Saturday, April 26, 2008

The Law of Attraction - Rule #1

Rule # 1

Abide in God

This article is a follow up on previous published articles. I strongly advice you to first read the previous articles in the series before reading this one.

All lasting change starts from the inside out. All lasting relationships with things flow out of a powerful and effective relationship with yourself. As you build a stronger and stronger relationship with yourself, you become more confident and bolder in what you ask for and the plans you make. Unless your relationship with yourself is built on principles, you will always doubt what you plan and what you have asked for.

Its easy to know how well you have discovered and developed certain principles in your life; just ask yourself how confident you are when you plan things and when you ask from God?

Now, if you look at a vine with its branches, grapes can only be produced by the branches if it is engrafted into the vine. The vine acts as the source of nutrition for the branches to produce grapes. Similarly God is the source of principles in our lives and only if we abide in God can we develop and manifest these principles in our lives (Joh 15:5).

As we abide in Him, there is a stream of transformation that flows from Him to us. It is in this action of transformation that we get to know His perfect and pleasing will (Rom 12:2). Our power to ask and to receive lies in the surety and clarity to know our purpose according to God's will. As we get to know His will, boldness and confidence starts to develop in us and it is exactly this boldness and confidence that empowers us not to feel condemned when we ask or desire something (Rom 8:11).

Therefore, all lasting5B4 change starts from the inside out; from principles that are developed within us first. In other words, for the Law of Attraction to serve you in a positive way, principles need to form the foundation of it. This process of development can be summarized in 5 points:

  • As you abide in God, you tap into the source of principles (Joh 15:5).
  • As you tap into this source, you are transformed (Rom 12:2)
  • As you are transformed, you get to know Hi perfect and pleasing will (Rom 12:2).
  • As you know his perfect will, you fell less condemned (Rom 8:1)
  • This allows you to ask with boldness and surety.

Any building can stand without a solid foundation, but any sort of disturbance from the outside causes it to collapse. The truth is that we can use the Law of Attraction without any foundation, and have it to serve us in a positive way, but we must realize and except that the effects of it will only be short term and when any disturbance from the outside comes, everything we hold on to will collapse. Imagine a life built on solid principles that flow from the Ultimate Source...

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Steyn Viljoen
Professional Certified Coach
Cog Coaching


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