strategies that work -- and there are just as many that don't. It is vitally important for you to research each one so you don't end up wasting your time.

Set yourself up with a blog, complete with all the interesting and valuable information about your business so that you can begin to build your own network. Prospects may not join your business but the seed has been planted. It will take more than visiting your website one time in order to make a decision.

Advertise, advertise, advertise. Use articles and traffic exchanges to help promote your website. The more your website is visible the more you will be looked at as a network marketing leader. The more links you have online, the more prospects you will attract to your website. You want them to come to you, so get your name out there.

Attraction marketing is all about providing valuable information to your prospects, and remember, the more helpful and valuable your information is the greater the chance those prospects will join your company. It will take time and determination on your part, but by using the power o440f attraction marketing you will begin to build your own network.

From waiting tables to millionaire at 29, Mike Dillard, is a professional marketer who has taught over 100,000 entrepreneurs from around the world how to tap into the power of his attraction marketing techniques. Sign up for his free on-line boot camp at:

The Power Behind The Law Of Attraction

Dare to think unthinkable thoughts. Develop an infinite capacity to ignore what others think can't be done. Life is too short to think small. You only becomes a winner if you are willing to walk over the edge. Take the lids off Go out on a limb.... that's where the fruit is! The law of attraction is important in everyday life, when you think big you attract big things when you think small you attract small things.

Our business in life is not to get ahead of othe53Crs, but to get ahead of ourselves to break our own records to outstrip our yesterday by today, to do our work with more force than ever before. If you want to know who is responsible for most of your troubles, take a look at the mirror .If you could kick the person responsible for most of your problems, you wouldn't be able to sit down for three weeks, It's time to stay out of our own way. Our best friends and our worst enemies are the thoughts we have about ourselves. As a man thinks, so he is. Do not build up obstacles in your imagination.

Your future depends on many things, but mostly on you. You may succeed if nobody else believes in you, but you will never succeed if you don't believe in yourself. What you picture in your mind, your mind will go to work to accomplish. When you change your pictures you will automatically change your performance.

Most people could do more than they think they can, but they usually do less than they think they can. You never know what you cannot do until you try. Moderation is a fatal thing. Nothing succeeds like excess. If you want to see if you can really swim, don't frustrate yourself with shallow water. Never tell a young person that something cannot be done. God may have been waiting for centuries for somebody ignorant enough of the impossible to do that thing. 531You will find that great leaders are rarely realistic by other people standards. There is no thrills in easy sailing when skies are clear and blue, There is no joy in merely doing things which any man can do. But there is some satisfaction that is mighty sweet to take, When you reach a destination that you thought you would never make.

To subscribe to a 5days e-course on the power behind the law of attraction

Send an email to

Learn from a 5day $47 valued e-course, that shows you how to use your thought to attract anything you want in your life. To subscribe, email to

The Law of Attraction - Rule #1

Rule # 1

Abide in God

This article is a follow up on previous published articles. I strongly advice you to first read the previous articles in the series before reading this one.

All lasting change starts from the inside out. All lasting relationships with things flow out of a powerful and effective relationship with yourself. As you build a stronger and stronger relationship with yourself, you become more confident and bolder in what you ask for and the plans you make. Unless your relationship with yourself is built on principles, you will always doubt what you plan and what you have asked for.

Its easy to know how well you have discovered and developed certain principles in your life; just ask yourself how confident you are when you plan things and when you ask from God?

Now, if you look at a vine with its branches, grapes can only be produced by the branches if it is engrafted into the vine. The vine acts as the source of nutrition for the branches to produce grapes. Similarly God is the source of principles in our lives and only if we abide in God can we develop and manifest these principles in our lives (Joh 15:5).

As we abide in Him, there is a stream of transformation that flows from Him to us. It is in this action of transformation that we get to know His perfect and pleasing will (Rom 12:2). Our power to ask and to receive lies in the surety and clarity to know our purpose according to God's will. As we get to know His will, boldness and confidence starts to develop in us and it is exactly this boldness and confidence that empowers us not to feel condemned when we ask or desire something (Rom 8:11).

Therefore, all lasting5B4 change starts from the inside out; from principles that are developed within us first. In other words, for the Law of Attraction to serve you in a positive way, principles need to form the foundation of it. This process of development can be summarized in 5 points:

  • As you abide in God, you tap into the source of principles (Joh 15:5).
  • As you tap into this source, you are transformed (Rom 12:2)
  • As you are transformed, you get to know Hi perfect and pleasing will (Rom 12:2).
  • As you know his perfect will, you fell less condemned (Rom 8:1)
  • This allows you to ask with boldness and surety.

Any building can stand without a solid foundation, but any sort of disturbance from the outside causes it to collapse. The truth is that we can use the Law of Attraction without any foundation, and have it to serve us in a positive way, but we must realize and except that the effects of it will only be short term and when any disturbance from the outside comes, everything we hold on to will collapse. Imagine a life built on solid principles that flow from the Ultimate Source...

