Friday, May 15, 2009

How to Set Winning Goals and the Keys to Accomplishing Them!

To achieve true happiness and be complete you must first set goals for all areas of your life.

This includes your:


Relationship/ family




Material goods

When it comes to the task of setting goals its best if you first find a quiet room where you will receive no distractions so you can have a clear idea of what you really want. Don't be afraid to set big goals. If it's not challenging enough then you haven't set the bar high enough. You must also hold the BELIEF that you can make it happen.

Setting SMART goals

One really effective way of recording your goals is to use the SMART principle which stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Rewarding and Time-framed goals. It's most important that your goals are Specific for example stating " I have lost 10kg by 1st February 2009" as opposed to "I want to lose weight". You must come up with a way you can Measure or track your to make sure you are moving in the right direction. A great way to do this is to get yourself a food and exercise diary to record all your on a daily basis. "A" stands for Achievable which is a must because if the mountain is too high to climb, chances are you won't even leave base camp. It's also important to keep the Reward in mind or main reason the goals are important to you. It's a must are important YOU and not others. A classic example of this not working is when kids leave school and get pushed into a job that their parents or peers want them to do. Chances are that unless they have a passion for that profession they will not be successful. The last one is having a Time frame or deadline for the accomplishment of your goal. This creates urgency and the need for action steps to be taken.

When writing out you SMART goals write a statement as if has already happened. This is much more effective than saying "I would like to achieve_________ or" I hope this will happen". Use a present tense affirmation such as "I have lost 10kg and have reached my goal weight of _kg by 1st February 2009." By visualising the successful accomplishment this will trick your brain as it doesn't know the difference between reality and your DESIRE. Finally, put feeling and emotion into your goals. If it's a 9 or 10 out of 10 then it gives you the power to move heaven and earth to achieve it.

Once you have set your SMART goals then divide them all into a DO, DOING AND DONE columns for each category, Health, Relationship/ family, Career, Sport, Fun and Material goods. This will give you a clear vision of what you want to achieve in the short and long term.


Take Massive Action!

This is where a lot us break down. It's all very good to set a goal and come up with a plan however it's the doing that makes it a reality. Anyone who is successful in life is a doer consistently. To accomplish anything you need to take MASSIVE ACTION, step by step. Think of a mountain climber scaling Mt Everest. They wouldn't try to do it all at once would they? This requires months if not years of consistent training, hard work and discipline to condition themselves to the harsh environment, so harsh that if you or I would fly straight to base camp Mt. Everest we would die within 4 hours. Once they get there they have 4 camps to reach before tackling the treacherous summit. The same goes for your goals. It's the daily habits are the foundation for everything. To keep on top of this have an ACTION LIST consisting of "5 things that must be done today". Do not deviate from this list. Once you have done this you can then make a start on " 5 secondary things to be done today". This is a great tool to keep you on track.

Review Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly and Annually

Review is the most important word in the English language. You can't learn anything and move forward without taking a good hard look at it. Put some time aside to review t the end of your day, week, month, each quarter and each year. It's the most valuable appointment you can have because you can't learn anything and move forward without taking a good hard look at it. After the review comes the plan. The beauty of your goals is that they are dynamic and can change as you change. I believe weekly habits have the greatest ability to steer the ship. This along with your daily review is the most important. It's also important to put your goals somewhere you going to see them often. Perhaps on the fridge, front page of your daily planner or on the bathroom mirror. The more they can be burned into your brain the focused you will be.

Block time

This is one the most effective techniques you can use for accomplishment. It is as simple as placing an appointment in your diary to exercise, plan and prepare you meals as well as eat. You can do this with everything, especially the things that are important to you. If you can, make it the same time each week. What happens, you form a habit and it becomes part of your lifestyle.

Closing thoughts

Don't worry about the "how" but be flexible with the path

Focus on the destination

This requires COURAGE, HARD WORK and FAITH

When you have done your part and worked hard enough then everything will fall into place. Stay focused on what you want and the action steps required.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Chris Tuck is the owner a of company called Supreme Fitness Personal Training based in Brisbane, Australia. He has lost 12kgs in 10 weeks himself and now continues to help others to do the same. For more great information on how you can achieve your perfect body

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