Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Walk With Norse God Odin - Become a Rune Wizard

Rune - Wizard - Odin

As an aspiring Rune Wizard, it is important that you connect with the energies of Odin, the All-Father. He is the master Norse Sorcerer, Wizard, Shaman, and Magician.

When I say connect, I mean you must build resonant frequencies within your own Aura to Odin. What energies we carry in our Aura attracts people, places and events into our lives.

We don't want to use out dated Asatru and Viking Rituals that bring us back into the time of Odin and the Vikings. We want to bring Odin into the 21st Century so he can walk with us and guide us into the NOW.

Speaking of the 21st Century, we are now in the galactic space called the Age of Aquarius. Our whole Solar System has rotated around the Galactic Sun. We need a new paradigm for contacting and attracting the wisdom and energies of the Runes and Norse Gods/Goddesses.

The Age of Aquarius has given us the Laws of Quantum Physics. The Laws of Quantum Physics have given us the language we can use to build our new paradigm.

Simply stated: the Laws of Quantum Physics tell us that there exists an infinite ocean of thinking, intelligent energy called the Quantum Ocean. It is for all intents and purposes the Mind of God.

Everything that ever was, is or will be exists in the Quantum Ocean. There is no time, no past, present nor future. There is only the NOW. There is no space only the HERE. That is a good definition for the Creator God, an infinite point called the HERE-NOW.

The runes and Gods/Goddesses of the North all exist in the Quantum Ocean in the Here-Now. As a Rune Wizard, you will want to contact and connect with the energies of the Runes and Odin in the HERE-NOW OF TODAY. You don't want to go backwards. You want to bring the energies of Odin and the Runes to you, in the now.

How do you get the energies within your Aura so that you can use and communicate with Odin and the Runes?

The Laws of Quantum Physics tell us that what you think upon you will attract. Thoughts and symbols are all tools that you can use to connect with Odin and the Runes.

Therefore, on a daily basis, have thoughts of Odin, meditate on his image, inhale his Runes into your Aura.

You can simply start by holding the print of Odin in your hands and looking at it. Do this in your favorite chair every morning, before leaving the house to go to work.

Now, mentally inhale and intone, "I am now making contact with Odin and I am bringing him and his wisdom out of the Quantum Ocean and into my Aura where I can talk with him and use his energies.

Do this three times. Talk to Odin in your mind. Visualize him sitting in the room with you. When you leave your home bring him with you in your car and take him to work with you.

Befriend him. Talk to him. Feel him. Soon you will know him and you will feel him in your every day life. Ask him Rune Wizard questions. Keep a notebook with you at all times and record your impressions, thoughts and intuitions.

You want Odin and his wisdom in your life? Build resonant linkages. I did and I met him on a snowy evening in the mountains of Pennsylvania. I wrote about it in my book "Conversations with Odin."

Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has been studying astrology, runes, radionics, metaphysics and alternate healing treatments for over 30 years. He is 70+, in very good health and lives in the boonies of the Pocono mountains with his wife Lory. His writings are unique and refreshing. To see more of his writings visit his websites.




Or go to goggle and type in his pen name RAGNAR STORYTELLER for his listings. He is also a ghost writer and will write and article for you. Email Ragnar for his FREE 10 PART MINI-COURSE, "How-To use Quantum Physics in Your Every Day Life to Attract More Wealth, Health and Love, Now." You can contact him by email.


Dealing With Selfish Thoughts

Monday, June 29, 2009

How to Relax Your Mind and Ease Your Stress in 60 Seconds

Have you ever felt like the earth is spinning faster and faster each day? That you always feel there are so many things to do in so little time? That you feel like the hands of the clock are moving so fast or in some cases so slow?

Well, let me share with you that all these feelings are actually being manipulated by your MIND. Every single thing we do these days is identified and controlled by our minds. For example, you're identified by your own mind, you think who you are. You also use your mind to identify and judge others.

Therefore, it's small wonder that we always feel stress, restless and tense. Because we are always on a race with our minds. Well, time to learn how to RELAX and UNWIND. Cut your mind some slack!

Here is how to relax your mind in 60 seconds...

Focus on your breathing. This is not the usual breathing exercise described in many self-help books. What I'm trying to share with you is to be aware of your breathing. You can do this anywhere, it doesn't matter. I just want you to notice or give attention to your breath.

When you inhale, try to feel the air coming into your nostril. Similarly, when you exhale, try to notice the air coming out from your nostril. Also, notice that your lower abdomen is expanding slightly when you inhale and contracting when you exhale.

If you take a short breath, notice that it's a short breath. If it's a long breath, notice that it's a long breath. In other words, just act as an observer - to observe and notice how you breathe. Just do this for 60 seconds, and you will immediately feel the "stillness" in your mind.

Do this practice daily every time when you feel there is stress or tension. It will bring calmness to you almost immediately. It's easy to do and can be practiced anywhere and anytime.

Another of my favorite way to unwind and relax my mind is by using what is known as meditative sounds. There are many variaties, the one I use is called Binaural Harmonics. What I normally do is just put on a headphone when I'm travelling by bus, train or plane. You can also listen to it when you're driving.

The meditative sounds are specially designed to stop your normal thought or mind patterns, bringing your mind to an altered state of consciousness. In a layman term, it basically means to get rid of all the clutters in your mind and instills calmness and stillness into it.

Listening to meditative sounds on a regular basis not only can relax your mind but it also helps to relax your body and allow you to think more clearly. If you want more information, you can watch a video at my blog (see link below).