Subscribe to the Geared for Life monthly newsletter and becom3BAe geared for the rest of your life by means of revolutionary, life changing, transformational challenging content.

Steyn Viljoen
Professional Certified Coach
Cog Coaching


Attract What You Want - The 10 Things That Determine What You Get in Life

Some people would like us to believe that it only takes one thing to get what we want. The truth is, it takes a number of things to get what you want in life. Here are the ten things that will always determine what you get.

1. You get what you desire. You get in life what you desire and not merely what you want. Wanting something is not enough. You have to raise up the intensity from want to DESIRE. When you desire something you will do whatever it takes to get it. When you want something you would like to have it but, when it comes down to the nitty-gritty of life, it just doesn't give you the edge to keep on keeping on when things get tough.

2. You get what you focus on. What ever you focus on with the greatest amount of intensity is what you will manifest. Whatever you focus on enlarges. What's sad is that most people are ever focusing on things they don't want instead of things they do want. But the truth is, you will always get what you focus on.

3. You get what you believe. You will always achieve and manifest according to your beliefs. If you believe you can't or believe you can you're right. Your beliefs5B4 will determine whether you do or don't.

4. You get what you expect. What you expect will greatly determine what you get. If you expect to fail, you greatly increase the odds that you will fail. If you expect to succeed, you will greatly increase the odds of success. Your expectations will affect your results.

5. You get what choose. Decision determines destiny! Most people think that circumstances determine their destiny. But it's not circumstances that determine destiny it's your choices.

6. You get what you think. The thoughts you most consistently think will determine what you get. If you're ever thinking lack and scarcity, this will be your experience. If you're ever thinking abundance and success, this will be your experience. The old Biblical Proverb has proven true for thousands of years, "For as a man thinks so is he."

7. You get what you know. What you know the most about is what you get. If you know health you will be healthy. If you know wealth you will attract wealth. What you know is what you get.

8. You get what you feel. Your feelings and emotions are magnets that are ever attracting like resources, people and opportunities. If you're ever feeling angry, fearful and unconfident, you will attract the like. If you're ever feeling confident, happy and passionate, you will attract the like.

9. You get what you see. The world belongs to the visionaries. Visionaries are people who see the po575ssibilities. They see opportunities in every challenge and solutions in every problem. Flip Wilson, the comedian was right, "What you see is what you get."

10. You get what you do. What you do is what you get. After the desire, belief, feelings, and vision comes action. The treasures belong to those who take action. The doers, movers and shakers get the prize.

When it comes to getting what you desire there are ten keys that, when discovered, developed and deployed, will open the doors to your dreams.

To Your Success,

Frank Bolella

Learn the principles that when discovered will transform your life!

I will show you how to develop a strategy to get whatever you want!

Learn the same success system that allows me to have days where I make as much as $188,000 in less than 6 hours!

I invite you to take advantage of my E-Coaching program and let me help coach you to success. Get your coaching course here


Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Having a Plan B

The Laws of Attraction and

If you want one year of prosperity, grow seeds. If you want ten years of prosperity, grow trees. If you want a lifetime of prosperity, grow your self-worth.
- Chinese proverb

The Laws of Attraction and self worth are all about what you are able to do and how you go about doing it. Every single person has an agenda and if they tell you otherwise see of their nose is getting longer. Having an open agenda is the best way for your direction to flow towards the areas you intend them to. Developing self worth is as rewarding as giving money to charity and the best part of it is you are giving from the heart of yourself to yourself without being consciously aware of it. That is when you are in sync with your spirit and spontaneity flows like a fresh water stream alive with great ideas.

Layoffs, part time and absolutely no job are self depreciating situations that can literally happen to any one who is dependant on others for their source of employment. This does not have to be the case and before t16ADhis scenario becomes a reality it may be time for you to think about creating a plan B.

This is where your confidence in your self worth pays dividends because you are planning ahead and not waiting for the roof to cave in before you attend to any potential pitfalls in the structure of your umbrella of peace. With a healthy love for yourself and your loved ones it is easier to look at them and say that yes you are not going to let anything take away their security, peace of mind and especially their home and you are going to take the necessary steps to build your fallout shelter. You see once again the Laws of Attraction will work in your favour when you do the right things with the right beliefs in place and for the right reasons; because having a plan B is just like wearing your seat belt.

Coaching like this is a gentle nudge in the right direction to assist you and encourage you when there are doubts and hesitating actions that may be holding you back and preventing you from taking that first step. Because all it takes is a first step and then another, like Jack Canfield portrayed in The Secret when you are driving from NY to CA, all you need is to be able to see 200 feet in front of you and you know without a shadow of a doubt that your confidence rests in the knowledge that you will reach your destination. Any destination begins with one step in the right direction. So go right ahead and prepare for that first step calling The Laws of Attraction because you are creating your plan B. Enjoy the journey because the destination will give you the biggest smile of your life.

