With those in the 21st century experiencing more change in one year than their grandparents experienced during their entire lifetimes, it is not a wonder that time management continues to be a big personal to organizational challenge. So how are your time management skills?
If the inability to manage your time is getting the better part of you, then the first thing you need to do is shift your paradigm from time management to self management. Lets be frank. How can you manage a constant that being time? Each day and always will have just
- 60 second per minute
- 60 minutes per hour
- 24 hours per day
no more and no less! So the crux of time management is really about you and not about time. When we separate the symptoms from the problem, the solution then becomes much more obvious.
Why is time management important to you? Probably, you have either given a personal commitment to be someplace or to do something. Simply speaking, these commitments are Goals whether they are committed to writing or not.
Goals support time management. Without goals, time management usually implodes and chaos reigns.
So the question is really how are you at goal setting? If your goal setting skills are not as good as they need to be, then consider finding a proven goal setting process that is reinforced with a proven goal setting tool. Your time is directly connected to your goals.
Why does time management continue to be a challenge for you? Maybe your Attitudes or habits of thought are part of the problem.
For example, do you always think that you are going to be late instead of thinking that you will be on time? One of my clients just by changing this attitude of being late to being on time was able to change over 20 years of late behavior in just 30 days.
Our thoughts directly determine our behaviors. Attitudes as said earlier as just habits of thoughts. Change your attitudes and your behaviors will change as well.
Why other skill sets are required for better management of your self? The answer is Self Leadership Skills. Skills such as decision making, problem solving, communication are all tied to effectively management of you. The better you manage and more importantly lead yourself the better use of that constant called time.
G.A.S. up your time management through attitudes, goals and self leadership skills. You just might be surprised by the results.
Simply speaking, leaders are readers. If you enjoyed this article, you may find this free online email course M.A.P. for Success of interest at http://www.processspecialist.com/action-plan.htm
Call me, Leanne Hoagland-Smith, The Business Coach, at 219.759.5601 or visit at http://www.processspecialist.com to explore everything from how my solutions double results to articles and resources including the Simply Speaking series.
Thomas Edison
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