Friday, February 27, 2009

Panic Attack Self Help Methods - Have Control Over Yourself During Anxiety Attacks

Self help is the best help. This is true in every situation. Do you think you are suffering from panic attacks? Choose the best panic attacks self help methods and arm yourself with weapons that will help you fight and win over the situation.

Who knows yourself better that you alone? This knowledge of what you are going through will help you design a life style that in itself acts as a panic attacks self help. Here are a few tops that you need to keep in mind. An exercise routine is a must, not just to keep you healthy and fit but to relax your mental system as well. Sleep is very important for a stable condition of your mind. Such panic attacks will only give you a disturbed sleep. You can make use of aromatherapy and use a soothing scent in your room. You could also make use of a soothing music in the background.

You need to find the root cause of your attacks. Your attacks occur not momentarily but with constant processing of the fear in you. This fear of panic attacks slowly starts developing into anxiety which will not let you go ahead with the decisions that you have to take. You might have a constant restlessness in your chest, breathing etc. All that you need to do is understand certain things and this will act as panic attacks self help.

You need to give yourself the confidence that the situation that you are going through is perfectly normal and that you have total control over it. Keeping a record of how these attacks happen can help you find the answers to your questions on how to get over these attacks. It is also helpful if you can avoid caffeine as much as possible. This is because coffee only aids in raising the stress levels in your body.

Do you want to get rid of these anxiety attacks by natural panic attacks self help methods? You need to approach a person who can act as a guide and who can understand what you are going through and provide the best help. For further details on one such guide, you can check Panic Away Review

Creative Thinking - Self Hypnosis to Think Creatively by Design

Self-hypnosis can provide creative thinking help to help you design new approaches to various situations. Whether you are seeking support for creativity or thought, hypnosis is a wonderful guide to think about. Your mind is a vast resource and you can create great things through it.

Mind and Creativity

Your mind creates all the time. You are just not aware of it. Your conscious thought processes are readily apparent but your subconscious mind is mysterious. Think about your dreams and consider how vivid and filled with unusual images they are. You can draw aspects of your dreams into your waking state.

The ability to create through the mind is a gift that should be utilized fully. Creative thinking help is important if you feel that your mind has more potential than it reveals.

How Self-Hypnosis Works

Your mind functions on many levels. Your thought processes power all your core beliefs, actions and creative outlets. Your conscious state has some limitations. This realm is direct and it depends on the inner workings of your subconscious.

You function on various states of consciousness. For example, when you are taking an exam, you are in the beta state. This is a highly concentrated, alert frame of mind.

When you are under hypnosis, you enter the alpha state. This state functions differently. This is the realm of sensation, emotive forces and core beliefs. When you seek creative thinking help in the alpha state, you are tapping into these creative resources.

Untapped Potential

Your subconscious mind is creating all the time. When you tap this resource, you unveil a source of ideas and imagination. Your imaginative processes are often repressed by the conscious mind. You can use self-hypnosis to delve into your imaginative thinking patterns that you may not have accessed since you were a child.

Using Imagination to Develop Imagination

Self-hypnosis encourages you to use your imagination in order to access your subconscious mind. You develop visualization skills through the process. This is wonderful practice as you design a new pattern of creativity. You become inspired through the process of entering a hypnotic state.

As you practice imagination, you strengthen your ability to use your imagination on demand. Your subconscious helps you create a flow of thought that isn't stifled or repressed. Imaginative thought is bound to create.

Different Type of Creativity

You may want to use self-hypnosis for creativity for various reasons. You don't have to be an artist or poet to rely on imagination and inspiration. Creativity is important in many different areas of your life.

Problem solving skills are very important to your success in and out of the workplace. Your inspired thinking can lead to inventive ideas, productivity and resourcefulness. All of these things are within your control when you seek creative thinking help through self-hypnosis.

J. Seymour is a writer with Self Help Recordings. 'Creative Thinking' is an excellent recording by Duncan McColl, based on his decades of experience in powerful and classical clinical therapy. To find out more, visit Creative Thinking Help. A range of other self hypnosis products can be found here Creativity Self Help. All of the recordings on Self Help Recordings are backed by an impressive sixty day guarantee, so to find out more simply click on the links.

Anger Management For Teens - Self Help Steps to Control Your Emotions

Anger is unavoidable. Feelings of anger are triggered by factors in our environment and are accompanied by certain physiological reactions. Anger management focuses on the negative expression of these feelings. When one externalizes anger, one can mistreat the world around him.