Thomas J. Cummins is an entrepreneur / motivational / inspirational marketing professional with a track record of a successful array of businesses. I know you desire a better way of life and would like to know more about incredible resources and a free needs analysis available to you so go ahead and contact me at or by clicking on for more information

Warmest regards.

Thomas J. Cummins
Founder / CEO

Why So Little People Pursue The Success Journey


Since 2002, I have been on the field of personal development ever since I was introduced to it. My first book was Rich Dad Poor Da5B4d by Robert Kiyosaki and had I read that book first, I may not have bought my existing 5 room flat that I am staying right now.

As I was taught, that self development is a must for anyone who wants to embark on the journey towards a successful life and I have always been thinking:

Why is personal development so important for one's pursue towards the success journey?More... I finally understood now. There are actually a couple of reasons why is personal development so important:

1. Engaging in personal development will change the way you think and your attitude, which will in turn attract the right people to your life
2. It is the personal development materials that we quote from where people will start perceiving us to be an authority in a particular field
3. To use the materials to motivate us when one is feeling down
4. To identify if the direction that one is taking is right and knows when to start doing mindset and direction shift if it is heading in the wrong direction

These are just a couple of reasons why personal development is so important because for me right now, I am feeling really lousy because I am starting to lose confidence in the endeavor that I am pursuing right now and starting wondering what is it that I really want to pursue? I am sure this is just a process I am going through right now and with the abundance of listening, reading and video materials that I have in my library,5B1 I am sure I am able to pick myself up again and take my businesses to greater heights.

Now, would you agree with me that personal development is important? Because if I have not been engaging myself for the past 6 years in personal development, I will not be able to think like what I have written knowing that what I am going through right now are stepping stones to my journey towards success and not stumbling blocks like how others would see it.

Now I know why there are so little people that pursue the journey towards a successful life because of the challenges one will have to face in order to emerge eventually as a Victor and not a Victim.

Eugene Goh has been engaging in personal development through reading books and listening to various audio programs since 2002 starting from his first self help book of Rich Dad Poor Dad. Eugene is in a constant state of learning from the greats of Jim Rohn, Denis Waitley, Brian Tracy, John Maxwell, Jack Canfield, T. Harv Eker and etc. and wants to share all that he has learned to post in his blog. If you would like to know more about what Eugene is sharing lately, go to

Can You See Your Dream

Uncovering Your Dreams - ?

Your dream lives in your mind and is made up of images or pictures, feelings and thoughts.

Visualising is a powerful technique in turning your dream into a reality.

According to many personal development experts including Jack Canfield, Bob Proctor, Tony Robbins, James Arthur Ray, just to name a few... the brain does not know the difference between actually doing something and just visualising something being done. The brain processes these two things the same way. Your brain will work to make happen what ever thoughts, images and feelings you have. In other words, what you think about, what images you have, you will bring about.

Three sayings you may be familiar with:
"Seeing is believing!"
"What you see is what you get!"
"If you can see it, you can achieve it!"

All inventions e.g. the aeroplane, all discoveries e.g. electricity, all great works e.g. Sistine Chapel, all success stories e.g. Jack Canfield, Bob Proctor, Tony Robbins, all major activities e.g. Sir Edmund Hillary climbing Mount Everest, Jeanne May going to Outer Mongolia... everything begins as a dream... as an image in the person's mind.

In my dream of being in Outer Mongolia I could feel, see and experience myself there. I felt the grasslands... I immersed myself in the energy of Outer Mongolia. I had not seen any pictures of Mongolia so I had no visual cues to use in my dream -- my imagination filled in all the missing details. Amazingly, when we got to Outer Mongolia, I discovered that those details my imagination provided were incredibly accurate.

The key to visualising your dream is to do it in detail as if you are already living your dream... as if it is already a reality. Not how it would be like... but rather how it is now that it is reality.

Some people are able to see images very clearly in their mind whereas others have difficulty and are unable to "see" images... they are not good at visualising. But visualising your dream isn't only about seeing pictures in your mind... it's about the feelings you have when you are thinking about your dream, it's the thoughts you have when you are in your dream, it's about your spirit coming alive when you are in your dream...

Another powerful technique is to put visual images e.g. photos, newspaper or magazine articles and pictures, typed or hand written words describing your dream, play music or messages that you can relate to your dream, in your environment so that your eyes and ears are constantly reminded of your dream.

These send strong messages to your brain which, in turn, will open you to opportunities that bring you closer to turning your dream into a reality.

Jeanne May of Aspirations Plus, works with spiritually minded people providing information, inspiration, guidance and support to achieve their dreams and goals.

