Monday, May 18, 2009

How to Change Your Attitude in Difficult Times

Napoleon Hill's wise words are still powerful today, especially in this time of finance crisis and uncertainty. He believed your mental attitude is the most dependable key to your personality.

In his opinion, the view you have of yourself will be the indicator of how others perceive you. For example, if you are a positive, cheerful, happy-go-lucky type of person then your family, friends and colleagues will be attracted to your personality. People will like being in your company as you make them feel positive too.

On the other hand, if you are constantly unhappy, negative and are always complaining about life, others will start to keep their distance as you also make them feel unhappy. Have you noticed his happening lately? Have people started to avoid you?

The thing is, we are what we think about. So if you think about being depressed all day - then you'll end up depressed. But what if you started to change the way you think of your situation, and you made an effort to make the best of a bad job and genuinely look at things from a difference angle, then you'll fool your subconscious mind into believing this.

Strange as it may seem, your subconscious mind does not know the difference between an artificial emotion and the real thing. So if you start to think positively you'll fool yourself into behaving positively and this will have an influence in everyone around you - including yourself.

Why not try it for a few days... after all, you have nothing to lose.

And now I invite you to find out more about how you can move forward and enrich your life to follow your burning desire and achieve success by visiting

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