There's nothing like a friend's health scare to get you back on track, is there? Or you read a story about someone "just like you" with a big problem you don't want. Or you get on the scale and cringe. However it comes about, there are moments when you just know it's time to get on track. And you will. Seriously. Very soon...
Really, you have great intentions. Now let's set you up to follow through! Check out these three reasons people sometimes fall short of their health goals, and then set yourself up for success with the positive affirmation statements.
- I'm too stressed out! Some people like stress. It keeps them engaged in life. Sometimes, though, thrill-seekers have trouble staying grounded enough to follow through with a long-term program. If you thrive on change, make sure to plan enough variety into your exercise and food programs to keep them interesting.Your affirmation: I thrive on healthy excitement. I balance activity with renewal.Other times, though, feeling stressed is a sign that your life is out of control. In other words, you're putting more emphasis on what you think other people want you to do and less on what you know to be true for yourself. Take a deep breath. Now take a firm stand for your own well-being. You'll feel so much better!Your affirmation: I am in control of my reaction to even the most challenging situations.
- I can't afford it. Perhaps you really don't have the money. Nearly everyone goes through occasional hard times, so don't panic. Simply begin taking corrective action to bring your finances under control. If you really cannot afford to make basic healthy choices on your own behalf, that is an unsustainable situation. Just bring yourself back to balance as soon as possible.Your affirmation: I appreciate the abundance of nature all around me, knowing that I am abundant, too.Or perhaps you actually do have the money, but prefer not to spend it on maintaining your health. Hmmm. After careful consideration, perhaps you will come to think differently.Your affirmation: I deserve the best that life has to offer.
- I'll have to keep it up. Yes, perhaps you will. But getting healthy doesn't have to be a big drag. Feeling good is way better than feeling icky. Focus on the most fun ways to stay in shape; find friends to be active with; try new healthy recipes until you find several that you really like.Your affirmation: I feel so great in my toned and healthy body!
Why not make a game of it? Set some healthy goals and see how much fun you can have bringing them to life! You'll feel great for two reasons. First, you'll have the healthy result. And second, you'll be so proud of yourself for making good on your promise. What could be better?
Elizabeth Eckert coaxes, cajoles, and gently guides the creation of healing intent. She's the founder of and author of Word Cures: How to Keep Stupid Excuses From Sabotaging Your Health. Align your whole self for health ... starting today! Share "Arielle's" real-life success story and optimize your own natural healing energy.
Searching For A Soul Mate
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