Can't remember your dream? Don't know how to dream? Then sign up for my free 5 step e- course "Uncovering Your Dreams" at: and learn how to find your dream, remember your dream and reclaim your dream.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

God's Story Board

what is really important

This collection of Bible readings (Jeremiah 23:1-6, Psalm 46, Colossians 1:11-20, Luke 23:33-43) puts us in touch with a central truth in the life of faith: Our God brings us peace and new life, but sometimes they come to us over the path of adversity. When my grandfather Campbell's shingle mill on Joe Creek, Washington, burned down, he lost his livelihood, a decade of sweat equity, and all the security he had built up for his wife and 12 children. To support his family, Grandpa had to work as a saw-filer in a neighboring mill whose owner he suspected of setting fire to his mill. Years later, Grandpa was still dirt-poor. But when he was dying, around his deathbed stood his wife of 60 years, his 12 children, and behind them some 30 grandchildren had crowded into the room. Grandpa passed into eternity as peacefully as he had lived, at one with his God and his family.5B7

These Bible readings each point us toward this mysterious wreath of adversity and peace that wraps itself around our lives. The prophet Jeremiah lived at the end of the 7th century and the beginning of the 6th century B.C., a violent time that ended when an army from Babylonia destroyed Jerusalem in 586 B.C. and sent thousands of Israelites into forced exile from their homeland. Before Jerusalem fell, Jeremiah spent a lifetime pleading with the leaders of his people to live right lives and govern the nation with fairness. For his efforts, Jeremiah had to ward off many attacks on his life. The passage from Jeremiah (23:1-6) belongs to the warnings that Jeremiah directed to the leaders. But, more importantly, it looks beyond the coming destruction of Jerusalem to a time of peace and new life when God will "choose as king a righteous descendant of David... He will be called 'The LORD Our Salvation.'" (23:5, 6b, GNT ).

Psalm 46 is a great song of confidence in the power of God to lift us out of adversity on a cosmic scale. "Even if the earth is shaken and mountains fall into the ocean depths; even if the seas roar and rage and the hills are shaken by the violence...the LORD Almighty is with us." (46:2, 3, 7a, GNT). If you have ever taken shelter from a hurricane or typhoon, you know what the Psalmist is talking about. Once during a raging typhoon that swept across Manila and pounded our home, my wife, Mary and I gathered up the ch5B4ildren and found shelter in one corner of the house until the wind subsided and only sheets of rain were falling. Suddenly we heard guitar music and singing. Looking out our window at the barrio that bordered on our house, we saw our neighbors sitting on the roof of their shanties, safe from the raging water, and praising God with guitar music and song. God had brought them safely through a storm that had indeed shaken the earth and caused mountains to fall.

Colossians 1:11-20 comes from the pen of the apostle Paul at a time when Paul is in prison (4:10). In this letter, Paul cites what scholars call an early Christian hymn (1:15-20). Perhaps sung during worship services, the hymn's final verse gives a classic statement of our theme: "God made peace through his Son's blood." (1:20, GNT) The blood of Jesus refers to the event we know as Good Friday, the crucifixion of Jesus. Intended by his Roman captors to be a criminal punishment and a devastating insult to Jesus' followers, the crucifixion did just the opposite. It proved to be the necessary condition for another event, the resurrection of Jesus. When Jesus was lifted up on a cross, it did not bring his followers down, as the Romans had hoped. Rather, it lifted them up to a new spiritual plane and gave them a share in the eternal life of Jesus.

Luke 23:33-43 tells the story of the last hours of Jesus' life, the hours that Paul encapsulated in the words "God made peace thro5B4ugh his Son's blood." Nailed to a cross which was planted between crosses holding two criminals, Jesus looked down on Roman soldiers who made fun of him and gambled for his clothes. Above his head, the soldiers had secured a board with the words "This is the King of the Jews." From the Romans' point of view, the board recorded the crime for which Jesus was killed: he claimed to be a king competing with the king that the Romans had installed over the Jews (Herod Antipas, ruler of Galilee). In time, however, Jesus' followers understood the true meaning of the board. Jesus' kingship had nothing to do with ruling Galilee or Judea; it had to do with bringing the Kingdom of God to us.

This board, this simple detail from Luke's story, tells us all we need to know about God's providence for us: Yes, adversity can wrap itself around us like a wreath. But when we consider the wreath through the eyes of faith, we discover what Paul and Jesus' first followers, along with Jeremiah and the Psalmist discovered about the "boards" on their cross: They give us life in God's Messiah.

This Reflection is drawn from the Bible Resource Center's e-Bulletin Series - an online ministry of the American Bible Society. The Bible Resource Center is also home to an extens356ive collection of Essential Bible Study Tools

For more Bible Study Resources visit:

Friday, April 11, 2008

Dreams Meaning

- Exact Proven Scientific Translations

There are too many dream interpreters and too many methods of dream interpretation, but none of them can assure you that they have really translated the exact meaning of each symbol that appeared in your dreams. They may somehow tell you what the symbol may mean, without explaining to you anything about the way they found their answers and without completely trusting their interpretation. Everyone is confused in this matter.