Go to how to practice basic meditation to watch the meditative sounds video for more understanding (scroll down a bit to watch the video when you reach that page). More personal development tips on various topics can also be found at my blog.

Sometimes Your The Problem

5 Steps to Successful Transitions

Point A to Point B - life generally moves along as it should. The sticky parts are the transitions, the moments of instability when things change from what is to what is about to be. Life makes so much more sense when we finally realize that everything between birth and death is a transition! The sooner we make this universal truth real for students, the better they will handle the minefield of transitions they face every day.

Positive or negative, planned or unexpected, transitions force us to leave behind the familiar and adjust to new ways of living. The boss I just figured out gets transferred. I finally accept gas costing over $1.00 a gallon and, well, you know how that one ends! Change is everywhere, but it doesn't have to be exhausting. Here are five ways to make transitions exciting and creative rather than frightful and paralyzing.

1. Things are going to change. Day changes to night, your job, neighborhood, family and vacation plans change. Get over it.

2. Look at a bigger picture. What really is changing? What will this change cause to change? Often a transition is much broader than it first appears. Dorothy thought she was only had a tornado to deal with.

3. Gather your resources. Now is the time to take care of yourself and your business. A transition is not an event, but a process that always takes longer and costs more than you anticipated.

4. Use this Force, this is the only time you will have it. We are never totally without control. A transition means that something is moving so, rather than struggle, take advantage of the momentum to catapult you in the direction YOU want to go. For a great example of this strategy, listen to politicians. Whatever unwanted question they are asked, they structure the response to get across the information they want to give. The power is in the opportunity!

5. Anticipate. Few things in life are really a surprise. Look at people with lives and jobs similar to yours and see what might be coming for you. It's much easier to step into a transition with a controlled slide rather than to get dropped into one when it hits you from behind. New comers watch young executives with a few years under their belts. Parents watch others raising children slightly older than their own to see what to expect. Be ready.

Pat yourself on the back. If you're reading this article, you've already survived many transitions and come to recognize them as the difference between the leaders out in front and those who struggle with every step. Stepping into the transitions we can anticipate and bouncing back quickly from the surprises will position you ahead of the crowd every time!

Marcey J. Walsh is a national speaker and transition trainer. She is a team member of Russell J. White International and can be reached at http://www.thinkbigguy.com or at 877-275-9468

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Rejection is an Illusion

Does rejection exist? There's no such thing as failure or rejection. Let me ask you when you wiped out on your bike, did you feel rejected? Did you take it personally? No! It was simply a result. And it was simply a result you didn't like. So, you got back on the bike and committed yourself to obtaining a better result. You weren't offended that the bike "rejected" you or you experience "failure". You didn't feel "bad" because it was an "experience" and you probably learned from that experience.

"Forget past mistakes. Forget failures. Forget everything except what you're going to do now and do it." - William James Duran

If someone "rejects" you, and it's seldom personal, just a person making a decision. It could even be a poor decision on their part. If you "fail," it's just a matter of not doing something the way you'd like or the way someone else might like. Most opinions - even your own - are subjective. So, don't let the opinions of others dictate how you think about yourself. Compare yourself only to yourself, and set goals for you and your own fulfillment, not to impress others.

"I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody." - Bill Cosby

A man named Spencer Silver was working to create a super glue or adhesive. After many attempts Mr. Silver developed a new adhesive, but it was super weak instead of super strong. Many of us would have labeled this experience as a "failure" or "rejection" Mr. Silver classified it as a result and stored the data. Then one Sunday four years later, another scientist named Mr. Arthur Fry was singing in the church's choir. He used markers to keep his place in the hymnals, but they kept falling out of the book. Remembering Mr. Silver's, "result" Mr. Fry used some of the super weak adhesive to coat his markers. Success! With the weak adhesive, the markers stayed in place, yet lifted off without damaging the pages. If Mr. Silver had thrown away his "failure" - Post It Notes would not be here today.

If you believe you've failed you may want to ask yourself some questions. What could I learn from this? How does this result help me? Remember each result is just another experience to learn and adjust bike path. If you don't like your results, change your approach and try for a different result. You might need to fine-tune your skills. Maybe you need to scoot your bike up to the curb when you climb on in order to prevent yourself from falling. Maybe what you need is some help, like a mentor or additional training. Maybe joining a professional organization will give you the contacts and information you need to take that step further. Explore, discover, and research! Find out what you need to do, and repeat, repeat, repeat!

"I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work." - Thomas A. Edison

What is your definition for rejection? Most people define rejection as not obtaining my goal, examples: She turn me down for a date or He won't let me or something along those lines. But have you ever decided what your definition of rejection is or how did you develop your term for rejection?

Take a moment and define rejection in a way that supports your life and instantly your life will change. A student of mine, defined rejection has: "I need to start negotiating" could you guess he was in sales.

Once you have created your new definition practices, practices, practice, remember repetition is the mother of skill.

"Rejection or Failure are illusions the only true rejection or failure is not being allowed in heaven, if you don't believe me ask God yourself" - Bert J. Martinez

Bert J. Martinez

You Were Created to Succeed.

