Saturday, May 24, 2008

Change: The Other Dirty Word

What comes to mind when you hear the word change? Are you fearful? Excited? Does you blood run cold or do you hear yourself saying, I like things just the way they are.? Is change, the other dirty word?

Most of us find change hard. Not necessarily because we do not want to change but because it is sailing into the unknown. Who knows what is going to be around the next bend in the road? We are most likely to rail against changes that are going to have an adverse effect on our lives.

Its easy to see why someone would be upset if they lost their job. It is one of those unexpected changes in life, just something that changes without our control. One thing we didnt see coming, one that we were not prepared for. It is natural to be resistant, be angry, or every scared as you travel into the mysterious future without the security that was once there.

Most people continue on, find a new job and most times find out that the change turned out to be a good one. Maybe they found an even better job, maybe they found a job that allows them be with their family more, or they decided to go back to school. Sometimes its easier to change when you are pushed into a corner.

So, if what seems like a negative change can turn out to be a positive, then why is it that people fight making positive changes in their lives, as well? Why do we not change things that we do not like in our lives? What makes us procrastinate the changes that could make our lives better? What do we fear?

Often times it is the fact that we fear failure, even though it is not consciously known. What if we fail to make our dreams a reality? What happens to that dream then? Is that what you fear? The lost of a dream? Trying and failing?

It is natural in human nature to think the worst. Failure would mean the death of a dream. But, what if you tried and succeed?

It is possible, isnt it? People do it everyday, they accomplish their goals, and they reach their dreams. They choose to push pass the fear of failure, the fear of loosing a dream, and bring into reality what was only a vision boardin their mind.

So, how do we push past the fear, the doubt, and the anxiety of changing our lives for the better, while expecting the worst? What makes us take that leap of faith? Usually, it is a realization that, its just not working anymore. Whether it, is a career, a relationship, or even something within themselves. It is evident that there needs to be a change, in order to fulfill the yearning to find what is missing in their lives. That is what motivates people to get through the fear of moving forward instead of just towing the status quo.

Break it down in steps. Just saying, I want a better job. is a daunting goal, unless you break down it down into the steps that will lead you there. Utilize the tools or skills that are going to move your towards that big goal at the end. If you goal is to get a better job, then determine what you need to do it. Would having your degree help put you in that better job? What about improving your skills? By breaking your goals down into steps, it will increase your changes to achieve because you are laying down the foundation on which your goal or dreams can be built on. Without a good foundation your aspirations might not have the support then need to grow and flourish.

Being determined, willing, and committed to change. Change is not an easy course of action. It is the process of breaking old habits and replacing them with better routines that will lead you towards what you want to accomplish. You did not create those old habits over night, it has been months or years of practice, of them becoming routine to you. Change is not going to happen overnight, it too will take practice.

If for example you are trying to change the habit of always looking at the negative, then you will have to actually practice flipping that immediate habit of negative thinking or perception into a positive way of thinking. It takes work, it takes time, and it takes persistence. You will have to remind yourself of what the benefits of maintaining a positive perception will give you.

Stay motivated by reminding yourself what accomplishing each step is going to mean to you. Will you be happier? More confident? What will that lead you to? With more confident will you be able to be more law of successful? Will it be a stepping stone to something bigger and better? Will it make changing your life easier?

Get the support that you need. Most people let pride stand in their way of asking for help. There has always been and always will be people in our life that shows us examples of over coming adversity, that help us find our personal strength. Surround yourself with people that have accomplished what you are trying to do. Seek out people that uses the skills that you want to develop. Be around people that tend to bring out the best in you. Spend time with people that will not give up on you and will tell you all the reasons that you should not give up on yourself or your dreams.

Above all, you have to believe in yourself. Find the strength you need within yourself. Empower yourself to follow that path to life improvement through change. Take it one step at a time. We only need the courage to over come that fear and to take those steps that will lead to a better future. Tap into your strength. Believe in yourself and in your power to overcome obstacles. Believe that you can design the life you want and get to your hearts desire at the end of the path called change.

Tonya Ramsey is a life coach and owner of Life By Design and provides life coaching for working mothers. She believes in helping mothers realize their worth and works with them to overcome obstacles so they can accomplish their goals. Coach Tonya is also a proud member of The Digital Mom Team a team of mothers working together to be able to provide their families with income while staying home with their children. To contact Coach Tonya about life coaching or about the business opportunity from The Digital Mom Team, send an e-mail to

Building Your Home
Wealth and Life Skills

Strategic Advice To Improve Delivery of Business Email, From Your Strategic Thinking Business Coach

Do you ever stop and think about the number of business emails that are sent everyday? Well, industry statistics show that in 2006, there were 6 TRILLION non-spam emails sent by business email users. Yes look again 6 TRILLION. And the more important question is how many of those business emails actually get delivered to the intended receiver? I did not find that answer, but I did learn that industry statistics show that 75% of daily emails are spam.

Your Strategic Thinking Business Coach certainly believes you need to be aware of the state of email sending and delivering so you can more effectively use email and increase the probability that your email does get delivered to the intended recipient. Your Strategic Thinking Business Coach has some advice to share that will help you improve the deliverability of your business emails. That advice includes the following twelve (12) tips.

Tip #1: Always use a recognizable name in the From section of your email message. Many business people will use the From name as a screening tool to determine if they will open or delete the email. Therefore, it is imperative that you use a name that the recipient will readily recognize. This could be a persons name or a company name.

Tip #2: Always ensure that the Subject line in your email is very clear regarding what the email is about and includes anything that will help the recipient recognize the legitimacy of your email.

Tip #3: Research the words to avoid in the Subject line of your emails and then be diligent in your efforts to avoid the use of those words.

Tip #4: Commit to making the content of your emails relevant. Only send information that is helpful to the recipient.

Tip #5: Be diligent in keeping your email addresses up to date. Remove the defunct and the nonexistent addresses.

Tip #6: Offer a confirmed opt-in which is a guaranteed way to know that the people on your mailing list really do want to be on your list.

Tip #7: Research the words and phrases on a hosts banned phrase list.

Tip #8: Ensure that the Reply To address is the same as the From address.

Tip #9: Include unsubscribe instructions in your emails that involve a subscriber list.

Tip #10: Respond professionally and promptly to unsubscribe requests.

Tip #11: Send your email during non-peak hours.

Tip #12: Include your business name, physical address and telephone number. One suggested location is as part of your signature block at the closing of your email.