When I was searching the dream’s meaning, I had great difficulty in finding the method that could really help me. I looked for all the existing scientific methods because I understood that each psycholog172Dist gives importance to our dreams. The dreams seemed to be an important source of information, but I couldn't translate their language in order to understand their messages.

Many people want to learn the dreams’ meaning because they believe that their dreams can make predictions and give them important information about many things they want to learn. When I started to study my dreams I wanted very much to discover this part too. I never looked for popular dream interpretations, because I understood that they were subjective and baseless. Of course, one may find some remarkable translations of the dreams’ symbols that really correspond to their real meaning because they are the result of observation of many people.

Let’s suppose that some people from a village care about their dreams and that each time that someone in the village sees a certain object in their dream, something terrible happens to the village. Then they relate that object as a sign of bad luck. This way, many popular interpretations are valid. However, we never know if these popular interpretations are really the result of many years of observation and the result of the comparison of many dreams and many similar facts or events, or if they are just someone’s opinion.

So, we cannot trust these interpretations, even though some of them can be really helpful, if they are really the result of the observation of many people and the comparison of many dreams and facts related to them, because this is the way that a scientist discovers the symbolic meaning of a dream. This study when done by a scientist is very serious; it’s not the result of two or three comparisons. A scientist has to give us explanations. He cannot just say that this thing means that and expect us to accept his statement as if it were undoubtedly true.

Many psychologists and psychiatrists tried to translate the strange language of dreams, but until today, nobody knows for sure who discovered the truth. Some people believe that one of them is right, whereas some follow another one, and some don’t give any importance to their dreams. Dream interpretation is not something that we could specifically define and it’s not something that people consider important. Most people usually completely despise the dreams they see when they sleep.

So, it is an obscure matter.

I couldn't accept this situation though and I studied the dreams intensely, searching for the correct interpretation until I found it. Τoday we know for sure which is the exact translation of the symbolic language of our dreams, which I have proved like a scientist in my scientific ebook about this subject, continuing the research made by the famed psychiatrist and psychologist Carl Jung, who really discovered the exact translation for the dreams’ symbols!

However, Carl Jung’s method is very complicated, and he can scarcely be understood. Besides, he accepts ignorance in the end of his trip inside the human psyche, while I had indications from the unconscious that produces the dreams showing me that I should continue the research beyond the point where Jung accepted ignorance and stopped it.

My discoveries were amazing, so amazing that nobody believed me when I started telling everyone what I found inside the human psychic sphere. That’s why I had to write a book, explaining to everyone what exactly is hidden in the human psychic sphere, after explaining them how we can translate the exact symbolic meaning of our dreams.

I greatly simplified Jung’s complicated method, discovering for myself many meanings he could not find. Moreover, I realized that our dreams are more than very important, because they can cure us from the craziness we inherit in our psychic sphere. They can show us anything and help us solve any problem!

It’s also true that we can predict the future interpreting our dreams, but the visions we see are not about the things we desire to see, they are very serious. We see dreams with visions only when they’ll help us understand something very important or when they’ll help us avoid a big danger. It’s not true that we cannot change our destiny if we can predict that something bad is going to happen to us. If we follow the wise orientation the unconscious gives us in our dreams, we can certainly avoid what is bad and find the path that will lead us to peace and psychic health.

Prevent Depression and Craziness through the scientific method of Dream Interpretation discovered by Carl Jung and simplified by Christina Sponias, a writer who continued Jung's research in the unknown region of the human psychic sphere. Learn more at: and

Click here and download your copy of the Free ebook

Beating Depression and Craziness

How to Increase Healing Energy Now

Spiritual Healing Holistic Techniques -

The true nature of healing is about generating optimum energy in order to fully enjoy living your life. Healing is much more than a technique of doing, it is a state of Being; Being at peace with ourselves, our bodies, our relationships and our lives. Let's explore how to create more healing energy to improve your health and the quality of your life.

Healing is a return to wholeness by achieving balance in your life. To get started, we need to explore the nature of health and let go of some outdated concepts. During childhood, were taught that healing is only a means to fix and cure. We learned that healing happens as a reaction to illness or something to focus on when we're sick. Many traditional methods of healing in our culture are about fighting and conquering illness and disease. However, the fundamental flaw with these approaches is that they consider healing a static , something to "do" once you're already sick.

There is a saying,"a person is alive, but not really living." Traditional healing is about keeping the body alive, sometimes at all costs. In the medical field, death is seen as failure. There are many souls trapped in physical bodies due to the advancement of medicine. There are even machines that will keep your lungs breathing for you. Just keeping a body alive, doesn't produce a state of healing.

