Everyone wants to be a millionaire but the big question is: Are they ready? Of course one may ask: What do you mean if they are ready? Anyone would be ready to be a millionaire! We all tend to think in that manner that we are a millionaire when we have that the million dollars but the true and sad fact is that if one does not have the millionaire mindset, he or she will lose all the money eventually. Have you seen someone who has strike a lottery and in the end turn out to be even more broke before he strike the lottery? Have you seen any of the celebrities that were rich once and are now broke?
People may wonder why is this post appearing on an internet marketing blog? It was a moderator in a forum was suggesting to me to set up 2 different blogs talking about internet marketing and personal development separately. The initial drawback of having 2 blogs was a lazy attitude. But, personal development and internet marketing is in a way very much inter related. The purpose of most people that are reading this article is to learn how to be better, make some extra money or even for some, aiming to be a millionaire! If the personal development has not reached to a certain stage to preserve the money, he or she will blow it all away eventually.
Why are we behaving in a manner where we wants to blow all our money away? Could it be that it has something to do with our childhood programming? In the young days, when we were asked to save money, it will mean no candy for us. Since we were programmed that saving means no candy for us, we bring that state of mind into adulthood and in turn saving means sacrifice. Now, if we do not engage in personal development to tweak our state of mind and start learning how to save, we will never achieve the millionaire status ultimately. George Clasons book The Richest Man in Babylon says: A part of what I earn is mine to keep and that is actually teaching people to start paying themselves first or saving first.
I clearly remember what Jim Rohn says as well: Set to be a millionaire not for just the money but what you will become in the process of becoming a millionaire. I will be attending T. Harv Ekers Millionaire Mind Intensive seminar in November to change my financial blueprint with the aim to be a Millionaire.
Lets all go do it and aim to be a MILLIONAIRE!
I Believe In You! I Know You Can Do It Too!
Yours Believingly
Eugene Goh
Eugene Goh has been engaging in personal development since 2002. His first self help book was Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki and since then, has been engaging in personal development through reading numberous books and listening to various audio programs. Just to name a few of his favourite books are The Success Principles by Jack Canfield; Your Roadmap to Success by John Maxwell; Great Trilogy by Og Mandino and Secrets of the Millionaire Mind by T. Harv Eker. He has numerous audio programs from the greats of Jim Rohn, Denis Waitley, Brian Tracy and is in a constant state of learning to learn from everyone who is willing to coach and in turn coach those who is willing to learn. To find out more about Eugene Goh, go to the following website to read his regularly updated blog.
Power Of Intention
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