Born in Havana, Cuba, Bert Martinez started school in Spain, and went on to complete school in United States. As a young man he was amazed how some immigrants could a mass wealth or success so quickly while the majority struggle to survive. His curiosity has led to a life study of "Success" to determine what qualities successful people shared. Surprisingly, he found, age, gender, race, family history, education or the ability to speak English determined ones ability to be "Successful." Bert noticed one commonality; without fail, the successful managed their emotions differently. This discovery changed Bert's focus completely and he embarked on a life mission to help people Manage Their Emotions for Success and Fulfillment. His clients starting calling him "The Emotional Engineer" for his ability to wipe traumatic memories, fear, and even phobias in minutes.

http://www.bertmartinez.com or http://www.yourfinalspeaker.com

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Overcome the Fear of Change

Do you feel discomfort or fear when there are things changing in your life? This is quite common for adults to feel while children rarely experience those feelings. Children usually are excited about all the new things that are coming their way - new friends to play with and more things to learn.

When you were young, you did not resist change. You anticipated change. You anticipated growth. But many adults do not look forward to getting new jobs, switching careers or relocating to a new city. I wonder when people decide they have reached the point where they want things around them to stay the same.

Be aware of the fact that change is an unchanging truth. Intentional or not, your life is always changing. Look back one year ago or even 10, 20 and 30 years ago, how has your life changed? You have finished school. You have started a career. Maybe you have started a family also. How about the people around you, how have they changed? Have you lived in different places? I am sure you would notice lots of changes over the years. Yet, many people still have a strong tendency to resist change.

If you are among those who fear changes, here are three effective ways to help you overcome that fear:

"Feel the fear and do it anyway." Everyone has a comfort zone. Your fear is a warning that you are about to step outside of your comfort area. If it is your intention to do something different from what you are accustomed to, then your fear is a welcoming signal. Your comfort zone will grow each time you venture outside of it. Remember the first time you drove and you were not even sure how to do it on an empty road? How about the first time you drove on the expressway? How about now? Do you sometimes find yourself driving with one hand on the steering wheel and the other hand fumbling on the music player searching for your favorite song while talking to your friend sitting beside you? Rather than let you fear hold you back, embrace the opportunity to grow. Keep practicing until it becomes second nature to you.

Focus on your goal. The anticipation of pain is one of the main causes of fear. Do you realize that a lot of this pain resides only in your imagination. Have you ever experienced that actually taking the feared action has been much easier than you imagined it to be? Perhaps it was the first time for you performing on stage or it may have been the first job interview you had. To allay your fear, set your goal and understand why achieving this goal is important for you. Make a decision to do it and commit to it. Focus on your goal and it will help to keep your fear at bay.

Identify the benefits of change. When a person associates change with loss, it can be difficult. A caterpillar will never become a butterfly if it is so attached to its identity that it refuses to morph. What benefits will you gain from making that change? Will you lose anything as a result? Is it a true loss or a perceived loss? Many people are hard hit by the prospect of a job loss, retirement, relocation or family changes. For sure, those situations can be emotionally challenging but they can also open up opportunities for something even better.

Recognize that you are not alone feeling the fear of change. Join some support groups if you need emotional support. Recruit the help of mentors or coaches to help you gain an independent perspective and learn from their experiences so you can have a smooth or even fun transition.

Corinne Lor is a success coach who works with dissatisfied business professionals and people in transition, helping them realign their personal resources to meet multiple work and personal demands while having the joy of rediscovering their personal lives. Corinne Lor provides private individual sessions and group workshops through business enterprises.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Mentoring Children

All parents hope that their children will grow up healthy, happy, and productive. They aspire to have children who have the skills to contribute to their own well-being and to the well-being of their families and community. There is no magic bullet for developing these capacities in children. Literally thousands of programs have been developed to support families in their efforts to help children to become competent, confident, caring young people who have positive social connections and good characters.

Children have the potential to succeed in life and contribute to society. However, not all children get the support they need to thrive. By all estimates, an astounding 17.6 million young people - nearly half the population between 10 and 18 years of age - live in situations that put them at risk of not living up to their potential. Without immediate intervention by caring adults, they could make choices that undermine their futures. The presence of caring adults offering support, advice, friendship, reinforcement and constructive examples has proved to be powerful tools for helping young people fulfill their potential.

Mentoring is a structured and trusting relationship that brings young people together with caring individuals who offer guidance, support and encouragement aimed at developing the competence and character of the mentee. A mentor is an adult who, along with the parents, help young people bring out strengths that are already there. They are good listeners, compassionate and teach children how to live an honorable life. A mentor is not a foster parent, therapist, parole officer, or cool peer. The role of a mentor is not to "fix" young people but rather to help them achieve their full potential. Enforcing competence, confidence, connection, character, caring, and contribution to self and society, help develop a child into a productive and respectful adult in later years.

A mentor's main purpose is to help a young person define individual goals and find ways to achieve them. Since the expectations of each child will vary, the mentor's job is to encourage the development of a flexible relationship that responds to the young person's needs. Using influence and resources as a decision maker, adults can bring new hope to young lives through the power of mentoring. A mentor encourages positive choices, promotes high self-esteem, teaches respect for oneself and family, supports academic achievement, and introduces the young person to new ideas. Youth who meet regularly with their mentors are 46% less likely than their peers to start using illegal drugs and 27% less likely to start drinking alcohol (Public/Private Ventures study of Big Brothers Big Sisters). About 40% of teenager's waking hours are spent without any companionship or supervision. Mentors provide children and teens with a valuable place to spend free time. Children learn to make thoughtful choices, fulfill their commitments, acknowledge their mistakes and account for their actions. By taking control of their lives, children realize they can achieve more than they ever dreamed possible.