Your Strategic Thinking Business Coach encourages you to fully realize the benefits of strategic thinking in making you a more effective and efficient business communicator. If you would like to learn more about how a strategic thinking business coach can facilitate and guide you in that endeavor, please contact Glenn Ebersole today through his website at or by email at

Glenn Ebersole, Jr. is a multi-faceted professional, who is recognized as a visionary, guide and facilitator in the fields of business coaching, marketing, public relations, management, strategic planning and engineering. Glenn is the Founder and Chief Executive of two Lancaster, PA based consulting practices: The Renaissance Group, a creative marketing, public relations, strategic planning and business development consulting firm and J. G. Ebersole Associates, an independent professional engineering, marketing, and management consulting firm. He is a Certified Facilitator and serves as a business coach and a strategic planning facilitator and consultant to a diverse list of clients. Glenn is also the author of a monthly newsletter, Glenns Guiding Lines Thoughts From Your Strategic Thinking Business Coach and has published more than 275 articles on business.

To find out more about the benefits & rewards of effectively working with a strategic thinking business coach, please contact Glenn Ebersole through his web site at or

Creativity in business is the clear future
Believe youre highly creative

Even Animals Have Arthritis

If you think humans are the only ones suffering from arthritis, you're wrong. Our misery is shared by many of our animal friends, including dogs and cats.

Osteoarthritis or degenerative joint disease - the most common form of arthritis that affects 21 million Americans - is also common in animals, especially elderly dogs and cats. The disease is caused when cartilage that cushions the ends of bones in the joints deteriorates over time. This may be due to aging, being overweight, joint injury and stress or muscle weakness.

As the cartilage wears down, bone rubs against bone resulting in damaged bones. There is stiffness and pain in the joints during or after use or after a period of inactivity. Other symptoms are loss of flexibility, swelling, and tenderness in the joint.

"Osteoarthritis can affect any joint in your body, though it most commonly affects joints in your hands, hips, knees and spine. Osteoarthritis typically affects just one joint, though in some cases, such as with finger arthritis, several joints can be affected," said the Mayo Clinic.

In animals, however, osteoarthritis may be difficult to detect since the former can't complain or talk. Dr. James "Jimi" Cook, director of the Comparative Orthopedic Laboratory at the University of Missouri at Columbia, said the disease is often found in 20 percent of dogs over age 1.

Scientists at the University of Glasgow said a third of cats over age 8 may also be suffering from arthritis pain. However, unlike dogs or horses, they don't limp or make a fuss, making the disease difficult to diagnose, according to Professor David Bennett from the university's vet school.

Cook lamented the fact that by the time patients develop symptoms - about seven to 15 years after an injury in humans, and only six weeks for dogs - it is already too late to reverse the damage.

"The signs may be hard to spot at first: your gray-in-the-muzzle Labrador retriever takes a little longer to get up in the morning, or your fuzzy Persian doesn't jump as high as she used to. As time goes on, it becomes more and more clear that your pet is having a hard time moving, and soon you realize that she is in pain whenever she walks, jumps, or even sits up. It can be a hard moment for a pet owner - learning that the animal you love has arthritis," said the American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA).

"The symptoms of arthritis can be hard to distinguish - animals can't complain about their aching joints, so all that pet 'parents' see is a response to pain. Animals with arthritis might avoid the activities they used to enjoy, stop jumping onto the furniture, or they might nip or seem upset when touched. Some animals may become depressed or change their eating habits; others may simply seem grumpier than usual," the AAHA added.

To make life easier for you and your pet, see a competent doctor for help. Although osteoarthritis can't be cured, modern treatments can reduce pain and maintain movement so you can perform daily tasks. To control pain, swelling, and inflammation, use Flexcerin, a natural supplement that soothes aching joints, rebuilds worn joints, and restores joint flexibility and mobility. For details, go to

Janet Martin is an avid health and fitness enthusiast and published author. Many of her insightful articles can be found at the premiere online news magazine

Making Your Thoughts Work
Wayne Dyer Audio Collection

Social Networking And The Internet Marketer

This was the week when Pat O'Bryan launched his new book: "Your Portable Empire: How To Make Money Anywhere While Doing What You Love."

I'm a member of Pat's Portable Empire University, where hours and hours of audio and video teach the student everything about how to build and automate an online business and their own portable empire.

Members can access a forum where all questions are answered by the knowledgeable students as well as by Pat O'Bryan himself.

I know that any question has an answer. My friends at the University are more than generous with their explanations.

In preparation for "Your Portable Empire" book launch, Pat created the Portable Empire Island at Second Life.

This has been an amazing experience and adventure for someone who was raised just as television boardwas introduced into the 1950's home arena.

As kids, we played outside until dark, and had the run of my crimeless hometown. We knew everyone and could depend on the kindness of this extended community.

When Pat opened Portable Empire Island, I was one of the first to arrive.

It took me three days to learn how to walk instead of fly my little avatar, alter ego personality, Mooie Infinity.

Second Life is now voice enabled but for now I hear sounds like water falls and laughter, as well as the sound of typing as we type our messages to everyone at the virtual chat room.

The beauty of this experience far surpasses what any of us, including Pat O'Bryan ever imagined.

When I need a break from product creation, or article writing, or blog posting, gardening, weed pulling, housecleaning, or after a twelve hour shift at the hospital, I log into Second Life and socialize with my friends there.

Because of this interaction, we feel more connected to one another at the University.

And because we discuss our projects and encourage one another to define how we wish to create a Portable Empire of our own, the creative energies are flowing.

In just the first week of my experience at Portable Empire Island at Second Life, I decided on a project, began the research, began the sales letter, and decided on the first bonus.

Each time I visit Portable Empire Island and further discuss ideas, another exciting insight surfaces.

I go to sleep and awake with other action plans to add to the original vision.

Napoleon Hill didn't conceive of this modern day Master Mind potential.

But then again, neither did any of us.

Pat O'Bryan's avatar sits in on our various musings, sometimes making a well placed comment.

He says he has 2 laptops going at the same time, one to stay logged to Second Life, the other to write, blog, keep updated on the Amazon ratings for the book, as well as whatever else he does.

Soon he may need 3 laptops!!

Lawyers can also see clients at Second Life.

Coaches coach, teachers teach, counselors counsel.

People can dance over at the disco.

Barak O'Bama, Hillary and John Edwards each have their own islands at Second Life.

I thought my siblings and I could buy an island, meet there and chat, giggle and discuss life. We all live far from each other.

This way, we would feel more connected.

For now, I enjoy my time at Portable Empire Island. Pat O'Bryan's generosity and cutting edge vision boardhas added a new dimension to internet marketing.

One that is sure to get the attention of all the other internet marketing gurus in the weeks ahead.

