Some people would like us to believe that it only takes one thing to get what we want. The truth is, it takes a number of things to get what you want in life. Here are the ten things that will always determine what you get.
1. You get what you desire. You get in life what you desire and not merely what you want. Wanting something is not enough. You have to raise up the intensity from want to DESIRE. When you desire something you will do whatever it takes to get it. When you want something you would like to have it but, when it comes down to the nitty-gritty of life, it just doesn't give you the edge to keep on keeping on when things get tough.
2. You get what you focus on. What ever you focus on with the greatest amount of intensity is what you will manifest. Whatever you focus on enlarges. What's sad is that most people are ever focusing on things they don't want instead of things they do want. But the truth is, you will always get what you focus on.
3. You get what you believe. You will always achieve and manifest according to your beliefs. If you believe you can't or believe you can you're right. Your beliefs5B4 will determine whether you do or don't.
4. You get what you expect. What you expect will greatly determine what you get. If you expect to fail, you greatly increase the odds that you will fail. If you expect to succeed, you will greatly increase the odds of success. Your expectations will affect your results.
5. You get what choose. Decision determines destiny! Most people think that circumstances determine their destiny. But it's not circumstances that determine destiny it's your choices.
6. You get what you think. The thoughts you most consistently think will determine what you get. If you're ever thinking lack and scarcity, this will be your experience. If you're ever thinking abundance and success, this will be your experience. The old Biblical Proverb has proven true for thousands of years, "For as a man thinks so is he."
7. You get what you know. What you know the most about is what you get. If you know health you will be healthy. If you know wealth you will attract wealth. What you know is what you get.
8. You get what you feel. Your feelings and emotions are magnets that are ever attracting like resources, people and opportunities. If you're ever feeling angry, fearful and unconfident, you will attract the like. If you're ever feeling confident, happy and passionate, you will attract the like.
9. You get what you see. The world belongs to the visionaries. Visionaries are people who see the po575ssibilities. They see opportunities in every challenge and solutions in every problem. Flip Wilson, the comedian was right, "What you see is what you get."
10. You get what you do. What you do is what you get. After the desire, belief, feelings, and vision comes action. The treasures belong to those who take action. The doers, movers and shakers get the prize.
When it comes to getting what you desire there are ten keys that, when discovered, developed and deployed, will open the doors to your dreams.
To Your Success,
Frank Bolella
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