I encourage you to think of the mentors in your own life-a coach, teacher, or another caring adult, and take a few minutes to consider all the contributions they made in your life during your developing years. I know throughout my own adult life and business career, I have been greatly rewarded by years of mentoring children and young adults into productive, happy individuals that are successful in life. Children need someone to believe in them. Often times, children lack the attention needed to reinforce morals, values and self esteem on a daily basis. It makes all the difference in the world during times of indecision in their lives to have that reinforcement. Mentoring develops children into young adults who have confidence, determination and self-awareness.

Mentoring is recognized throughout the US as an important part of a child's life and some states have already proposed legislation to the Senate. The Coalition of State Mentoring Partnerships has worked closely with Capitol Hill staff and Senators to advocate this legislation. The Mentoring for All Act 2008 (S. 3200) is one of the most significant legislation actions to benefit mentoring. Please call; send emails or letters to your Senators urging support for the bill.

Denise Dema is a Business and Life Management Coach with over 20 years experience empowering individuals, entrepreneurs and business owners to attain self-defined success in their professional & personal lives. To learn more about the author and her practice please visit http://www.denisedema.com

Thursday, June 25, 2009

The Importance Of Goal Setting

You get into personal development, and all it seems since the beginning, is that everyone tells you to set goal. We have heard about goal setting, once, twice, perhaps even hundreds of time! So, why do these motivators, life coaches, and self help books keep trying to get you to set goals?

You may have or may not have heard the term 'Without a vision people perish'. How true! Studies have found that more deaths occur after important public occasions. This is due, not because of an outbreak of violence! The deaths occur because of that vision. At least from looking at the facts, this is a belief I hold. Again it may or may not be true, however putting 1 and 1 together, you get 2. And this looks like the most likely cause of this phenomenon.

Another interesting research has found that more people have heart attacks on Mondays. More specifically Monday mornings! I don't need to say, the very likely cause is that people don't like the work they do! Here is why goal setting is so crucial in our lives.

I wonder how many of those people were so concerned about getting to work early to not have to have another long talk with the boss, that it ended on Monday morning! Goal setting can help us with such a simple thing has getting to work on time, however, goal setting is not just for time keeping.

Knowing how to effectively set goals is the key ingredient here. Effective goal setting allows you to transform your life, if you choose to. If you take a look around where you are, you will see what goal setting has done for man.

While many people go to work, can't wait for the paycheck, and spend life in front of a TV, goals do not mean much. And simply using goal setting strategies for getting to work in time is not doing goal setting its full justice. The house, the room, the building you are sitting in right now, is there because of a person's goal setting ability; and of course translating that into action.

The reason many personal development coaches stress the importance of setting goals is that of being mindful. We are born to the world and find a pretty much straight path through life. First learn, then earn, then get married, have kids and retire. Though we all generally follow the same pattern, life offers us much more to it.

If you really want to live life on your terms, goal setting is the first step. I have to stress the first step, as all too often, people will make the goal setting, and planning phase last from step one to step 10, and take no action!

Are you sick and tired of what you do for work? Are you working in a dead end job? Now we have passed the new millennium, and this millennium is showing us that, yes man and woman, and all can do what they want.

After all, if everyone does what they love, we would have a better world. Films such as the Secret, and several others are helping people see that vision. This may seem like a utopian view, and you may think to go back to work and function as you have. But, realize that people in the main are like ships without rudders, without a goal they don't have a destination, and no daydreaming is not goal setting.

Goal setting needs action, and now more and more people are awakening to the possibility that yes it is possible. I am excited at seeing a world where more people set goals and take action.

From goal setting to goal achievement, Kozan Huseyin has helped many people find there own success story. Learn the true success secrets to setting goals and seeing those goals materialize in reality!

How To Goal Set

Your Success Coach

Latest Home Business Opportunities

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

A Mirthful Spirit by Mary Huntley & Edna Thayer - Book Review

Beaver's Pond Press (2007)
ISBN 9781592981656

"A Mirthful Spirit" uses stories, research, quotes, poetry, tips and suggestions by two scholars in the field of mirth and laughter. More than a guidebook for embracing mirth and laughter, "A Mirthful Spirit" provides guidelines for incorporating humor in the workplace, hospitals, and schools to improve productivity, wellness, and creativity.

One of the best things about laughter is that it is contagious. By teaching yourself the techniques and tips for living a mirthful life, one of the biggest benefits is that you will soon find yourself surrounded by people dispersing the joys of living with a mirthful spirit.

From the physical benefits (Initiates Internal Jogging, Thwarts Infections, Alleviates Pain) to mental benefits (Lightens stress, Increases brain-cell functioning), "A Mirthful Spirit" provides a handbook for healthy, happy, humor-filled living.

"A Mirthful Spirit" closes with an intriguing section on the historical and cultural highlights of humor. Even humor has evolved and matured from its beginnings (ridicule) to the healing powers of mirthful living we can access today.

"A Mirthful Spirit: Embracing Laughter for Wellness" is a perfect bedside companion and coffee table book; this is certainly a book to put on your gift lists. Not only will the receiver benefit from the wisdom among its pages, all will benefit from the gift of spreading mirth. Reading "A Mirthful Spirit" will change your outlook on life. Not only will you become happier-everyone will feel your joy and start laughing with you. Huntley and Thayer are firm believers in what one of their heroes, Patch Adams, says, "The most revolutionary act we can commit in the world is to be happy." Go buy a copy of "A Mirthful Spirit" and you too can laugh your way to wellness.


Sunday, June 21, 2009

Believing In Jesus Video

I was reading a book on advertising when the author mentioned, "All Advertising Is about Hope."

