In this article I want to share some stories with you and some tips that may help you clear a path towards greater happiness.
Just a quit note. The weather is still fairly nice yet there have been a few down pours and the weather is getting colder ( at least where I am living ) So first make sure you are ready for the rain and cold. Check your closets. More on that later on.
As a Professional Hypnotist I do my best to help my client that pay me for my services.
And as a Shaman, ( Native American alternative healing guide ) I often help people who are not actual clients. People that need help are not always clients.
I really enjoy nature and animals and just as I do my best to learn from my experiences and learn how to do things better...I also learn from other people and even from animals...
For instance, Squirrels always preplan and prepare.
So a few notes that you may find very useful over the next few months.
It is best to start NOW!
For instance, for my Success Coaching clients I help them to set things up now so that the winter months are planned out. Have your goals very clear and know what steps you can take now that will help you towards your more successful future.
For my Dating Coach clients I recommend adding online dating to what they are already doing. This is a good winter supplement to whatever other social interactions and experiences you are already enjoying. Starting a profile or tweaking your profile now can help you during
the colder months ahead.
A few weeks ago something interesting happened that illustrates some really important points that I want to share. It was a while back when there was a huge down pour of rain and I had already gotten myself more or less ready for the wet and cold season.
So while I was ducking into a local coffee shop to get a hot cup of coffee and use their restroom I saw someone that looked just like a friend. This is a friend that travels a LOT and we had been wanting to
catch up and grab a drink for a while. You know how things go and life with its complications, distractions, etc.
Anyway, the more you can clear up the clutter from your closets and
clear out the clutter from your life, the more you can make room for
what you really want in life.
So after enjoying my cup of coffee and going on to my next session I
saw some homeless person who was getting TOTALLY DRENCHED! so I gave
them my old rain jacket (I was carrying it with me in my bad just in case because I knew from the cloud formations that is was going to be a huge storm AND I had treated myself to some new stuff
because I had preplanned... )
A few days after that I donated an old yet very warm coat to a homeless organization that collects them. It felt good and also this was a coat
that had some "not so good memories for me" attached. This was a
really good way to make room and do something good for others, too.
So consider making 2 piles of your rain and winter coats and jackets.
PILE 1: KEEP the coats and jackets that fit you well and make you feel comfortable and look your best. Looking your best will make you more positive and this will make those around you more positive, too.
PILE 2 : Consider Donating those clothes you have not worn in a long time or those clothes that have "not so good memories for you"
attached to them. You will be able to clear out your closets, clear a path for more of what you want in your life AND also help those in need.
P.s. The guy was a look alike and after an awkward moment I said "You
have a twin" have a nice day.
P.p.s. I called my FRIEND and told him the story and we laughed about
it and met for that long awaited drink and caught up and gave each
other some advice on books, etc. it was really great!
Michael Twomey
Michael Twomey is a Success Coach and Professional Hypnotist in NYC. Through e books, recording, articles and personal sessions he helps many people to change their habits, beliefs and improve their lives. He lives with his beautiful, loving and talented wife, Maggie in New York.
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