Thursday, April 23, 2009

The February Jump-Start

January may be a time for new years resolutions and behavior change, but February is really the time for long-term renewal. February has been called "International Boost Your Self-Esteem Month" and "Plant the Seeds of Greatness Month". Planning new goals and projects will beat the winter blues, boost morale, and inspire you to get out of your comfort zone and seek new challenges.

Some could argue that surviving the winter doldrums is challenge enough. How to manage your time and motivation when feeling like a dim bulb? It would be a great help to watch for five signs or barriers that stop projects from moving ahead. The first is determining how you view a project. Is this a challenge or unpleasant? Surely many projects are dreadful, but you must investigate your resistance to move forward.

The second barrier is lack of interest, information, and facts. You could be stalling on projects just because you have few facts to go on. It may look overwhelming, but your lack of information leaves you feeling inadequate. The third barrier is lacking a starting point.The project simply does not have an apparent first step. The only way through this is to start anyway. Just minimal information could point you toward other resources. Designate a folder or in-box, and begin storing slips of information.

The fourth barrier is lack of objectivity. You have been procrastinating this project for many reasons, so you are stuck with tunnel vision on how to proceed. Expand your views by asking people for their advice, or objective opinions about getting it done. Either you get words of encouragement, shortcuts, or make new networking contacts. In any case, you've gained a wider perspective. The fifth barrier is thinking you are overwhelmed even before starting. This comes from negative thinking and fear of risk-taking. Jot a quick list of limiting beliefs keeping you paralyzed.

How many of your beliefs are tied to your expectations of yourself and your level of accomplishment? We like keeping dead-end projects and delayed tasks at arm's length. They speak volumes about our motivations and aspirations. Explore how you can cut through your barriers, and commit to getting it done, and be done with it.

Author's blog at;

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