Check out one of his recommended books, Read This Book

Greg is currently creating articles on religion filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Basic Stair Building Designs
Feeling Good In Church

Grandparents Don't Get to Choose

One of the greatest pleasures of life is having the opportunity to be grandparents. Since my son and his wife told us they were going to have a baby, we have been on cloud nine. When they came over to our house one evening to tell us, we really didn't expect any news like we were told. In fact, all we thought was that they just came for a visit.

Sitting down at the kitchen table, my wife was presented with what looked like a gift bag. She was surprised knowing that it wasn't her birthday, nor was it mother's day, nor was it an anniversary of any kind. But, what she found at the bottom of the gift bag made her sit back with her mouth open and only a few words came out. I wondered what had shocked her.

Those words she spoke were loosely translated to mean, "Oh my goodness", repeated over and over again. I didn't have a clue what she was referring to until I saw that she was holding a pregnancy test in her hand. It took me a few seconds to clue in but once I did I then knew why my wife sputtered those words. My daughter-in-law was pregnant.

The first thing I thought of was the delight of having a new grandson to play with, to have a grandchild that would allow me to buy all those great little toys, build a swing set, and finally have an excuse to purchase some model train gear that I wanted. But, that wasn't necessarily what my daughter-in-law had in mind.

Not only did I jump the gun in wishing for a grandson (a granddaughter is OK too), I apparently jumped the gun in even thinking that I could choose my own nickname as a grandparent. It seems that my nickname had already been chosen. And, while I objected, I never had a chance to even suggest a few grandfather nicknames. That was not the case with my wife though. She knew what she wanted as a nickname and she wouldn't hear anything different. I guess I know who has the power around here and who doesn't.

I was unceremoniously given the nickname "Grampy"; no opportunity to choose let alone object. Somehow, I must look like, or act like a "Grampy". My wife, on the other hand, had her nickname chosen in her own mind and announced to all that she would be referred to as "Nanna". Oh well, I guess I can't have everything.

The long and short of it is this; being a grandparent no matter what nickname you are given, or what nickname you prefer, the little guy or girl will certainly have their own special name for "Grampy" and "Nanna", and it really doesn't matter.

But, I did really want to choose my own nickname!!

Looking for special nicknames for grandparents, or articles, and poems visit Nicknames for Grandmothers.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Spiritual Education

I have read more information on spirituality, world religions, self-help, motivation and inspirational thinking than you could ever imagine. I probably have about 300 books and about a hundred audios that I could listen to on these subjects. But let's not forget that I have over 200 DVDs and VHS tapes also. Oh I forgot to mention that in October of 2007 my house burned down and along with it was what I would like to refer to it as my lifetime collection on these topics. If I had to value this collection, it would be almost $20,000 in materials.

Now the one thing that the fire provided me with, was a chance to start over and in less than a year of literary accumulation, I'm off to a good start. I have been studying over my lifetime with extreme persistence on how to better my life, which religion to follow and how to make more money.

If someone was to ask me, what I've learned and what books would I recommend, I've got quite a list. I built a website last year to support some of my favorite authors and to help others gather great materials for changing their life. Some of these books have given me what I would like to call a spiritual hernia. So much information and so little time to go through it.

I often ask myself, was this the best use of my time? Could I have done it another way? I really don't know, and I really don't know what will work exactly for you or your friends. I will give you some advice, meditation, contemplation, and meditation, seemed to be the key to a higher spiritual education. Whatever religion you belong to, whether it's Christianity, Hinduism or Islamic thinking, you can spend a little time with your self thinking about your religious choices, on a daily basis.

Simply sit quietly in a comfortable environment for 15 minutes each day. Try to relax, without falling asleep and clear your mind of any thoughts you have during this period. Try to do this every day and soon you will start to see things a little bit clearer. It seems like meditation strips off the layers of crap that are clouding our minds.

Start with 15 minutes and when you feel comfortable, try to extend the time. Some spiritual and inspirational experts, block out at least one hour each day to spend meditating, thinking about the day's events or just trying to get some creative insight for the next day.

I would also like to recommend, one of the best books that I have read on spirituality, laws of attraction and even meditation. The book is by Arnold Patent called "You Can Have It All." This book was also recommended by Oprah Winfrey and other motivational and spiritual authors.

Meditation can provide you with relaxation and creative insight for solving your problems or can be used, just to clear your mind for a while.

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site:

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development. Check out one of his recommended books, You Can Have It All

Greg is currently working on a motivation help library filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Personal Development

3 Successful Goal Setting Strategies That Never Fail

Goal setting is an easy process; all you have to do is to write down what you want to achieve in a piece of paper and paste it somewhere you can see often. Although that this is an easy process, you will be amazed how many people are actually doing this. The lack of commitment to follow through is one of the common reasons people fail to achieve their goals.

Another big common reason is that most people never do what they suppose to do after they have set their goal. You should know that it is what you do after you have set your goal that will bring you to your success. If you are not doing anything after you have set your goals, nothing is going to happen.

Below are the 3 successful goal setting strategies that you must do them right after you have set your goals. If you follow through, you will guarantee to achieve your goals...

1. Affirm your goals every night and visualize about the achievement of your goals. You need to sink the idea into your subconscious mind and at the same time, motivate yourself to achieve it. By doing so, you are constantly motivating yourself into taking more action. Remember, it is the action that you take that will make your goal come true.

2. Take at least 3 actions that will bring you toward your goal everyday. For example, if your goal is to become a real-estate millionaire, the actions that you can take are like doing market research, looking for deals, read to improve, making calls to prospects and many more. Goal setting is not a magic wand; you will never achieve your goal if you are not doing anything.

