Saturday, May 2, 2009

What Do You Mean You Don't Have the Time?

Concentration and staying focused are possibly the most difficult things to control. You are inundated daily with so many distractions. Open your mail box and a hundred 'Gurus' are offering their latest sure fire way of being successful. In no time at all one or two hours have drifted by and are gone forever.

No matter whether you have written goals or not, it is so easy to slip into the,'Just have a look at this one',mode and before you know it you do not have time to carry out the very thing you had originally set out to do.

You set off chasing your goals with such enthusiasm and vigour determined to spend a certain time each and every day making it or them come to fruition. Then life gets in the way. There are times even when you are knocked off track by a personal or family illness or emergency or an unexpected bill lands on our doormat.

Dont they just give you a great excuse as to why you didn't do this or that to bring your goals to completion? If only that hadn't happened, if only I had more time. Your goal lies on a piece of paper somewhere to appear again when you will have more time.

I will now let you into a secret, now I am hoping you will not broadcast this to everyone - Life gets in the way but the more successful individuals have developed techniques for keeping their focus on the goal DESPITE what is happening around them.

I had the experience last week of watching a Premiership Footballer in the UK playing with all the positive determination of a true professional, his fans were not aware that he had been woken at 2:00am that morning to learn of the sudden death of his younger brother in a car accident. Now that is focus.

On a lesser scale watch any true professional who can hold their concentration despite what may be happening around them. I well remember when I was learning to play golf. The guy I played with, played off scratch {if you do not play golf - that means he was good!}, as I started my back swing he would cough or noisily open a bag of crisps, carefully designed to put me off - well yes - but he also taught me to ignore what was happening around me and concentrate on my swing. So that my subconscious took over when I needed inspiration in negative circumstances.

Watch your son or daughter play a computer game and see the powerful force of concentration on their faces as they destroy the baddies. My son even at 19 yrs of age, when home from university, doesn't hear a vacuum cleaner or me come into his room when his concentration, set on his goal of saving the earth, is successful.

Listen to this - now look at your goals. Is your journey one of successful completion or do you drift from thing to thing, even to the extent that you do not make the goal at all!

There is a supreme secret in goal planning that will guarantee that you never drift off course, so that you will always have time to work on your goal achievement each and every day to accomplish all you commit to achieve. It is your choice, you are ready for success aren't you?

Ask yourself why do you drift off course, why do you fail to achieve your goal? The clue to achievement of all your goals is on this page. As Napoleon Hill said in his wonderful work; 'Think and Grow Rich', the secret to wealth is within the pages. He did not tell you what the secret was as he wanted you to discover it for yourself, that is a positive powerful form of leadership.

The secret to goal achievement is in this article, but you have to find it.

For when you do you will achieve everything you want in life.

Because of the pressures of daily living you may not have time to commit to do everything you WANT to do, but with focus you will have plenty of time to do everything you NEED to do. Goal setting is a simple formula of setting out what you want in life and making the decision to commit to achieving those goals. And once you know the SECRET you will have focus and power to achieve what you may have thought was impossible.

Do it now! That saying can affect every phase of your life. concentration is the key to success. It can help you do the things you should do but don't feel like doing. It can keep you from procrastinating when an unpleasant duty faces you. But it can also help you do those things that you want to do. It helps you seize those precious moments that, if lost, will never be retrieved.

The author of this article, David Dutch, has specialized in personal development work for over 25 years and has drawn on that experience to help hundreds of individuals from all walks of life achieve their life goals. You too can discover how to achieve your goals in his book The First Step but first discover how you can 'Create Tomorrows Reality' in his e-Book which is available FREE of Cost on the same link. Do it now while you are thinking about it. You have full permission to reprint this article provided this box is published unaltered.

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