Teenagers have a unique experience with anger. Adolescence is a major growth stage emotionally, socially and physically. Teenagers go through this stage without the benefit of a fully mature brain. Thus, their understanding and ability to self-regulate their emotions is often difficult. There are, however, several ways in which teenagers can gain better control of anger management. Managing anger involves becoming aware of the physiological "signals", such as blood pressure and heart rate, before the thinking part of the brain is bypassed and the action part of the brain is engaged. Following are some of the concepts I offer teens:

  1. It takes 10 steps before you "lose" your temper. Here's an example: If I throw a ball to you, you catch it. However, if you were two-years-old, it might hit you in the face. Through trail and error, you have learned to lift your hands up, cup your hands, keep your eyes on the ball, bring your hands together at the right moment, press hard enough to keep the ball in your hands and suddenly you have caught the ball. This "catching the ball" technique took months or maybe years to master. In the same way, learning techniques to control your anger takes time to learn. Let's take a look at how we can break down the way we react in a situation to see how we might handle our anger differently: You ask your mom if you can go out while thinking to yourself: "She won't let me." You feel sick to your stomach, your heart races. You feel hot and angry and you're ready for a fight. A little too rudely, you ask your mom if you can go out. She responds to your tone of voice and says "no." You explode and scream, "I knew you were going to say that!" You go to your room and slam the door. You kick the bed and throw yourself down and think hateful thoughts. In order to begin to control your anger, you need to deconstruct your behavior and see all these "steps" you've gone through.
  2. Prevention is the best medicine. If you understand step 1 and step 2 of your angry reaction, you can prevent steps 3, 4 and 5 from happening. Awareness is the key. Catching yourself before those other steps occur takes practice (like a child learning to catch a ball). You need to find a way to prevent yourself from going too far. In our example, from the moment you thought about asking your mom for permission to go out, you felt and behaved angrily. You need an alternative plan. One alternative during the early stages of anger is to pause and tell yourself, "I've got to break this pattern. Acting this way solves nothing. I don't feel good when I get distressed. I need to calm down and then cope with what I'm feeling." How do you do that? Take a deep breath. This allows you the opportunity to plan a different conversation with your mother. Use an external "reminder" to "stop, look, and listen" to different behavioral options. For instance, wearing a certain bracelet, ring or band can be a reminder for you that you need to stop long enough to consider the outcome of the path you are on.
  3. Give yourself a break. Go outside for a bit. Take 10 deep breaths. Go to your room, lie down and listen to music. Write a page in your journal. Any of these techniques will allow you the "space" to talk yourself through the problem at hand. Like that child learning to catch the ball, it takes time to learn to control your behavior. In the event that you reach the point of losing your temper and expressing your anger, you need a plan as well. Some have found the following techniques as helpful at times like these: going for a run, punching a pillow, or throwing a ball. Screaming into your pillow can be more productive than screaming at your mother. These physical releases can produce a calmer state in which you can take a look at what led to the angry response and make a plan for the next time it happens.
  4. Finally, write yourself a letter. Tell yourself the situations that trigger your anger. Describe the first steps as you move towards an angry outburst. Then, describe alternative plans for calming yourself and dealing reasonably with your anger. Give specific behavioral options that you've learned and calm you down at that stage. Also include plans for safe releases of your anger if it goes too far. This letter should be available at all times. Your own words can be your best coach when you feel circumstances getting out of control.

Laura Doerflinger, a licensed mental health counselor, is the Executive Director of the Parent Education Group at and the author of the audio book, Emotionally Balanced Parenting

Copyright 2008 Parent Education Group - Reprints Accepted - Two links must be active in the bio.

Brainwave Therapy - Learning to Control Your Brain

Brainwave therapy works on the principle that the brain governs all of the body's functions. Therefore, researchers theorize, if the brain's electrical frequencies can be manipulated the brain can heal the body. There is also a growing trend using this technology to improve thought processes, such as addiction or mood disorders.

There are two methods of producing improved results using brainwave therapy. One involves the patient going into a clinic and being hooked up to sensors which monitor brain activity. The patient is provided with a visual stimulus which responds to the frequency of the brain waves observed. When the desired frequencies are reached the patient is rewarded in an immediate way through the monitor, consequently when less desirable outcomes are measured the video responds in a discouraging manner. The immediacy of feedback helps patients to reinforce brain patterns that are observed in "normal" individuals.

This method, known as neurofeedback, has been documented in clinical studies to have positive results with autistic individuals, as well as persons suffering from addiction. It is believed that this technology may be able to lessen the severity of ADHD symptoms as well as improve outcomes for persons with other developmental disabilities.

The second camp leans towards the self-help sphere of intervention. Here, patients listen to special CDs that trigger specific brain waves. These CDs often contain subliminal messages that are designed to help overcome smoking or encourage better self-esteem in listeners. The basis for success with this methodology is similar to hypnosis in that it accesses the subconscious mind. This allows the messages to by-pass the walls and barriers that people create in their minds.

Due to the nature of self-help programs, there is no scientific data to back up the claims of many of the retailers of these brainwave therapy CDs (also marketed under the name Binaural Entertainment), however the web abounds with many anecdotal accounts of incredible progress made by proponents. If nothing else, the matter deserves more attention if you are looking to change something about yourself.

Discover how the Brain Evolution System can help you take control of your brain using an easy binaural beats meditation.