3. Make a public commitment by telling everyone about your goal. If you do so, you will leave yourself no alternative but to achieve your goal. Some of your friends may laugh at you if you tell them that you are going to be a real-estate millionaire, but so what? Turn their negative force into positive motivation that propels you into taking action.

By following through these 3 successful goal setting strategies that never fail, I believe that you will definitely achieve your goal. Remember, success is about getting things done.

If you are serious in achieving what you really want in your life, goal setting is the right tool for you. I'm going to share with you the 3 phases of Goal Setting Activities, you are about to discover the real and guaranteed strategies how to achieve your goals

For more information about Goal Setting Activities, please visit: http://www.Goal-Setting-Activities.com

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Psychic Readings - What is Psychic See-er?

When people talk about psychic abilities, then very imaginative ideas pop up in the minds of general population. Some reckon psychic is some one who can talk to people who have departed this transition, and some others think psychics are God gifted and are able to actually talk to God. Throughout the ages there were see-ers who could see the heart of the matter also communicate with spiritual dimension, getting guidance also predicting and anticipating up coming events.

In our recorded history we come to see the importance of spirituality to all lost civilizations. Example: Aztecs of South America, or ancient Egyptian cultures which really evolved their entire existence around a belief that life is of spiritual nature. Ancient Egyptian society had a very rich spiritual belief system. They have built marvelous temple tombs for their journeys for after life. And not just Egyptian but almost all civilizations throughout ages believed in spiritual realms and try to communicate with those dimensions. When we study history we come to see cave painting which date back to 10000 years before time, where we get to see the rock art in detail, showing shamanic rituals being performed. Shamanic cultures still exists in remotes part of our globe. Still living and practicing spiritual traditions their ancestors left for successive generations. Also spirituality touches nearly every heart in one form or another.

Spiritual beliefs and practices vary for different cultures and societies. And almost all cultures have a spiritual psychic who they consult on regular basis. Psychics are not a new invention in our modern busy lives. They can be seen almost in every culture, making their spiritual journeys to higher consciousness to receive psychic answers, and spiritual guidance. In eastern part of our world these spiritually attuned psychics are named as see-ers. They have the unique ability to intuitively see the heart of the matter in question. Psychic clairvoyants in our modern world are becoming in demand and proving to be very popular amongst spiritually minded people. They provide psychic readings, also some are able to read divination as well, divination is not simply a fortune telling event, as alleged in Hollywood movies, it is more than that, it is being able to see insights of a person or events.

We need to understand the difference between psychic readings and divination readings. They are both completely different subjects altogether, yet they will both prove to be insightful also accurate, if received from a genuine source. Our history has seen psychics, soothsayers, magicians, astrology prediction given by astrologers who study the position of stars, clairvoyant, rune stones readers, psychic - mediums who make the spiritual journeys between spirit world and our normal world, divination kumalak readers and many other spiritual forms of divination and seeing.

As science evolved so did knowledge of our universe, science answers many questions, and without the efforts of science we could not make so many new discoveries we find to be useful for us. And scientific communities will disagree with psychic ability being real, as most scientific scholars do not believe in the existence of soul - spirit nature. Everybody is entitled to their theories in life, which is the basis for advancement, to have theories. Yet the spiritual communities know the accuracy and usefulness of consulting a psychic, and getting psychic readings from them. Genuine psychic advice has and will continue to provide a useful option to those who live their lives believing in the existence of spiritual forms thus receiving guidance from these dimensions. Question should not be as to, are psychics real? Rather the question should be how can I utilize the dedication of these spiritually attuned souls? "Psychics"

We are human beings whether we live in Asia or America, and there were psychics thousands of years ago, and some are genuine psychic clairvoyants today also. Have you ever had genuine psychic readings before? If you have, then your theories about them will be positive in nature. And if you never had genuine psychic readings before, then perhaps you may like to test your theories about them, by getting genuine real psychic readings online, today.

Tolga Savas Dedicated and Trusted genuine psychic clairvoyant, is now offering psychic readings, one of worlds best dream analysis free, psychic chat online, kumalak readings, spiritual guidance and spiritual healing, Kumalak the Mirror of Destiny - Only the Calm Waters will Reflect the Stars

Emergency Food Storage - 5 Essential Tips For Storing Food Reserves

Are you taking steps to procure food while it is still affordable? According to the Agriculture Department as reported by Reuters, "U.S. consumers should brace for the biggest increase in food prices in nearly 20 years in 2008, and even more pain next year (2009) due to surging meat and produce prices."

Are you braced? If you are one of the "smart" ones and have started to purchase bulk foods, grains, cereals, etc. and have started a home food storage program, make sure you implement the following tips to ensure your food stays dry, fresh, and insect/ pest free.

SANITATION Whether you are canning or simply storing bulk grains and cereals, be sure to use the upmost care in cleanliness. Containers should be clean and sterilized before putting any food into them. If you are using plastic buckets or barrels, be sure they are "food grade". You can sterilize these containers using a diluted bleach solution. After you have sterilized the containers, make sure the containers are thoroughly dried before putting food into them.

AIR TIGHT! Oxygen is what causes food to deteriorate. Therefore, it is imperative that you keep air out. In canning, this is done by ensuring you have a properly sealed lid. In bulk food storage, this can be accomplished by filling your bucket/barrel as near to the top as possible and then having a good lid to make an airtight seal. Oxygen absorbers or dry ice can be placed inside the container to help ensure the absence of oxygen.

