The law of attraction states that like attracts like and to focus on what you want to attract more of what you want. It also says to get yourself to have the same vibration as the thing you want. Well, if someone wanted to feel more energetic and motivated they would have to change their energy to one of motivation. Here is a technique to use with your thoughts to kick up your vibration a few notches.
Instead of thinking to yourself in your normal thinking voice, instead try to think a little faster. Speed up your thinking process and make decisions quicker. Keep doing this to see for how long you can keep it up for. As you are thinking faster, begin also to read faster. Let these words that you're pouring over right now be processed by you faster than usual. Now continue to read thesewords faster a bit faster so that your natural flow of thought or vibration of them can change. Speed read through this line and notice how your thoughts are travelling at a new speed. This new speed, this new energy that you've created in your mind,will instantly raise yourvibration and make you feel more energized.
When you are vibrating at a higher frequency you will feel a stronger more determined and focused energy swirling inside you.That feeling isyour internal dialresetting its course for your new deliberate intention. The more you can make that new vibrationyour natural vibration, the faster you can manifest your wants with the law of attraction.
The more you can focus on what you really want, the more you will be able to feel like it is a natural part of you. When you can really mix your feelings in with the feeling of that thing you want, like will attract like, and all your thoughts emotions and actions will pull you to what you want and vice versa.
Since everything is energy and like attracts like, you have to become like the thing you want to attract. That means more thoughts about it along with more feelings which will translate into inspired action. Your goals can come together much easier if you can have your vibration be a match to them since you all your energy will be focused on the obtainment of that goal or ideal life.
Devin Scannura is committed to helping others create their ideal lives with the law of attraction. Get a free copy of his ebook by clicking here =>
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