I was flabbergasted after reading most of the books written by John Harricharan, Your Holiness the Dalai Lama, and Deepak Chopra. I also read many articles and watched TV shows about them.
I discovered our experience doesnt come only from this life we are living right now. You can have spent ten, twenty, thirty or forty years learning and guiding others in your field about things on which you are considered an expert.
However, sometimes an eight-, twelve- or fourteen-year-old child can express words of wisdom to which if we humbly pay attention, we can receive a big lesson in simple words to apply in our life and be successful.
Outstanding examples of evolved souls spreading their experience through words that confused and still confuse those adults who are not open-minded were the young Jesus of Nazareth and Siddhartha Gautama.
For the mainstream way of thinking, this could sound as though it were the remains of an old ideology. Even some modern spiritual Gurus trust in somebody who has a long resume of experience and big corporations recommending her or him.
These intuitive experts cant see the most important thing is your spiritual clearness.
Somebody with a couple of months or one or two years of experience in a certain field of knowledge and who has a clear mind can download a long-time experience from a past life.
As Joe Vitale suggests in his best-selling book Spiritual Marketing when he refers to a past experience with a woman ahead of him in line to attend a seminar,
If you are truly clear about your business, you dont even need business cards. Business just comes to you. Your inner spirit does your market.
He beautifully explains that sometimes, an event such as a seminar is already booked up before the publicity flyers are sent out.
As soon as a person is clear about what he really wants in life and it fits with her purpose for being here on earth, every kind of abundance comes into that life: health, wealth and happy relationships.
Wayne Dyer talks a lot about Satori in his writings, recordings and speeches. It is an instant awakening. Long years of training and meditation are not really necessary.
Dr. Dyers puts it this way, You are complete right now. You dont need anything else to succeed. Even a child is complete in the level he is right now.
Sonia Choquette in her workshops, especially the one called Trust your vibes, raises the spirit of the participants with a spiritual speech, music and songs, and by sharing her vibrating energy with them.
She very openly and clearly says, You dont need another seminar, another workshop, read another book. You are complete and perfect souls right now. Wake up. Do your job. Let your happiness out.
Jan Brogniez and Stacey Hall - authors of Attracting Perfect Customers and creators of the concept of Strategic Synchronicity are good examples as to the way clearness works to allow someone to become an overnight expert.
Jan explains, Its really not that we are in the magic business, its more that our process which is very strategic in nature, allows people to get very focused on what is perfect for them. And because of that clarity and focus they begin to attract things that seem to come with synchronicity. And they come with more frequency than when we are not clear and not focused.
Stacey continues:
Well, Ive got to share that the inspiration came from within ourselves. Yes it seems strange. Yes others have written about the Law of Attraction, which is the foundation that the strategic attraction process is built on. However, I have to admit I hadnt read anything about the Law of Attraction, and Jan only had a little bit of knowledge about it.
If we first go within, and are clear about what we want to provide, and stay true to that, then we will start to attract people, who want the same thing. That is the Law of Attraction.
It was only after that awareness that we would start to read what others were speaking about the same subject. People, like Wayne Dyer, Laura Day with Practical Intuition, Catherine Ponder in The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity.
Where it begins is by being clear about who you are and whats at your core first. Then youll know why youre doing what youre doing. And who it is you are meant to be serving.
This would be surprising even for some gurus, and sometimes hard for them to accept. As soon as an evolved soul starts serving and loving, a new expert appears to help the world.
Even if others senior gurus dont support her or him with their testimonials, the new guru will unstoppably share with humanity, collaterally creating abundance of health, wealth and happy relationships.
I am not scorning or denying gurus are helping us to grow spiritually. Many marketing gurus can help you increase your business.
The point is you cant give your power to them. When you are really clear about what you want in life, what you love to do, and what your purpose is for being on earth, just go ahead. Carol Tuttle, author of the best-selling book Remembering Wholeness: A Personal Handbook for Thriving in the 21st Century, says it beautifully, Let your life be the next miracle!
If your passion is to write a book, go for it. Even if gurus dont give you a testimonial, you will triumph. As Wayne Dyer suggests, dont be paralyzed by the way others evaluate your capacity.
Of course, this is not a message of rebellion. It is good to have a mentor. Many businesses have grown after hiring one or more consultants.
But if your learn to get clear about what you want and you feel really happy, go ahead without stopping, even if a modern guru evaluates you as going the wrong way. Its your passion, not theirs.
Take into consideration many modern gurus, even spiritual ones, give you only a beautiful testimonial and open support if you have been acting as a consultant to Coca-Cola for many years (more than ten at least.)
Never be disheartened by this. Send love out. Accept that everybody else acts according to the perfection synchronicity of the Universe and youll automatically attract everything and everybody you need to succeed.
Going back to Jan and Stacys case, early on when they stated her mission by including the phrase, generating communities in which millionaires are produced, neither one of them were millionaires.
However, because of their clearness that has become the normal outcome. As Stacey says, Many people came to play with us.
Joe Vitale says about these wonderful girls, When you lead from your heart, clients are attracted to you. Call it magnetic marketing, attraction marketing, or just easy marketing. It's pure wisdom. See what Dr. Vitale says, Pure wisdom. Beautiful!
Everything done, here there is a big lesson for all of us. If you learn to be happy, do what you love to do and whats your mission on earth, your true self will market for you.
Some gurus who doubted Jan and Staceys mission at the beginning now are willing to write testimonials for them.
Even Gurus still have some ego. Ego demands a very loaded background of marketing and data proofs to recommend somebody.
So, I advise you, the beginner, that you have just begun as a human being to discover your greatness. Your spirit is not a beginner. It already knew and knows everything about what happened, what is happening, and what is going to happen.
As gurus teach, lets remind ourselves that the only separate one is ego. All of us are the same sacred self. We are a universal mind and body, wholeness.
Lets support each other. Let us never be indifferent with others. Lets practice the Spiritual Marketing coined by Dr. Joe Vitale.
In this way, abundance will be manifested as a common trait for all human beings reflecting their spiritual beingness. Beingness is coexistence. Coexistence is timeless existence.
Go confidently in the direction of your dreams! Live the life you've imagined. - Henry David Thoreau. Yeah, learn to get clear. Love yourself and others.
There is one almighty awareness, thinking, compassionate awareness, of which you are from and of, infinitely kind, all knowing, all loving, distant as the furthest mote of dust in space, yet as near as the beating of your heart, here and there, before and after, always and forever. And when-so-ever you should call unto it, it answers you by name Michael Dooley.
You are a performer of miracles. http://www.tenpowerfulteachings.com
Copyright 2004 All Rights Reserved. By Pedro Avalos
Pedro Avalos, is a teacher by nature, is also writer and motivator. He has become very famous for his practical and revolutionary ecourse "How to Be Motivated for Success Every Moment of Your Life." This person has outstanding teaching credentials and many personal success stories-many people who contact him have had unbelievable results by applying these tips! Now he has summarized this course and all the experiences of more than 20 years helping people to be motivated every moment in his book TEN ENLIGHTENED TEACHINGS. http://www.tenpowerfulteachings.com.
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