CONTROLLED TEMPERATURE It is important to store your food at the correct temperature, and preferably in a cool, dark space. At all costs, avoid food being frozen, especially your canned goods in glass jars. Equally important is to store your food in an area where the temperature does not get above 50 degrees for bulk foods...insects and bugs become active above this temperature. Ideally, your canned foods should be stored in temperatures that do not go above 70 degrees.

ACCURATE INVENTORY Keep an accurate record of what has been stored and when it was stored or canned. Another helpful key is to keep a record of how much of an item you have on hand. You don't need to double or triple up on some items, and then not have another item at all.

ROTATION Be sure to rotate your food storage, using the oldest items up first. Keep dates on the lids or on the containers themselves.

By implementing these simple, yet essential steps, you and your family can enjoy the peace of mind of having adequate food supplies at your home. You will also be protecting your food investment by keeping your food free of insects, mold, etc. By starting a home food storage program today, you will also be hedging yourself against higher and higher food costs, or even a food shortage. Don't wait. Start today. Keep your food storage safe.

Lisa Carr is a certified Health and Phys. Ed. Instructor with a Master's in Health and P.E. She has lived off the "grid" for several years where she has honed her homestead skills and self-sufficiency strategies. She would love to share her tips and survival strategies at her blog. Please visit today!

Roof Truss Water Damage

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Living With Limited Beliefs

Get off your butt and start your life in motion today.

Question Your Religion

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site:

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development.

Greg is currently working on a motivation help library filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Helpful Habit Planning Tips

Difficulties Talking About Religion - Why Can't We Talk About Religion?

Why do people find it difficult to talk about religion? Have you ever heard the saying that there's three things you don't talk about. Religion, politics and other people. I have spent my whole life talking to people about all three of these topics and will continue to do so, because I find religion, politics and people extremely fascinating.

I rarely encounter an individual who would like to speak about religion, but I often, seem to worm a couple of tidbits of information from them. When I speak to someone, I do my best not to make any one feel uncomfortable, because of their religious or spiritual beliefs. This only causes frustration between us and will not get us anywhere.

I did not learn this lesson early but now have it securely fastened into my mind. Hopefully I never forget it, to some people it's more important to be right than happy, I want to be happy and give them something to think about.

Some people when talking about religion can become quite animated and start throwing their arms in the air, jumping up and down, yelling and screaming, calling me names and even threatening me. This doesn't make any sense to me, because they're supposed to be compassionate and loving individuals. What's wrong with them, I know there's nothing wrong with me, what could be wrong with them. Just kidding. Isn't this how we think though.

It seems like most people don't have problems talking to other people whom agree with them. You will find very little difficulties talking about religion with others, whom agree wholeheartedly with your thinking. The difficulties arise when someone brings a topic into the conversation that becomes offensive, because they either don't understand it or have been taught to believe something different about it.

The difficulties talking about other religions or spiritual beliefs, will probably always cause friction, until we start taking some time to understand where they are coming from. If you have somebody that upsets you, when speaking about their religion or spiritual beliefs, I have something I would like you to try the next time you see them.

Try to spend some time finding common ground, ask them about their religious or spiritual beliefs. Gather some information and try to understand, "Where Their Coming From". This could lead you to a better understanding about them and possibly learn something about yourself.

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development. Check out one of his book review videos on, Conversations with God

If you're looking for a good book, this one had a large impact on my life has had a large impact on the the founder of Hay House Publishing. If you minutes could change your entire life, so why not take some time and look at the book Game of Life.

Dealing With Macho Mentality

Three Seperate Gods Video

Let God Handle It

Saturday, June 6, 2009

False Prophet Are Biblical Facts- Movie Video

Can you believe this guy, if you look up these verses in the Bible, you will see that there and there, but how did he come up with these ideas about the Sabbath, teenagers and the fact that the Bible is repulsive.

If you're really seeking the kingdom of heaven, the glory of God and the true vision that Jesus had, check out some great Christian articles . These articles are designed to teach and educate Christians.

Purchasing Tips Internet
Aiman A Al Maimani

Social Etiquette

The subject of personal hygiene is very sensitive, be it at work, social gathering, public or at college. The big question before us is how one can address the problems without embarrassing or hurting the feelings of those concerned. Also that the person who think is offended does not engage in the same offensive malady.

It is largely suggested that most people believe a lot of things can be done to encourage friends, workmates without tearing asunder the rapport, be it in the work place or at home.
Nose picking some investigation suggest that males have high habits of picking their nose. This seem to have its ancient roots in ancient time not only in Africa, but also in Europe.
It is disgusting and alienating especially when the individual sees it fit to eat whenever they have "dug out". Men are said to have developed this habit much more than women. At times your girlfriend will notice this and feel shy to tell you to use a handkerchief.

Different cultures have different ways of maintaining their health. Men and women have got different roles and expectation they are required to follow. At times a person can offend the table manners depending on the culture that he follows. Culture as define by Cumming et al as a totality of life transmitted from one generation to the other. Scholars like Fiske 1980 views "culture" as something that is ordinary. What one does be it at workplace, home, school or at church can be defined as culture.

Above all hygiene at times cuts across multiple of culture and needs to be preserved to enhance development. Human beings are different from animals because they have certain ways of upholding their hygiene. It is important all the times to maintain high standards of hygiene that can improve our lives

Dale Carnegie

Friday, June 5, 2009

How Poor Are You?

One day a father and his rich family took his son to a trip to the country with the firm purpose to show him how poor people can be.

They spent a day and a night in the farm of a very poor family. When they got back from their trip the father asked his son, "How was the trip?"

"Very good Dad!"

