Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Goal Setting Keeps You on Track in Internet Marketing and Business

Set Realistic Goals - for your Internet Marketing and Home Business

Can't see the forest for the trees? Too often a problem when we become non-focused or moving in every direction but the one we ought to be.

You know all get-rich-quick-schemes that spread like viruses all over the Internet, and those emails about receiving a humongous amount of inheritance from some African countries.

Well, of course you wouldn't fall for them or even give them time

But there are also countless other viable offers out there in cyber space that you will come across. Just don't try to get into all of them! OK, take the FREE stuff - but file it and read and apply if and when it fits into your plan and objectives.

It is difficult to stay focused on your objective because there are a lot of distractions out there.

Setting some goals can keep you on track. Here are a few ideas.

Break your goals into manageable steps If it is too big you won't be able to absorb it or focus on it.

See if you can make your goal into short-term; medium-term and long-term goals.

Alternatively, see if you can break your main goal up into smaller goals which lead to the main one in time

For example: your goal is to make $10,000 a month from your internet business.

-Chop that into a progressive goal.
-Aim for $1000 a month for the first 3-6 months.
-Then aim for $3000 monthly for the following 6 months
-Then perhaps $5000monthly for the following 12 months
-With $10,000 a month for the next 18 months.

The smaller 'achievable' goals will give you results that can build your confidence - aiming too big initially can lead to discouragement and perceived failure.

Getting a realistic and more easily achievable goal - gives you something back - a result - tell you it can happen!

Focus only on the Main Goal or Objective

Lots of people tend to lose focus when they are working on their businesses - online and offline businesses.

For example, let's say that your goal is to achieve $1,000/month from AdSense on your site.

This means that the only activities that you ought to be doing are those that are geared towards how to make money from AdSense. Such activities may include driving traffic to your sites, adding good content consistently, being familiar with Google rules and tools.

However, you and I both know this is not always the case. Sometimes Often, you might wander off browsing and participating in forum discussions about HYIP or Forex, which have nothing to do with your goal!

My advice is to only do those things that have a direct impact in helping you achieve your goal. As for the rest, you can forget about them, at least for the time being - file them away for later - for another goal that you will work on when this one is well and truly on track.

Set a specific dateline for you goal Simply knowing your goal is not enough, you need to set a specific dateline as to WHEN you want to achieve it.

Typically when we are asked when we are going to achieve our goals, our answers revolve around "as soon as possible", "the sooner the better", "next year", or "2 years from now", etc.

Do not use these words because they are too vague!

What does "as soon as possible" or "the sooner the better" mean? Tomorrow? Next week?

What does "next year" or "2 years from now" mean? January? December?

When you set a dateline, be specific. For example, setting a dateline like "5th September 20093 works great because it is specific.

You see, our brain works a lot better if your goal and the dateline for your goal is specific

Remind yourself on a consistent basis what your goal is Often, we set our goals today only to forget about them in the next few days or weeks.

This is why you must remind yourself on a consistent basis what your goal is. Write your goal clearly with a big font size on your whiteboard so that you can see it every day.

If you don't have a whiteboard, you can write your goal on your computer wallpaper or cell phone wallpaper, or just anywhere you like. The point is to make sure you can easily see it every day, so that you always aware of what your goal is and not lose focus along the way.

Inspire and motivate yourself

One of the best ways to inspire and motivate yourself is to find out the people in your niche who have already succeeded, and watch, listen, and feel their success.

How much money do they earn every month? What have they done with these money that they have earned? What have they done for themselves or for their families? What kind of lifestyles do they now currently enjoy?

When you are feeling down or frustrated and everything seems to not go your way, stop your work for a moment and imagine yourself having achieved success like these people. Imagine the money that you would have had, and the lifestyle that this kind of money would bring.

By doing this, you will recharge your "down" state so that you become inspired and motivated to work towards your goal once again.

Eliminate all distractions while you are focusing on your work If you really want to focus on your work so that you can achieve your goal, then you should eliminate all distractions.

What I mean by this is that you turn off your Yahoo Messenger, Skype, MSN (unless you use them strictly for work purposes), Facebook, MySpace, your favorite non-work-related forum, Outlook, your cell phone, and of course your TV.


Because they are total distractions in getting your work done for the day. I'm not saying that you can't casually chat with your friends or check your personal email or Facebook account, it's just that you should set aside a specific time for these non-productive activities, so that they will not distract you when you are working.

By doing this, you are bound to increase your productivity!


Affiliate Marketing Solutions

Also, when you need a break - read books for fun! Peter Damien Ryan

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