Wholeness honors and respects all four levels of your being. It begins by owning and respecting your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. These four levels of being or "bodies" are the foundation to wholeness that leads to creating optimum health. Genuine healing is a return to wholeness by achieving balance in your life.

The Four Levels of Your Being that Produce Health and Wellness.

The first level of healing is with your physical body. It's the most visible aspect of our being. We can easily identify and see the symptoms of illness physically. However, the lack of illness doesn't define a state of health and wellness. Unfortunately, many people use their body as the only barometer to determine if they are healthy or ill. If there are no symptoms or pain in my body, then I must be healthy. Right? That like saying, well if we aren't at war... then we must be at peace! Right? Wrong! You'll soon see that the physical body is only the first of four bodies to evaluate your state of health and wellness.

Healing begins by making choices to care for your body. Ask yourself these questions to evaluate your relationship to your body.

Do you appreciate your physical body? Do you find it easy to accept or do you constantly criticize your body? Are you ashamed of your body? Are you measuring it against standards of perfection that are impossible to achieve? If so, then ask yourself why and write down your answers in a journal. Writing it down helps you reflect deeper. These four questions will help determine your current relationship with your physical body and can be a catalyst to jump start your healing process. Be honest with your answers and write them down.

You may discover you have been in a very dysfunctional relationship with your body. If so, forgive yourself and begin to accept, appreciate and respect your body, just as it is. Acceptance, appreciation and respect will quickly change the dysfunctional relationship with your body. It can also help develop positive habits to care for your body and nuture it toward health.

A Few Suggestions to Appreciate and Respect Your Body;

• Exercise daily to provide stimulation to your internal organs.

• Eat nourishing foods with live energy such as fruit and vegtables.

• Breathe oxygen filled air to continually renew your energy.

• Expose your body to sunlight in small doses on a regular basis.

• Sleep well and allow for plenty of time to rest and revitalize.

• Discover new ways to experience pleasure and comfort.

• Accept any physical limitations and love your body as it is.

The Second Level of Healing is with Your Emotional Body.

The next level of healing is within your emotional nature. Many people experience a dysfunctional relationship with their emotional body. This is due to a lack of understanding about the nature of emotions. We were never taught how to keep our emotions healthy. Instead, we were encouraged to devalue and repress them producing emotional negativity. This unhealthy relationship leads to emotional stress and can be the source of many physical health problems.

Science is now discovering how emotions have a direct and immediate effect on the physical body. It is almost instantaneous and is the basis of the body mind connection. For example fear triggers adrenoline and causes the fight or flight response in a millisecond of that feeling being triggered. Mental emotional stress influences your physical health, by changing your chemistry, immune system and blood pressure.

What constitutes a positive emotion versus a negative one? Many people get stuck when it comes to dealing with their emotional body. The most common reason is that we divide our emotions into categories of "good" and "bad" feelings. The "good" ones we have deemed worthy of feeling. On the other hand, the "bad" emotions are deemed unacceptable, and we tend to ignore, deny or repress them. It is our judgement of our emotional nature that creates the dysfunction on this level of our being.

Judging emotions as "good" and "bad", creates emotional negativity. Traditionally we're taught to feel the "good" or as I prefer to call them, "expanding emotions", then we are being positive. However, if we feel the "bad" or "contracting emotions", we are being negative. This division of good and bad with your emotions produces negativity that leads to dysfunction.

You'll begin to create5B4 healing on this level rapidly, by changing how you define your emotions. Begin by letting go of the judgments of good and bad. Instead, think of them as expanding and contracting. Then think about breathing and ask your self, "Is inhaling good and exhaling bad?" No... you need to do both to breathe properly, and so it is with your emotions, they work together expanding and contracting to guide and protect you through your life. When you let go of the conditioned judgments from your childhood you will take a major step toward emotional health and wellbeing.

Honesty is the most positive emotional state of being. Being emotionally aware of your feelings regardless if they are expanding or contracting is being honest about how you really feel. Simply being honest, is the most positive relationship you can have with your thoughts and feelings, so drop the judgments of good and bad, and just be honest. Self respect is not having to apologize for how you honestly feel, it is a state of honoring your thoughts and feelings. This is one way to develop self respect.

All emotions have purpose and offers feedback about your life. Every emotion is a natural feedback mechanism to gain greater understanding of how you're doing in your life. They are meant to provide guidance on your journey through life. To fully respect yourself is to be honest with how you feel emotionally so that you can change it.16D0 Denying emotions keep them alive and can haunt you for years. When you think about an area of your life that isn't working the way you want, you will naturally feel constricting emotions and likewise, the areas that are working well will feel expansive.