Kate Loving Shenk is a writer, healer, musician and the creator of the e-book called "Transform Your Nursing Career and Discover Your Calling and Destiny." Click here to find out how to order the e-book: Check Out Kate's Blog:


Sunday, May 18, 2008

Change: The Other Dirty Word

What comes to mind when you hear the word change? Are you fearful? Excited? Does you blood run cold or do you hear yourself saying, I like things just the way they are.? Is change, the other dirty word?

Most of us find change hard. Not necessarily because we do not want to change but because it is sailing into the unknown. Who knows what is going to be around the next bend in the road? We are most likely to rail against changes that are going to have an adverse effect on our lives.

Its easy to see why someone would be upset if they lost their job. It is one of those unexpected changes in life, just something that changes without our control. One thing we didnt see coming, one that we were not prepared for. It is natural to be resistant, be angry, or every scared as you travel into the mysterious future without the security that was once there.

Most people continue on, find a new job and most times find out that the change turned out to be a good one. Maybe they found an even better job, maybe they found a job that allows them be with their family more, or they decided to go back to school. Sometimes its easier to change when you are pushed into a corner.

So, if what seems like a negative change can turn out to be a positive, then why is it that people fight making positive changes in their lives, as well? Why do we not change things that we do not like in our lives? What makes us procrastinate the changes that could make our lives better? What do we fear?

Often times it is the fact that we fear failure, even though it is not consciously known. What if we fail to make our dreams a reality? What happens to that dream then? Is that what you fear? The lost of a dream? Trying and failing?

It is natural in human nature to think the worst. Failure would mean the death of a dream. But, what if you tried and succeed?

It is possible, isnt it? People do it everyday, they accomplish their goals, and they reach their dreams. They choose to push pass the fear of failure, the fear of loosing a dream, and bring into reality what was only a vision boardin their mind.

So, how do we push past the fear, the doubt, and the anxiety of changing our lives for the better, while expecting the worst? What makes us take that leap of faith? Usually, it is a realization that, its just not working anymore. Whether it, is a career, a relationship, or even something within themselves. It is evident that there needs to be a change, in order to fulfill the yearning to find what is missing in their lives. That is what motivates people to get through the fear of moving forward instead of just towing the status quo.

Break it down in steps. Just saying, I want a better job. is a daunting goal, unless you break down it down into the steps that will lead you there. Utilize the tools or skills that are going to move your towards that big goal at the end. If you goal is to get a better job, then determine what you need to do it. Would having your degree help put you in that better job? What about improving your skills? By breaking your goals down into steps, it will increase your changes to achieve because you are laying down the foundation on which your goal or dreams can be built on. Without a good foundation your aspirations might not have the support then need to grow and flourish.

Being determined, willing, and committed to change. Change is not an easy course of action. It is the process of breaking old habits and replacing them with better routines that will lead you towards what you want to accomplish. You did not create those old habits over night, it has been months or years of practice, of them becoming routine to you. Change is not going to happen overnight, it too will take practice.

If for example you are trying to change the habit of always looking at the negative, then you will have to actually practice flipping that immediate habit of negative thinking or perception into a positive way of thinking. It takes work, it takes time, and it takes persistence. You will have to remind yourself of what the benefits of maintaining a positive perception will give you.

Stay motivated by reminding yourself what accomplishing each step is going to mean to you. Will you be happier? More confident? What will that lead you to? With more confident will you be able to be more law of successful? Will it be a stepping stone to something bigger and better? Will it make changing your life easier?

Get the support that you need. Most people let pride stand in their way of asking for help. There has always been and always will be people in our life that shows us examples of over coming adversity, that help us find our personal strength. Surround yourself with people that have accomplished what you are trying to do. Seek out people that uses the skills that you want to develop. Be around people that tend to bring out the best in you. Spend time with people that will not give up on you and will tell you all the reasons that you should not give up on yourself or your dreams.

Above all, you have to believe in yourself. Find the strength you need within yourself. Empower yourself to follow that path to life improvement through change. Take it one step at a time. We only need the courage to over come that fear and to take those steps that will lead to a better future. Tap into your strength. Believe in yourself and in your power to overcome obstacles. Believe that you can design the life you want and get to your hearts desire at the end of the path called change.

Tonya Ramsey is a life coach and owner of Life By Design and provides life coaching for working mothers. She believes in helping mothers realize their worth and works with them to overcome obstacles so they can accomplish their goals. Coach Tonya is also a proud member of The Digital Mom Team a team of mothers working together to be able to provide their families with income while staying home with their children. To contact Coach Tonya about life coaching or about the business opportunity from The Digital Mom Team, send an e-mail to

Jim Henson

Strategic Advice To Improve Delivery of Business Email, From Your Strategic Thinking Business Coach

Do you ever stop and think about the number of business emails that are sent everyday? Well, industry statistics show that in 2006, there were 6 TRILLION non-spam emails sent by business email users. Yes look again 6 TRILLION. And the more important question is how many of those business emails actually get delivered to the intended receiver? I did not find that answer, but I did learn that industry statistics show that 75% of daily emails are spam.

Your Strategic Thinking Business Coach certainly believes you need to be aware of the state of email sending and delivering so you can more effectively use email and increase the probability that your email does get delivered to the intended recipient. Your Strategic Thinking Business Coach has some advice to share that will help you improve the deliverability of your business emails. That advice includes the following twelve (12) tips.

Tip #1: Always use a recognizable name in the From section of your email message. Many business people will use the From name as a screening tool to determine if they will open or delete the email. Therefore, it is imperative that you use a name that the recipient will readily recognize. This could be a persons name or a company name.

Tip #2: Always ensure that the Subject line in your email is very clear regarding what the email is about and includes anything that will help the recipient recognize the legitimacy of your email.

Tip #3: Research the words to avoid in the Subject line of your emails and then be diligent in your efforts to avoid the use of those words.

Tip #4: Commit to making the content of your emails relevant. Only send information that is helpful to the recipient.

Tip #5: Be diligent in keeping your email addresses up to date. Remove the defunct and the nonexistent addresses.

Tip #6: Offer a confirmed opt-in which is a guaranteed way to know that the people on your mailing list really do want to be on your list.

Tip #7: Research the words and phrases on a hosts banned phrase list.

Tip #8: Ensure that the Reply To address is the same as the From address.

Tip #9: Include unsubscribe instructions in your emails that involve a subscriber list.

Tip #10: Respond professionally and promptly to unsubscribe requests.

Tip #11: Send your email during non-peak hours.

Tip #12: Include your business name, physical address and telephone number. One suggested location is as part of your signature block at the closing of your email.

