Since 2002, I have been on the field of personal development ever since I was introduced to it. My first book was Rich Dad Poor Da5B4d by Robert Kiyosaki and had I read that book first, I may not have bought my existing 5 room flat that I am staying right now.
As I was taught, that self development is a must for anyone who wants to embark on the journey towards a successful life and I have always been thinking:
Why is personal development so important for one's pursue towards the success journey?More... I finally understood now. There are actually a couple of reasons why is personal development so important:
1. Engaging in personal development will change the way you think and your attitude, which will in turn attract the right people to your life
2. It is the personal development materials that we quote from where people will start perceiving us to be an authority in a particular field
3. To use the materials to motivate us when one is feeling down
4. To identify if the direction that one is taking is right and knows when to start doing mindset and direction shift if it is heading in the wrong direction
These are just a couple of reasons why personal development is so important because for me right now, I am feeling really lousy because I am starting to lose confidence in the endeavor that I am pursuing right now and starting wondering what is it that I really want to pursue? I am sure this is just a process I am going through right now and with the abundance of listening, reading and video materials that I have in my library,5B1 I am sure I am able to pick myself up again and take my businesses to greater heights.
Now, would you agree with me that personal development is important? Because if I have not been engaging myself for the past 6 years in personal development, I will not be able to think like what I have written knowing that what I am going through right now are stepping stones to my journey towards success and not stumbling blocks like how others would see it.
Now I know why there are so little people that pursue the journey towards a successful life because of the challenges one will have to face in order to emerge eventually as a Victor and not a Victim.
Eugene Goh has been engaging in personal development through reading books and listening to various audio programs since 2002 starting from his first self help book of Rich Dad Poor Dad. Eugene is in a constant state of learning from the greats of Jim Rohn, Denis Waitley, Brian Tracy, John Maxwell, Jack Canfield, T. Harv Eker and etc. and wants to share all that he has learned to post in his blog. If you would like to know more about what Eugene is sharing lately, go to
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