If you feel anger, then be angry! Don't try to convince yourself that your not. Feel it, express it (responsibly) and release it (forgiveness) and then get back to feeling happy and free again. Emotional honesty is the most powerful and positive way to be. However, if you deny your anger, you can attract all kinds of negative experiences, all in the name of trying to "be positive". It never works to deny what you are honestly feeling. Honesty is the best policy and will set you free especially on an emotional level.

How to Develop a Healthy Relationship with Your Emotional Body.

It begins with honesty and a willingness to feel and express your emotions and then release them. Whether its anger, hurt, love, or joy, the emotions need to be felt and released. This creates a positive emotional state of being. How we relate to our emotions determines their positive or negative impact in our lives.

Can Love be Negative and Anger be Positive? Yes, they both have the potential of being either positive or negative depending upon how you relate to them. When you express your emotions, they become a positive influence in your life. Likewise, when you repress them, they turn negative and can wreck havoc on your health.

Unexpressed love can be tremendously negative. Repressed love can change the chemistry of your body, your blood pressure and eventually contribute to heart disease. Love on an emotional level is energy. When we refuse to let energy flow, it becomes repressed and can cause many physical complications.

How to turn anger into a positive experience: Anger that you feel (honestly), express (responsibly) and release through forgiveness, can create positive changes in your life. Anger holds a part of your will power. When you feel your anger and express it constructively, you can access this trapped will power to create discipline and positive changes.

How to begin honoring your emotional nature. Begin to give yourself permission to feel all of your emotions without judgment and to express them constructively. You can best do this, by journaling. Write down your feelings on a regular basis is a great way to express this energy and release it from your emotional body. It may take some practice, but it will ultimately lead to a healthier state of being.

The Third Level of Healing is on the Mental Level

The power of our mind is limitless. How do you relate to this God given gift, called your human mind? Do you recognize the value of it to change your life or do you disregard your mental power? Most people have never been taught to appreciate the power of their minds.

Mental empowerment begins by making a personal choice. Understanding how the mind works and how to use the mental tools that are available to you, begins mental empowerment. The four mental tools to create wellness (as well as any other change in your life) are:

1. Imagination 2. Thoughts 3. Beliefs 4. Choice

These four mental tools contain the power to improve or destroy your life. They create the nature of your attitude and your self image. You can not fully understand your inner power without owning these tools and using them to create the life you desire.

Mental healing begins by making a choice to use the power of your mind.

THE CHOICE: To believe your thoughts are powerful and attract and create your experiences... or, to believe that it doesn't matter what you think. Life isn't a choice, it is only an experience that you have no control over.

If we deny our thinking and imagination, we are out of alignment with our mental power on this third level of our being. Thus, disempowered on the mental level of our being; leading to illness rather than wellness.

When you believe your mind holds the key to your personal power, you become more conscious of your thoughts and choices. You understand that your imagination is where all change begins; First in your mind and then in your life. Make the choice to understand these tools, learn about them and use them to lead you closer toward healing and wholeness.

"Imagination is more powerful than knowledge." -Albert Einstein

Disempowered individuals believe that the imagination is just "pretend" and has no power, it is only make believe. When we engage our imagination and visualize the healthy expression of ourselves in our minds, we will create the blueprint of our future. Your imagination is a preview or your lifes experiences. Use it!

How to Access the Power of Your Imagination to Change Your Life. The quickest way I know is to practice visualization and guided imagery techniques. You can discover how to focus your attention and use your imagination by learning to meditate. This is the quickest method I know to gain access to the power of your mind. (See my guided meditations)

The Forth Level is Spiritual Healing: Your Relationship to the Divine.

Your spiritual nature, regardless of your religion or lack of it, is about a personal and private relationship with the Divine, with God. What is God? Most simply put, God is Love. To honor God is to honor your relationship with love.

Beyond the emotional expression of human love is divine love. A love that begins by being understanding, compassionate and forgiving. Divine love is so much more than emotional love. It is the ultimate state of being. Being a loving person, becomes the foundation through which you establish permanent healing and activate your life-force energy to create wholeness thB68at leads to mental, emotional and physical healing.

Spirituality is your personal relationship with God. If God created... all-that-is, then everything is a creation of God (love). Spirituality is the way we relate to our lives with love or without it. Spirituality is not a ritual we do on Sunday and it's not a book with rules and regulations, that's religion. Spirituality's only rule is love. Love is the way you relate to living your life.

Spirituality is your personal relationship to everything in your life. Spirituality is your relationship with your body, emotions, and mind. Spirituality is your relationship to your work, money, family and friends and it all hinges upon wether those relationships are based on love and understanding or judgement and seperation. Being loving is the most healing and powerful experience to change the nature of your life. It is the ultimate healing energy.

When we honor our relationship with God we recognize that our free-will choice to love God is really about choosing to love ourselves and everything and everybody in our lives.