Your Strategic Thinking Business Coach encourages you to fully realize the benefits of strategic thinking in making you a more effective and efficient business communicator. If you would like to learn more about how a strategic thinking business coach can facilitate and guide you in that endeavor, please contact Glenn Ebersole today through his website at or by email at

Glenn Ebersole, Jr. is a multi-faceted professional, who is recognized as a visionary, guide and facilitator in the fields of business coaching, marketing, public relations, management, strategic planning and engineering. Glenn is the Founder and Chief Executive of two Lancaster, PA based consulting practices: The Renaissance Group, a creative marketing, public relations, strategic planning and business development consulting firm and J. G. Ebersole Associates, an independent professional engineering, marketing, and management consulting firm. He is a Certified Facilitator and serves as a business coach and a strategic planning facilitator and consultant to a diverse list of clients. Glenn is also the author of a monthly newsletter, Glenns Guiding Lines Thoughts From Your Strategic Thinking Business Coach and has published more than 275 articles on business.

To find out more about the benefits & rewards of effectively working with a strategic thinking business coach, please contact Glenn Ebersole through his web site at or

Jackie Robinson

Even Animals Have Arthritis

If you think humans are the only ones suffering from arthritis, you're wrong. Our misery is shared by many of our animal friends, including dogs and cats.

Osteoarthritis or degenerative joint disease - the most common form of arthritis that affects 21 million Americans - is also common in animals, especially elderly dogs and cats. The disease is caused when cartilage that cushions the ends of bones in the joints deteriorates over time. This may be due to aging, being overweight, joint injury and stress or muscle weakness.

As the cartilage wears down, bone rubs against bone resulting in damaged bones. There is stiffness and pain in the joints during or after use or after a period of inactivity. Other symptoms are loss of flexibility, swelling, and tenderness in the joint.

"Osteoarthritis can affect any joint in your body, though it most commonly affects joints in your hands, hips, knees and spine. Osteoarthritis typically affects just one joint, though in some cases, such as with finger arthritis, several joints can be affected," said the Mayo Clinic.

In animals, however, osteoarthritis may be difficult to detect since the former can't complain or talk. Dr. James "Jimi" Cook, director of the Comparative Orthopedic Laboratory at the University of Missouri at Columbia, said the disease is often found in 20 percent of dogs over age 1.

Scientists at the University of Glasgow said a third of cats over age 8 may also be suffering from arthritis pain. However, unlike dogs or horses, they don't limp or make a fuss, making the disease difficult to diagnose, according to Professor David Bennett from the university's vet school.

Cook lamented the fact that by the time patients develop symptoms - about seven to 15 years after an injury in humans, and only six weeks for dogs - it is already too late to reverse the damage.

"The signs may be hard to spot at first: your gray-in-the-muzzle Labrador retriever takes a little longer to get up in the morning, or your fuzzy Persian doesn't jump as high as she used to. As time goes on, it becomes more and more clear that your pet is having a hard time moving, and soon you realize that she is in pain whenever she walks, jumps, or even sits up. It can be a hard moment for a pet owner - learning that the animal you love has arthritis," said the American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA).

"The symptoms of arthritis can be hard to distinguish - animals can't complain about their aching joints, so all that pet 'parents' see is a response to pain. Animals with arthritis might avoid the activities they used to enjoy, stop jumping onto the furniture, or they might nip or seem upset when touched. Some animals may become depressed or change their eating habits; others may simply seem grumpier than usual," the AAHA added.

To make life easier for you and your pet, see a competent doctor for help. Although osteoarthritis can't be cured, modern treatments can reduce pain and maintain movement so you can perform daily tasks. To control pain, swelling, and inflammation, use Flexcerin, a natural supplement that soothes aching joints, rebuilds worn joints, and restores joint flexibility and mobility. For details, go to

Janet Martin is an avid health and fitness enthusiast and published author. Many of her insightful articles can be found at the premiere online news magazine


Social Networking And The Internet Marketer

This was the week when Pat O'Bryan launched his new book: "Your Portable Empire: How To Make Money Anywhere While Doing What You Love."

I'm a member of Pat's Portable Empire University, where hours and hours of audio and video teach the student everything about how to build and automate an online business and their own portable empire.

Members can access a forum where all questions are answered by the knowledgeable students as well as by Pat O'Bryan himself.

I know that any question has an answer. My friends at the University are more than generous with their explanations.

In preparation for "Your Portable Empire" book launch, Pat created the Portable Empire Island at Second Life.

This has been an amazing experience and adventure for someone who was raised just as television boardwas introduced into the 1950's home arena.

As kids, we played outside until dark, and had the run of my crimeless hometown. We knew everyone and could depend on the kindness of this extended community.

When Pat opened Portable Empire Island, I was one of the first to arrive.

It took me three days to learn how to walk instead of fly my little avatar, alter ego personality, Mooie Infinity.

Second Life is now voice enabled but for now I hear sounds like water falls and laughter, as well as the sound of typing as we type our messages to everyone at the virtual chat room.

The beauty of this experience far surpasses what any of us, including Pat O'Bryan ever imagined.

When I need a break from product creation, or article writing, or blog posting, gardening, weed pulling, housecleaning, or after a twelve hour shift at the hospital, I log into Second Life and socialize with my friends there.

Because of this interaction, we feel more connected to one another at the University.

And because we discuss our projects and encourage one another to define how we wish to create a Portable Empire of our own, the creative energies are flowing.

In just the first week of my experience at Portable Empire Island at Second Life, I decided on a project, began the research, began the sales letter, and decided on the first bonus.

Each time I visit Portable Empire Island and further discuss ideas, another exciting insight surfaces.

I go to sleep and awake with other action plans to add to the original vision.

Napoleon Hill didn't conceive of this modern day Master Mind potential.

But then again, neither did any of us.

Pat O'Bryan's avatar sits in on our various musings, sometimes making a well placed comment.

He says he has 2 laptops going at the same time, one to stay logged to Second Life, the other to write, blog, keep updated on the Amazon ratings for the book, as well as whatever else he does.

Soon he may need 3 laptops!!

Lawyers can also see clients at Second Life.

Coaches coach, teachers teach, counselors counsel.

People can dance over at the disco.

Barak O'Bama, Hillary and John Edwards each have their own islands at Second Life.

I thought my siblings and I could buy an island, meet there and chat, giggle and discuss life. We all live far from each other.

This way, we would feel more connected.

For now, I enjoy my time at Portable Empire Island. Pat O'Bryan's generosity and cutting edge vision boardhas added a new dimension to internet marketing.

One that is sure to get the attention of all the other internet marketing gurus in the weeks ahead.

