Is necessary to confirm that there is no rule to love, to feel, to spirit ourselves by renewing it into a self-confident world or by a vituosity in handling ourselves in character of our ancestors. Perhaps the most appeal of this sublime realistic mold is that we are capable of doing everything as a result of such symbolic rule. That rule is belongs to the spiritual paramount of communication and that it does not have any subordinate position to church or to gods.
By making ourselves as a performer of distinct archievement and firm in what we are made of, our life grows by itself. A life that lands on its own combination of linguistic, cultural, and biological traits does not have difficult in discerning how it came into existence and gave us, with others, the effect of development because of the unique spirit of its relatively unimportant. What is important that humans differentiated from the other animals by their ability to engage in reflective action. Humans can think about what they do before they do it.
In the West Indians, life has the most significant visual symbols because we have learned what it means. And it continues to grow in Trinidad, in the Orinoco River, in South America, in the peninsula of Yucatan, and in North America.
Who were they? Who might have the cruel intention to take them away from us for their personal gain? What would be then their messages to us into this pristine but horrified environment in order to worship their presence by the ancestral eyes? What would be their spiritual archievement of reference within our souls?
To find it out, we should find the voices of the forest with its wild birds and animals, its fruits and vegetables, palms, guavas; as we here define life it is also, in the rainfall, in the oceanic feeding, where we can find fish, and waterfowls that make it so spiritual for them. This chronological spiritual that nothing could separate to the "truth" to which we all are related.
Again, who they were? Where can we learn about them without contrasting their lives and their powers, admitting and accepting, in our minds and hearts that they were here? Where were their poems? Their gods? Their emotional summers? Their pains? Their loves? And most important, their ways of thinking, their experience, their knowledge, and their findings?
In these American lands, we sumbit to whatever come along, that things are the rich of our culture and love, differentiated in both language and culture. They were a soul in Tainos or Arawak or Sioux.
Respect our Indians; they gave us life, too. They gave us the potters, the woodworkers, and the wavers. They gave us their classes --nitaino and naboria, more predominated by the subjugation what we feel today. Also they showed us how to fight for freedom through the spiritual of Zemis and the meaning of the self. In the casabe and in the sacred grounds that molded all cultivated fruits for living. The pleasure of "being transported" and "being restored" by the cleanness was another contribution.
Their religion was not savage. Who dares to say Europeans are more closer to God than they were, the racers of Zemis? There may be in the future some people brought up in the habit --energy, mentality, and imagination based on the philosophers' erroneous view. Their religion was as closer as water. In its supreme beings are not different than Malachin or Levitcus.
The Supreme Bings
Yucahu, the lord of Cassava and Zemis of the sea, where the goddess of fresh water and human fertility is the sense of life. We will come back to it over and over. Zemis the god, is the simplicity of the soul, the misunderstanding of topographic characteristics and the fundamental aspect of the destruction under the European conquistadors.
Their Religion
It constitutes a model of stone, bones, shells, and the potteries. But the evidence for this is our own flesh.
The Affective Understanding
Unlike the present inhabitants of the West Indies, Florida, Puerto Rico, or Cuba --in the most reminiscent footsteps who have reason to believe it -- it is pitaloid for the purpose that they are the spirit of life, the spirit of living. Also they brought us the dances, the mountains filled with imagination of being there --died for us -- with the ability to transform themselves (and us ) into the original songs.
All is flowered Vision
All Vision is perfect.
And every thing that give us such Vision
Is a undergoing by God Zemis.
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