Thursday, June 12, 2008

What is a Moon Sign?

In astrology, the Moon sign is the instinctual self, and because of that, some might not feel comfortable with its full expression. In times of great stress, these qualities could be exposed and make the person feel strangely out of control. If youve ever completely lost it, youll know what it's like when the Sun is eclipsed by the Moon and you become a full-fledged lunatic.

While the Sun sign is the core self through which you find expression in the world, the Moon sign is the inner life that only close companions get to experience. Its the private you that reveals itself behind closed doors, when youve put on something more comfortable. Its also the unguarded you that has to act on instinct, the one that comes out in a crisis.

A key relationship in astrology is that between the Sun and the Moon. If someone has an ongoing tug-of-war between the will to act and the emotions, it often shows up there. When you understand the essence of the Moon sign, youre no longer in the dark. This is valuable information for understanding the interior life of family members, friends and of course, potential romantic partners.

But in daily life, the Moon sign is what you fall back on to restore your sense of emotional security. Its the little private habits that are comforting. For some this means reaching out socially, but for others this could mean retreating to a solitary corner of the mind. It also speaks volumes about how you handle your intimate life. Some Moons have a detached air, while others cast a welcoming luminescent glow.

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