Kate Loving Shenk is a writer, healer, musician and the creator of the e-book called "Transform Your Nursing Career and Discover Your Calling and Destiny." Click here to find out how to order the e-book: Check Out Kate's Blog:

Wisdom Of The Ages

Thursday, May 15, 2008

How To Create An Organized Filing System


The test of a good filing system is being able to find something when you need it, regardless of how you choose to organize it. However, there are two basic approaches to setting up a filing system:

Establish categories for like items by subject (e.g., Hobbies)

Establish an index based system with files identified numerically by item (e.g., File 1=Document 1)

You can choose the method that makes the most intuitive sense to you. People who have trouble categorizing may feel more comfortable with the indexing approach. Regardless of which type of system you choose, if you feel overwhelmed about where to start, pick a group of papers in any pile. It does not matter where you just need to start with a manageable subset of paper.

Active files are those which you must access regularly. Historic files are those that it is unlikely you will need to access, but which you must keep for record retention purposes (i.e., tax files). Your inactive files should not be kept in your active file space, if file cabinet space is limited. These files can be stored in boxes in an out of the way location (since you should not be accessing these files regularly). To create your active files, follow the steps outlined below.

Organizing By Category

Step 1 Sort & Discard

Review your papers and discard any papers you no longer need to keep. If you feel unsure about discarding an item, in order to make the decision easier, ask yourself whats the worst thing that could happen if you throw it away? It helps to put things in perspective.

When you decide to keep a paper, sort the paper into various categories/piles. Use post-it notes to label the top page of each pile until a permanent file location/category name is established later.

Use categories that are broad for sorting. For example, if you have lots of information on various leisure interests, you can create a hanging file called Leisure (vs. creating a hanging file for every type of leisure topic in your papers).

If you have a major hobby such as photography, for which you collect a lot of information, create a separate hanging folder named Photography. This makes more sense (so that the leisure file wont become too unwieldy).

You can create multiple interior file folders that reside within the hanging file folder, each labeled with the category sub-topic. This makes it easier to search by sub-topic. For example, within the Leisure hanging file category you might have file folders for the sub-categories of Art, Music & Reading.

Step 2: Determine Quantity Files Needed

Once you are finished sorting, count and double check the number of piles you have to keep. The number of piles equals the number of hanging file folders you will need for your active files. You should buy a minimum of the same number of interior file folders to insert inside the hanging file folders (more if you will have some categories with multiple sub-topics).

Step 3: Identifying/Labeling the Files

Create a set of hanging file folders and associated interior file folder(s) for each pile and its sub-categories.

In order to maintain the transition from active to historic status at the end of each year, the interior files should be labeled by subject and current year (e.g., Life Insurance 2004). This dating approach is best for those categories that involve monthly statements or bills.

For your hanging folders that do contain dated material, it is best to keep static papers that dont change from year to year in front of the interior folders (e.g., the life insurance policy versus the quarterly invoices). This will make it easy to transition files from active to historical status at year end.

Step 4: Estimate file cabinet size

Once you put the appropriate papers in the files, you can get a sense of how many file cabinet drawers you will need. Using a single Bankers Box (heavy corrugated storage box) to stand the files up to measure the inches in depth needed is very helpful. These boxes are available at office supply stores, and also will serve later for inactive storage purposes).

The total number of depth inches you have equates to the number of file

drawers you will need in the file cabinet. Be sure to measure the depth of any file cabinet drawers you may be thinking of buying to ensure youll have enough space (allowing at least 4 inches in each drawers clearance for sliding & viewing files.

Maintaining the System Annually

At the end of the year, transfer the past years interior files to inactive storage. Keep the same hanging file folder in place, and create a new set of interior file folders labeled with the New Year. Keep the static materials inside the hanging file folders from the past year.

Suggested Category Headings

  • Automobile
  • Children
  • Computer
  • Credit Cards:
    • Mastercard
    • Visa
    • Am Ex
    • Discover
  • Education
  • Employer
  • Frequent Flyer Program
  • Fitness
  • Hobbies
  • Holidays
  • Life Insurance
  • Renters or Home Insurance
  • Business insurance
  • Medical Insurance
  • Dental Insurance
  • Disability Insurance
  • Long Term Care Insurance
  • Mortgage
  • Retail
  • Services
  • Legal
  • Finances
    • Stocks
    • Bonds
    • 401K
  • Subscriptions
  • Taxes
  • Travel
  • Utilities
  • Warranties

Index Based Organizing

Step 1: Discard & Pile

Review your papers and discard any papers you no longer need to keep. For the papers you need to keep, sort your papers into a single pile (no need to categorize).

Step 2: Create the File Index

For each one of these papers or related group of papers (if that relationship is very obvious to you), you will create a numerical file. You will then record File #1s contents in an excel log (or other computerized tool) that describes the contents of the file. For example, if I have a utility bill from March 2004, you would make the description March 2004 Utility Bill. This file description will get assigned a random file number in a pre-identified location (i.e., File #1 in the office filing cabinet). Should you ever need to find this bill again, you would do an Edit/Find search in Excel and enter March 2004 utility to find it. The advantage of this approach is it does not rely on categorizing. When your May 2004 bill arrives, you can assign a totally unrelated file # to it.

You can create & record these indexes with Excel or Access by using their search capabilities. There is also a software program called The Paper Tiger from The Hemphill Productivity Institute that is designed for this purpose, and it adds some nice bells and whistles (like tracking files that have been pulled out but not put back). There is a free trial offer and tele-class if you are interested (information can be found at their website

The major disadvantage of the indexing approach is that you must maintain many more files in your storage unit, as well as the data base to track them.

Other Filing Tips

You should have action folders for bills to pay, things to do and pending matters. This serves as a holding place for things you have not had time to get to that week, but that still require action on your part. It is also helpful to have a calendar file to keep things needed for events already recorded in your calendar (e.g., directions to event, handouts, etc.)

You can use color coded folders to visually identify subject categories

You can alphabetize your file folders by hanging folder tab name, but if you use staggered file tabs, youll have to redo the order every time you add or delete a subject.

Pendaflex, a leading manufacturer recommends that files should be no more than thick. If you need a file with a greater thickness, you can use the box bottom hanging folders.

Copyright 2004 The Organizing Wiz

As The Organizing Wiz, Ilene Drexler works withresidential clients in New York City who want to get organized in theirhome or home offices. She is a member of the industry's leading resources for professional organizing:

National Association of Professional Organizers

National Study Group on Chronic Disorganization (NSGCD)

Ilene honed her organizing skills during 20 years working in corporate operations management for various Fortune 500 companies including Disney, Scholastic, Accenture, Random House and McGraw-Hill. Her work there was focused on redesigning & streamlining operational processes, as well as helping project teams to be more organized.

