Saturday, May 2, 2009

Create a Goal Tending Solution in Your Company

Quarterly Objectives are one of the mainstays of the modern day corporation. After all, if the company hopes to deliver increased profits and maintain shareholder's equity, it's going to have to hit its financial targets and please the street consistently. There is no doubt about it goals in companies are paramount. But may I ask who in your company or corporation is doing the goal tending these days?

Documenting objectives at all levels and in all business units makes sense and your company ought to keep track of such goals and objectives in real time, along with the percentage of previous success achieved in each unit. This will help you with forecasting and you can use this "goal tending" strategy as a tool that individual managers and leaders in each business unit can use to help accomplish their objectives and streamline their flow of success.

Making the goals may seem like a lot of work each month, but achieving the goals is the hard part. Even more difficult is pacing your exploits in the market and the efficiencies within to make sure you are on track to accomplishing your objectives. If you get too far behind, you are sunk and if you go charging off ahead you are liable to come crashing back due to your failure to build that steady foundation; the foundation from which you will spring board the next set of goals and objectives.

Thus, each and every company needs to have a goal tender and someone who will help oversee all the objectives and goals on a timely basis for the CEO or corporate executives which have to make decisions. If not, it's all guesses and hunches and that will only get your company so far. Think on this.

Lance Winslow - Lance Winslow's Bio. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance;

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