"Did you see how poor people can be?" the father asked.


"And what did you learn?"

The son answered, "I saw that we have a dog at home, and they have four. We have a pool that reaches to the middle of the garden, they have a creek that has no end. We have imported lamps in the garden, they have the stars. Our patio reaches to the front yard, they have a whole horizon." When the little boy was finishing, his father was speechless.

His son added, "Thanks Dad for showing me how poor we are!"

Wealth really is a state of mind isn't it? You can have all the riches you want but on the other hand you can be the poorest person in the world.

It's a matter of how you think about the riches that are already a part of your life. You have to be grateful for what you have and appreciate any new riches you attract.

Wealth comes in many forms other than monetary, and it's all in the way you think about it. You don't have to be the wealthiest person in the world to have wealth. You already have it.

Susan Denny has been happily married for 38 years, has 4 adult children (all married) and 6 grandchildren. She has many years experience with families and relationships and has been involved in the Self Development industry for nearly 20 years.

Being healthy is a pre-requisite to creating the wealth and happiness you desire in your life. Go to: Health + Wealth = Happiness for more information, tips and ideas and sign up for my free report, Living With Anxiety and Depression.

Chet Holmes

Monday, June 1, 2009

Can One Book Change Someones Life - Movie Video

What will it take to get someone to read a book, what would it take to get someone to read a book that will change their life. Watch this video and learn.

Spiritual Christian and Create a Wonderful Life For Yourself And Your Family. Greg Vanden Berge is one of the best inspirations on the planet. You will be hearing a lot about this guy in the future. You can count on it.

Why Dont We Listen To Our Parent

Does God Not Like Corner Backs?

I am a person that has been on a journey. Over that last few years I have really searched for a spiritual centeredness in my life. I grew up in a very religious family. Religion tore our family apart because certain philosophies could not exist. Everyone felt they had the true way to heaven. Now mind you all of them considered themselves Christian, but with their own brand of Christianity.

My family for me is a microcosm of the world. Everyone is not Christian but each religion feels as though THEY have the way to heaven. As a matter of fact if you do not believe as THEY do then you and others that think like you deserve to die! I never could understand the thought process that another creation of the God you worship should not live because you disagree on some miniscule point. For me it is difficult to understand how a creator of all things can choose one group or one person over another.

One day I was watching a football game. My team did win the game on this particular day. One of the receivers was very emotional during the game after he caught a touch down pass. He sat on the sideline actually crying! After the game a reporter asked the receiver what was going through his mind at that time. The receiver stated that he had spoken with his pastor at church the day before or sometime during the week. He said the pastor told him that God would allow him to do something great in the game to glorify him. Because the touch down was a turning point in the game the receiver surmised that this was the great thing that God had allowed him to do. God was on his side that day according to the receiver. A thought came over my mind at that moment. What did the corner back (this is person that plays a position on defense in American football) do to fall out of favor with God? Did God not like the corner back so he allowed him to get embarrassed on national TV?

I make lite of the situation with the cornerback, but it puts religion in a perspective that we should start to think about someday and I hope soon. Many people think of God as someone watching over all facets of our existence. I know some days he must get tired and just rest. He takes his eyes off the window to the world for brief times. I know this is true because I was going to the barber last week and prayed for a good hair cut. The barber messed up!

I figured I got in the same dog house as the cornerback or else he would not have gotten beat for a touch down and my barber would have had a steady hand. Or maybe he was busy with the guys involved in the war that had the guns praying that they be the ones to live and the other guy die? Have you ever thought how a God would choose which one of his creations would live when they were in conflict? People often speak of God as being the father. If that is so then how does a father choose one child over another? If you are a parent, what could your child do that you would never forgive them for and send their souls to burn in hell for eternity?

I don't think any religion has it right. When there is any thought that God will favor one over another for any reason it is wrong. When we start to question why a God does not work favorably for everyone then maybe we can move away from the thought process of God punishing one person over another. That cornerback has to know that he was not out of favor with God and that is the reason he was embarrassed by that receiver. I have come to believe that God is not a being in any sense of the word. However, there is a source that is greater than us, a source that we are all connected with. This source does not favor anyone anymore than the next person. One day I hope that religion will come to grips with its contradictions and let that lowly corner back know that him being out of favor was not the reason he was beaten on national TV. In our connection with universal consciousness, we all are as great as we choose to be.

Hi my name is Reginald Martin and my perspective is one of a holistic approach with the knowledge of how the universe weaves its interconnected tapestry and affects our lives. I am just like many of you. I have been through many of life's major ups and downs, like the birth of my children, raising a family, a divorce, Amway (any former distributors out there?) starting out dating again after years of marriage and being laid off from a job. These ups and downs can either make you or break you! My friend they made me. Although when my Amway business went under that was close to the straw that broke the camels back for me. J Just kidding. I developed a consciousness about life through the school of hard knocks that I would like to share with you. I look back on many of those events now and can laugh a little. I have been where many of you are about to go. There is a saying that I like, "you can learn from your experiences or from the experiences of others. The former will take you a lot longer to get the lesson but you will eventually learn it." I have mucho experience! My expertise is the areas of man, husband, father, brother, uncle, boss, friend and neighbor. I enjoy sports, reading, blogging and manly things like crotch scratching, yawning and stretching in the morning. Unless you have not lived you know that anything going haywire in those areas can cause you to have mental breakdown followed by a spiritual awakening, or not! And oh yeah, I kinda look at life in an irreverent quirky kind of way. I swear this is like writing an online dating profile!

Structuring Your 24 Hour Day