Ilene earned a certificate of study in Chronic Disorganization from the NSGCD, and has a B.S. in Business Administration. Her How To organizing articles have been published by

  • My Organized
  • Online
  • Professional Organizers Webring
  • Article
  • GO


Making Money Fast - A Proven Route To Building Wealth Quickly

If you want to make money fast then you need to have a specific method and that's what were going to do here. You don't need to be clever and you don't need to bother with MLM or affiliate marketing and you dont need much money so here it is:

The Key To Big Profits

Is leverage

If you have a small amount to start as it will increase your gains. Now assume you have $100,000 to use in your business no credit checks or anything, they will just give it to you.

Sounds too good to be true?

Well open a forex account and they will give you $100k ( On a 1k deposit) to trade in the market straightaway Now you may say hang on:

I could not be a forex trader thats to hard well consider this story:

The Turtles

In the eighties legendary trader decided to prove that you didnt need a college education or a gift to trade and he set out to show how a group of traders (who became known as the turtles) who had no previous trading experience and many were from blue collar good jobs that they could learn to trade.

His aim to teach them to trade in just two weeks.

The result?

These traders made him over $100 million dollars and went on to fame and fortune in their own right.

How did they do it?

Dennis taught them a specific method, money management and the confidence in the method, to follow it to long term success.

There was no filler and no complicated knowledge to learn, he kept it simple and taught them self belief.

Now could you do the same?

The answer is anyone can become a successful trader you may not become as rich as the turtles but the opportunity is there for all.

We mentioned leverage at the start and it is the key to making money fast but where there are big gains there are big risks to.

If however you have a money management plan which cuts losers quickly and runs profits, you can emerge a winner.

To be a forex trader from home you only need a computer, an internet connection and an hour a day max and thats it.

As one currency rises another must fall and vice versa so there is never a recession, you need no staff and you have no overhead, so its the perfect business for anyone to seek big gains on a small amount of money.

The Challenge

The opportunity is there for all but do you wish to accept it?

If you do and youre prepared to work smart not hard for about two weeks and gain the mindset for success you could soon be making big gains in the worlds most exciting investment.

Are you ready?


On all aspects of becoming a profitable trader including features, downloads and some critical FREE Trader PDF's and more FREE Forex Education visit our website at

Wisdom Of The Ages

Monday, May 12, 2008

Buying Cheap Repossessed Homes From Foreclosure Auctions

Every now and then, there are major and even small banks in your locality that conduct or hold foreclosure auctions for repossessed homes.

There are more and more people going through and shopping homes through these auctions because there is a prevailing public perception that repossessed homes sold by banks are at cheaper prices.

Experts and industry players would not agree to the notion most of the time. There are rare cases that, in deed, some homes are auctioned at reasonable and cheap prices, but that is not always the case.

To provide you with a helpful and insightful guidance if you are aiming to purchase repossessed homes at bank foreclosures or auctions, here are a handful of practical.

1. Set your ideal and preferred home style before shopping for an existing, repossessed home. You might be surprised and awed too much at how beautiful and awesome by several homes in the banks auction.

2. Focus on the tag price that goes along with the home of your choice. Sometimes, you might inevitably falter to look closely at the price before closing in on a repossessed home purchase.

3. Banks' foreclosures and auctions for repossessed homes are still auctions, meaning people would try to outbid each other if they are after a particular home. By that, be advised that you think twice before trying to contest a higher bid by another bidder. That can be a rat trap. Do not fall for unreasonable prices just to acquire a repossessed home.

4. Bring an expert when going to bank auctions for repossessed homes. Through that, you would be given proper and appropriate guidance and advise about the practicality and affordability of the repossessed home for sale.

Overall, buying repossessed homes at bank auctions would not necessarily be hard if you have the proper attitude, motivation and knowledge in doing so. Presence of mind and focus would also be necessary.

For listings of bank repo homes, please go to


Setting S.M.A.R.T. Goals

I cannot stress the importance of setting goals enough. Goals give us something to work toward, and help us feel like we are moving along a specific path. Establishing goals invites us to look at the big picture, break it down into smaller pieces, and get started toward accomplishing our important hopes and dreams.

It seems though, that many people arent quite sure how to set goals. One of the most common problems is that their goals tend to be too big. It is much easier to achieve smaller goals that fit with a larger objective, than to try and accomplish everything all at once. Here are some simple tips that you might find helpful:

Formulate two to three goals that you want to work toward in the next six months. Use the S.M.A.R.T. technique to help you define these goals:

1)Specific - set clear, concrete goals. Some examples might be implementing an exercise plan, working toward a certification, or improving your relationship with your spouse.

2)Measurable - identify markers that will indicate when you have reached your goals. If your goal is implementing an exercise plan, a marker is going to the gym three times per week. Or, if you want to have a better relationship with your spouse a marker might be checking in with him/her for at least 10 minutes per day.

3)Achievable - ensure that your goals are realistic. Ask yourself the question of whether your goal is actually achievable or not, and be honest! For example, setting the goal of losing 10 pounds in two weeks is not realistic (and definitely not healthy!).

4)Relevant - choose goals that are applicable to your personal or professional development. Make sure that these goals are something you are truly invested in, because you will be focusing a great deal of time and energy on them.

5)Time-Related - set a timeline that will guide your progress. Specifying a goal for two years down the road is not as powerful a motivator as one that you set for the next six months.

Once you have set a couple of goals for yourself that you feel comfortable with, share those goals with a close family member or friend. Often voicing them out loud makes them much more tangible, and may increase your motivation for reaching them. Also, the person you entrust with these goals could become a cheerleader, and someone to celebrate your successes with.

Rick Hansen sums up the importance of setting S.M.A.R.T. goals very well:

The goal you set must be challenging. At the same time, it should be realistic and attainable, not impossible to reach. It should be challenging enough to make you stretch, but not so far that you break.

Dr. Tanja Haley is a psychologist in private practice in Calgary, Alberta. She specializes in working with couples, and with adults dealing with stress, depression, and trauma issues. Along with a full-time private practice, Tanja also teaches for the Campus Alberta program in counselling and is an Oral Examiner for the College of Alberta Psychologists. You can contact Tanja at, or visit her website:

Bahai Faith

Sunday, May 11, 2008

A Few Simple Things You Must Do If You Want To Be Wealthy

Making money is easy when you move to cause rather than living out effects.

Let me draw a simple analogy to clarify my point.

Imagine standing before a huge waterfall. Youre thirsty and the water is fresh, clean, and pure. You can take as much as you like.

