Friday, May 1, 2009

Affirmations 101, FAQs - Why Do Affirmations Sometimes Not Work?

I will try to be gentle when I reveal why affirmations sometimes don't work. Are you ready?

It is you!

OK, that was not very gentle but I will explain. You are the reason why the affirmation won't work or more precisely your internal thought patterns.

If your internal thoughts about money don't jive with the above affirmation your internal mind will disregard the statement and basically reject it because it conflicts with what you really think.

If you think...

1. I can not create all the money I need because the economy is bad
2. I can not create all the money I need because there are no jobs
3. I need a bailout... I can not create all the money I need without gov't help
4. I don't have enough money my expenses are too high
5. I can't find any ways to create money
6. I can't create money I don't have a very good job

or about a million other dysfunctional things about money you may be conflicting with my affirmation.

So, if you read this affirmation about money and feel yourself saying "fat chance, or yeah right..." you probably don't think you are equipped to create all the money you will ever need....

If this is you admit it and decide right now that this issue is something you are committed to improve and work on.. how? Well with an affirmation of course!

"I am open to new ways of thinking about money and my relationship with money"

That seems easier doesn't it?

So if you can stomach this affirmation without thinking you are joking yourself use this one...

"I am enough. I came to this earth equipped to thrive and flourish."

If you really don't believe the above use this one....

"I am open to new ways of thinking about money and my relationship with money"

So what happens with this affirmation once I say it? You'll have to wait until next time to find out...

Say the affirmation to yourself just as you are falling asleep tonight and when you awake. Write the affirmation on the bathroom mirror or on your fridge. Try to say it to yourself at least 20 times per day over the next few days. Something will start to happen...

Copyright (c) Joan Pasay 2009. All rights reserved. You may forward this article in its entirety (including author bio/links) to anyone you wish.

Joan Pasay is just one of the Team, whose lives have been radically changed by the continued use of positive affirmations for money and in every area of life.

Want to enjoy more money? First change your money thoughts. Go to today.

Want to read Joan's affirmations blog? Go to right now.

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