The true nature of healing is focused on loving yourself enough to:

• Nurture your body by meeting its needs for health

• Honor your emotions and handle them honestly

• Value the power of your mind to overcome resistance to change

• Knowing that spirituality is simply about choosing to love

• Ask God for healing and strength to reach your full potential

• Remember that God isn't separate from the physical world.

The purpose of holistic healing is to create heaven on earth by becoming whole and at one with all that is. Only then can wholeness and healing become as natural as breathing. The true nature of health becomes the way we live our lives, not just a quick and temporary cure to fix or keep our body alive!

Aliveness is the natural way to increase your energy. Aliveness emerges from a healthy relationship with all four levels of your being, physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. Aliveness is being physically energized, emotionally free, mentally clear and spiritually connected to life. Spirituality healing is a choice available to everyone. The choice to access the power within whenever we choose and to remember we are loved by God and the way to love God is to love our lives and create a healthy wholeness with all-that-is. Applying these secrets will increase your healing energy and create positive changes on all levels of your life

Michaiel Patrick Bovenes is a personal empowerment teacher, professional speaker, healer and author. Since 1994, he's been the author of a popular series of guided visualization meditations, he calls, Soul-utions. He offers classes and writes articles for various maga387zines and ezines worldwide. He currently resides in San Francisco, CA.

Sign up for his Soul-utions Words of Wisdom Newsletter at:

The Crossroad Being

- Spirituality

Is necessary to confirm that there is no rule to love, to feel, to spirit ourselves by renewing it into a self-confident world or by a vituosity in handling ourselves in character of our ancestors. Perhaps the most appeal of this sublime realistic mold is that we are capable of doing everything as a result of such symbolic rule. That rule is belongs to the spiritual paramount of communication and that it does not have any subordinate position to church or to gods.

By making ourselves as a performer of distinct archievement and firm in what we are made of, our life grows by itself. A life that lands on its own combination of linguistic, cultural, and biological traits does not have difficult in discerning how it came into existence and gave us, with others, the effect of development because of the unique spirit of its relatively unimportant. What is important that humans differentiated from the other animals by their ability to engage in reflective action. Humans can think about what they do before they do it.

In the West Indians, life has the most significant visual symbols because we have learned what it means. And it continues to grow in Trinidad, in the Orinoco River, in South America, in the peninsula of Yucatan, and in North America.

Who were they? Who might have the cruel intention to take them away from us for their personal gain? What would be then their messages to us into this pristine but horrified environment in order to worship their presence by the ancestral eyes? What would be their spiritual archievement of reference within our souls?

To find it out, we should find the voices of the forest with its wild birds and animals, its fruits and vegetables, palms, guavas; as we here define life it is also, in the rainfall, in the oceanic feeding, where we can find fish, and waterfowls that make it so spiritual for them. This chronological spiritual that nothing could separate to the "truth" to which we all are related.

Again, who they were? Where can we learn about them without contrasting their lives and their powers, admitting and accepting, in our minds and hearts that they were here? Where were their poems? Their gods? Their emotional summers? Their pains? Their loves? And most important, their ways of thinking, their experience, their knowledge, and their findings?

In these American lands, we sumbit to whatever come along, that things are the rich of our culture and love, differentiated in both language and culture. They were a soul in Tainos or Arawak or Sioux.

Respect our Indians; they gave us life, too. They gave us the potters, the woodworkers, and the wavers. They gave us their classes --nitaino and naboria, more predominated by the subjugation what we feel today. Also they showed us how to fight for freedom through the spiritual of Zemis and the meaning of the self. In the casabe and in the sacred grounds that molded all cultivated fruits for living. The pleasure of "being transported" and "being restored" by the cleanness was another contribution.

Their religion was not savage. Who dares to say Europeans are more closer to God than they were, the racers of Zemis? There may be in the future some people brought up in the habit --energy, mentality, and imagination based on the philosophers' erroneous view. Their religion was as closer as water. In its supreme beings are not different than Malachin or Levitcus.

The Supreme Bings
Yucahu, the lord of Cassava and Zemis of the sea, where the goddess of fresh water and human fertility is the sense of life. We will come back to it over and over. Zemis the god, is the simplicity of the soul, the misunderstanding of topographic characteristics and the fundamental aspect of the destruction under the European conquistadors.

Their Religion
It constitutes a model of stone, bones, shells, and the potteries. But the evidence for this is our own flesh.

The Affective Understanding
Unlike the present inhabitants of the West Indies, Florida, Puerto Rico, or Cuba --in the most reminiscent footsteps who have reason to believe it -- it is pitaloid for the purpose that they are the spirit of life, the spirit of living. Also they brought us the dances, the mountains filled with imagination of being there --died for us -- with the ability to transform themselves (and us ) into the original songs.

All is flowered Vision
All Vision is perfect.
And every thing that give us such Vision
Is a undergoing by God Zemis.