How much can you take home with you?

It all depends on the size of your container.

You can take a thimble, a small cup, a gallon bucket, a barrel, or even a tank truck.

Similarly, the amount of money in the world is like this fountain of abundance. Trillions of dollars circulate around the world. The fountain is abundant.

Some people can hold billions, others millions, others hundreds of thousands, others tens of thousands, others thousands, others hundreds, and yet others only a pocketful.

These things are actually only the effects.

Effect is what you see in the visible world. They are the results of a wealth building strategy that worked.

What, however, are the causes? How are people able to build wealth in the first place?

Cause is what happens in the invisible world before the effect becomes apparent in the world of the senses.

The cause of money is thought, and the amount of money in your life is based on only one thing: the size of your thinking. This is the most fundamental wealth knowledge you need to change your destiny.

If youre a small thinker, you go to the fountain of abundance with a small container. It may be a tin can to hold enough change to keep you alive. It may be a bucket that gives you enough to survive in some comfortbut not enough to be happy.

If, on the other hand, youre a big thinker, you go to the fountain of abundance driving your tank truck and you live really well, with all the necessities of life easily taken care of for your generation and maybe one or two generations after you. Youre even in a place to share wealth. Youre a master at some wealth building system.

Then, of course, there are the really big thinkers. They dont just have a tank truck--they have a whole fleet of tank trucks lining up before the fountain of abundance. They can, if they choose, buy small islands.

Your thinking decides the size of the container you use to earn money.

How do you expand your thinking to be bigger?

The first thing you do is use your imagination. If you simply practice learning how to think in bigger and bigger amounts, youll find a better size to hold the abundance that you want to have in your life.

The next thing youll want to expand is the size of your heart. The more you can give of value and the larger the amount of people that you can serve, the more money that youll make.

This is why the higher up you are in an organization, the more people you serve, and, consequently, the higher your salary.

But, of course, an even better way to make money is to work for yourself. When you work for yourself, then your pool of people is almost unlimited. The greater the benefit that you offer others, the more people you will find to accept that offer.

Finally, when your imagination and your heart have been stretched enough, youll begin to seek ways to acquire knowledge of your field and before you know it you'll be a highly-paid expert.

The amount of money in the world is like this fountain. Trillions of dollars float around the planet. Creating wealth is a skill that many people and nations have learned.

It is my sincere hope that I have given you some valuable ideas to mull over. When you consider how much better your life will be when you are in charge, you may want to look even deeper into how you can expand your imagination, your generosity, and your knowledge of your industry or profession.

Resource Box

Saleem Rana got his masters in psychotherapy from California Lutheran University, Thousand Oaks, Ca., 15 years ago and now resides in Denver, Colorado. His articles on the internet have inspired over ten thousand people from around the world. Discover how to create a remarkable life

Copyright 2004 Saleem Rana. Please feel free to pass this article on to your friends, or use it in your ezine or newsletter. It's a shareware article.

Albert Einstein

Hypnosis 6 Simple Tips to Overcome Premature Ejaculation

Men all over the world suffer from premature ejaculation. There are a number of treatments available but how effective are they? To understand better how these work the treatments have been explained below.

1. Distraction during sex

This is the most common treatment practised by a lot of men. The idea is to delay orgasm by distracting yourself. The methods of distraction can be to think some unpleasant thought during sex. Some men also distract themselves by pinching themselves or asking their partner to pinch them during sex. Another method is to bite the inside of the cheek during sex. Ouch, that must hurt.

2. Masturbation.

It is said that masturbation before sex will delay orgasm. It is all right to do so as long as you dont make a habit of it and start to rely on this method every time before sex. Usually the anxiety of your performance causes premature ejaculation. So if you rely on masturbation as a way to deal with premature ejaculation then you will only be laying stress on your problem.

3. Sprays/ lotions/ Numbing Creams

The market is flooded with such products. The application of these creams/ lotions/ sprays on the penis will numb the penis and thud delay orgasm. But tell me, what is the use of using these creams and lotions if you are so numb that you cant feel and enjoy sex? 4.Controlling your muscles.

The idea here is to strengthen the muscles by doing pelvic floor exercises. These exercises help to delay orgasm.

To read complete article go here....

Pradeep Aggarwal is the creator of Sexual Problems Help website. Visit for useful tips, techniques, resources, articles and information on male/female problems.

Alan Turing

Sales Territory Management - How to Prioritize Your Activities to Produce Maximum Results

How you prioritize your sales territory management activities depends upon whether you are managing a territory that has existing customers, or whether you are building your customer base from scratch.

If you manage a territory that has existing customers, your first priority should be to introduce yourself to every single one of your customers. This should be a pleasant, low-key introduction along the lines of, "I just wanted to introduce myself and see if there is anything I can do to help you." Then, as you are chatting with your customers, you can ask, "Would you mind sharing with me how you think my company's relationship with you has been going so far? What have we been doing well? Where could we improve?"

Collecting this kind of feedback is a great way to start relationships with customers. It also helps you draw any festering problems out into the open. If you can address the problems quickly, it can really jump-start your relationships with the affected customers.

This same approach can also be effective for customers that have been reducing their purchases from your company over time, or customers that have stopped ordering completely. It is never much fun to listen to people complain. But, if you can isolate and solve the problems that are causing the dissatisfaction, you can produce a rapid and substantial boost in sales.

If you find customers that are really happy with the service your company has provided, drill down (with more questions) to determine just what has made them so happy. Their answers will provide you with a template for successfully managing their (and other) accounts. Also, ask these happy customers for referralsregardless of whether you have contributed in any way to their happiness! Happy, satisfied customers are usually delighted to share their positive experience with others.

Once you have met all of your existing customers, the next step is to identify target prospects in your territory. Start by checking with your manager. If they have been managing your sales team for any period of time, they should be able to suggest some good target prospects.

Once you have compiled a list of target prospects, determine which ones you will pursue first. Which target prospects have the greatest potential to purchase the largest amounts of products and services? Which ones are likely to be "quick closes"? If you have both types of target prospects on your list, pursue several of each type at the same time. In the words of a well-respected executive that I used to work with, "Elephant hunting is greatbut those rabbits sure taste good in between the elephants!"

When you are ready to begin pursuing your target prospects, start by asking your existing customers whether they know anyone that works in the target organizations. If they do, ask for referrals. Once you have exhausted available referrals, proceed with the other activities in your prospecting plan - but tailor these activities to attract the attention of your target prospects.


Effective sales territory management begins with touching base with every single one of your existing customers. Ask questions to gauge their satisfaction with their relationship with your company. If they identify any problems, work aggressively to solve these problems as your first priority.

If a customer expresses happiness and satisfaction, ask questions to determine what your company has been doing right. Use this information to create a template for managing all of your accounts. Also be sure to ask for referrals, both in general and to specific target accounts. Exhaust these referrals before you begin the other (less productive) activities in your prospecting plan.

Prioritize your activities as described in this article, and you will maximize sales growth in your territory!

Copyright 2005 -- Alan Rigg

Sales performance expert Alan Rigg is the author of How to Beat the 80/20 Rule in Selling: Why Most Salespeople Don't Perform and What to Do About It. His company, 80/20 Sales Performance, helps business owners, executives, and managers DOUBLE sales by implementing The Right Formula for building top-performing sales teams. For more information and more FREE sales and sales management tips, visit


Honda Faces Problems

It is inevitable for the businesses to experience fluctuations in terms of profits, shares, revenues or sales. It is because of the fact that not all the factors in the industry are controlled by the corporations. External factors such as the forces of the market greatly affect such fluctuations. Consequently, overriding problems occur. And these things are experienced even by huge companies in the most highly developed countries.

Take the second biggest car maker in Japan as an example. Even though Honda's foreign sales rose 11 percent, those in Japan dropped 3.4 percent. In effect, the company expects this year's profit to be down by 3 percent. Things are not as good as they seem for the Japanese automaker even though Honda won the title of the most reliable car in Great Britain in Which? Magazine.

The production in Great Britain is made difficult by certain factors such as the domestic currency, high production costs and the impossibility of expanding the plant.

Takeo Fukui, the president of Honda Motor, said to BBC that they made a mistake and that resisting the euro is a big problem in Britain.

But Honda is not the only manufacturer that criticized Britains decision of not introducing the euro. Nissan also objected.

It is impossible to expand the production in Hondas plant in Swindon because there is no room for expansion for the time being. But there is room in Turkey, where Honda is at present expanding a plant. The plant is growing even though the euro is not the official currency there either. This is for the reason that production costs in Turkey are lower.

Other than the problems in Britain, Honda has also been blown by the tough competition from the domestic manufacturers in Japan. BBC reports that sources at the plant reveal that the plants annual profit declined five percent after the sales in Japan had dropped and also after the production costs had risen.

Having such circumstance, Honda expects this years final profit to drop three percent.

Japans second biggest automobile manufacturer said that aside form the dropping sales in Japan and the costs of research the factor that caused the decline in profit is also the poor exchange rate of the yen.

About Honda

Honda is well known for its diverse line up of quality automobiles and car parts under Honda such as Honda CRV parts and Acura name plates, and for its motorcycles, ATVs, power products, marine engines, and personal watercraft.

Wisdom Of The Ages

Saturday, May 10, 2008

What Colour of the Rainbow Are You?

Colour is everywhere we look, the red stop sign, green grass, orange construction hats, even that cute little purple number you picked out today. We see all this colour every day and never give a second thought to how it affects us. Everyone says things like "I love blue" or "I hate red" but no one stops to ask themselves why.

Believe it or not, colour has a deep psychological impact on us. Before reading any further, take a minute to decide, what is your favourite colour and your least favourite colour? With those in mind, read the following brief descriptions of what those colours symbolize.

risk, strength, lust, sex, passion, courage, instinct, survival

adaptation, attraction, energy, ambition, success

intelligence, persuasion, confidence, joy, memory

prosperity, fertility, growth, luck, stability, abundance

peace, health, patience, creativity, happiness, compassion

change, flexibility, psychism, wisdom, sleep, dreams

power, spirituality, meditation, self-esteem, sentimentality

Depending on where you are in your life, your colour choices probably change quite a bit. It's kind of fun to look back at the colour choices we have made in the past and relate them to things that were going on in our lives at the time.

We plan to profile a different colour each month until we're through the list, so stay tuned for next month's issue on red.

Ivy Mills has been researching chemical sensitivity and natural alternatives for over five years and has brought her knowledge to the marketplace in her company, Valhalla Essences. Her personal experiences have fed a passion to help others with the same problem. Ivy welcomes others to share their stories and experiences on her blog, Peaceful Power.

Rene Descartes

Conveying Confidence & Magnetism Through Body Movements

When used in sequence, the head, face, and eyes proffer the clearest indication of attitudes toward other people. Because of this fact, the head, face, and eyes are critical to express confidence and project magnetism. For the man or woman with low self-esteem, it will prove advantageous to learn to cast yourself in a more self-assured manner, which in turns makes you feel more confident about yourself.

Tilting your head, face, and eyes in the direction of another person makes you appear more magnetic. As everyone knows, messages accompanied by eye contact are more favorably read by receivers than are messages sent lacking eye contact. Less well known is the fact that eye contact alone may improve the sending of messages but it is not necessarily a major contributor to magnetism. Warm, amiable eye contact is unbeatable for magnetism.

Creating warm eye contact is no mean task. To improve this subtle dimension of nonverbal behavior, make a tape of somebody on TV who maintains warm eye contact. Observe the persons glance quite a few times. To practice the persons warm eye contact, first imagine the expression in the persons eyes, then emotionally emulate it. The eye contact may appear warm in part because it is escorted by a smile.

Grand Postures

Posture likewise shares a message, and supplements or detracts from personal magnetism. Leaning toward another individual suggests that you are happily disposed toward the person and to what he or she has to impart. Leaning backward betrays the opposite. Openness of the arms or legs serves as an important gauge of liking or caring, which in turn may quickly augment to magnetism. Normally, people maintain closed postures (arms folded and legs crossed) when discoursing with people they dislike.

The charismatic individual relentlessly restricts communicating animosity unless it is soundly advisable to do so, for instance, when intimidating an antagonist. Rearing up straight (assuming a person is able-bodied) generally reflects solid self-confidence and charisma. Personally magnetic people hardly ever stoop or slouch when relating with others. Shrugging the shoulders is another aspect of posture that can expand magnetism. Accompanied by a warm facial expression, a shrug will often be interpreted as Im not totally buying it, but why not give your thought a try? The shrugger is therefore giving the other individual some bit of encouragement. A subtle gauge of the potential contribution of posture to charisma is that people tend to overrate the height of people they perceive to be magnetic. This positive distortion often goes by a magnitude of two inches. A physical factor contributing to this insight is that magnetic people typically rear up straight, thus appearing roughly two inches higher than their slouching counterparts.

Joseph Plazo is a killer success coach with a passion for sneaky NLP techniques and negotiation skills. He helps people find great good jobs in the Philippines.

Abraham Maslow